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Alfred the Great (849 - 899) - King of Wessex, ruled 871 -899, respectively, the first of the kings of Wessex, who used in official documents of title of King of England. In the five years he has been anointed by Pope Leo IV on the board. King Alfred was after the death of his elder brother. With education at court, he knew the languages and writings of the ancients. When it was drawn up and the first general English code of laws. In addition, he created a regular police station, which operated throughout of England. The second half of his reign, he built a fortress, a city rebuilt monasteries and patron of agriculture. He also encouraged the scholarship, bringing to his educated people and encouraging them to work.
William Shakespeare Years of life: 1564 – 1616. William Shakespeare - English dramatist, poet and actor, one of the most famous playwrights of the world, the author of 16 comedies, 6 historical plays, 12 tragedies, the cycle of 4 poems and sonnets. He was an English poet and playwright, widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English language and the world's pre-eminent dramatist. Shakespeare was born and brought up in Stratfordupon-Avon. At the age of 18, he married Anne Hathaway, with whom he had three children: Susanna, and twins Hamnet and Judith. His plays remain highly popular today and are constantly studied, performed, and reinterpreted in diverse cultural and political contexts throughout the world.
Isaac Newton Years of life January 4, 1643 - March 31, 1727 - English physicist, mathematician and astronomer, one of the founders of classical physics. By the fundamental work "Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy, " in which he laid out the law of universal gravitation and three laws of mechanics, which became the basis of classical mechanics. Developed differential and integral calculus, theory of color and many other mathematical and physical theories.
James Cook October 27, 1728 February 14, 1779 - British Navy officer, explorer, cartographer, and a pioneer, a member of the Royal Society and captain of the Royal Navy. He headed three expeditions to study the oceans, all were circumnavigations. He made a kind of revolution in navigation, having learned to fight successfully against such a dangerous and widespread disease at the time, like scurvy.
Winston Churchill Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill, November 30, 1874, Woodstock - January 24, 1965, London) - British statesman and politician, prime minister of Great Britain in 1940 -1945 and 1951 -1955, a military journalist, writer and honorary member of the British Academy, Nobel Prize for Literature. According to a survey conducted in 2002 by BBC broadcaster BBC, has been named the greatest Briton in history.
Margaret Thatcher Margaret Hilda Thatcher, Baroness Thatcher, nee Roberts, October 13, 1925 - 71 the Prime Minister of Great Britain in the years 1979 -1990, the Baroness in 1992. The first and only woman who has been on this post, as well as the first woman prime minister of a European state. Thatcher is a life member of the House of Lords.
Victoria (May 24, 1819 - January 22, 1901) - Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland from 20 June 1837, Empress of India from May 1, 1876 the last of the Hanover dynasty on the throne of Great Britain. Victoria stayed on the throne more than 63 years - longer than any other British monarch. The Victorian era coincided with the industrial revolution and the period of greatest prosperity the British Empire. Her birthday is still celebrated as a holiday in Canada (usually the same day, May 24, is celebrated in Canada and the official birthday of the reigning monarch).
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