Fans of the English language . .

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  • Размер: 3.1 Mегабайта
  • Количество слайдов: 8

Описание презентации Fans of the English language . . по слайдам

Fans of the English language. . Fans of the English language. .

It. It , , s nice to be important , , It. It , , sIt. It , , s nice to be important , , It. It , , s more important to be nice!

Fans of the English language. .  • We love to read We love to writeFans of the English language. . • We love to read We love to write And a lot we want to know We now show class We hope you do for us?

Gurgenourmost important! Gurgencaptain All of these wordstranslate To a victoryandwewill ……  Gurgenourmost important! Gurgencaptain All of these wordstranslate To a victoryandwewill ……

We love to teach English especially to translate it into Russian We love to teach English especially to translate it into Russian

What do we want to achieve? This is certainly a victory! What do we want to achieve? This is certainly a victory!

We love to learn , , We love to play And our task is not toWe love to learn , , We love to play And our task is not to lose

О ur team О ur team