Famous explorers, travellers and writers Unit

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Описание презентации Famous explorers, travellers and writers Unit по слайдам

Famous explorers,  travellers and writers Famous explorers, travellers and writers

Unit 4 Lesson 1 explorer[ kɛ ` spl : rɔ ə  ] a person whoUnit 4 Lesson 1 explorer[ kɛ ` spl : rɔ ə ] a person who explores an unfamiliar area; an adventurer Исследователь

 writer[` r t ʌɪ ə ] a person who has written a particular text Писатель, writer[` r t ʌɪ ə ] a person who has written a particular text Писатель, автор

Silk Road[s lk r ud]ɪ ə An ancient caravan route linking Xian in central China withSilk Road[s lk r ud]ɪ ə An ancient caravan route linking Xian in central China with the eastern Mediterranean. It was established during the period of Roman rule in Europe. Древний караванный путь, связывающий Сиань в центральной части Китая с восточной частью Средиземного моря. Она была создана в период римского владычества в Европе.

 author[' : ɔ θ ]ə a writer of a book, article, or report Автор, писатель author[‘ : ɔ θ ]ə a writer of a book, article, or report Автор, писатель

 until[ n`til]ə up to До, до тех пор пока, не раньше until[ n`til]ə up to До, до тех пор пока, не раньше

 route[ru: t] a way or course taken in getting from a starting point to a route[ru: t] a way or course taken in getting from a starting point to a destination Путь, маршрут

 century['sen r ]ʧə ɪ a period of one hundred years Век, столетие century[‘sen r ]ʧə ɪ a period of one hundred years Век, столетие

 believe[b 'li: v]ɪ accept (something) as true; feel sure of the truth of Полагать, считать believe[b ‘li: v]ɪ accept (something) as true; feel sure of the truth of Полагать, считать

 expedition[eksp 'd n]ɪ ɪʃə a journey or voyage undertaken by a group of people with expedition[eksp ‘d n]ɪ ɪʃə a journey or voyage undertaken by a group of people with a particular purpose Экспедиция

 discover[d 'sk v ]ɪ ʌ ə find (something or someone) unexpectedly or in the course discover[d ‘sk v ]ɪ ʌ ə find (something or someone) unexpectedly or in the course of a search Открывать, обнаруживать, находить

 wonderful['w nd f l]ʌ ə ə extremely good; marvelous Замечательный, чудесный wonderful[‘w nd f l]ʌ ə ə extremely good; marvelous Замечательный, чудесный

 source[s : s]ɔ a place, person, or thing from which something comes or can be source[s : s]ɔ a place, person, or thing from which something comes or can be obtained Источник, первопричина, начало

 Lake Victoria [le k v k't : r ]ɪ ɪ ɔ ɪə is one of Lake Victoria [le k v k’t : r ]ɪ ɪ ɔ ɪə is one of the African Great Lakes

Unit 4 Lesson 2 Portuguese [ pɔtjʊɡiz ] the Romance language of Portugal and Brazil ПортугальскийUnit 4 Lesson 2 Portuguese [ pɔtjʊɡiz ] the Romance language of Portugal and Brazil Португальский

 Iran [ ɪrɑ: n ]  a country in the Middle East,  between the Iran [ ɪrɑ: n ] a country in the Middle East, between the Caspian Sea and the Persian Gulf Иран

 Turkey [ tə : ki ] a country located on the Anatolian peninsula in western Turkey [ tə : ki ] a country located on the Anatolian peninsula in western Asia Турция

Unit 4 Lesson 3 voyage [` vɔɪɪdʒ ] A long journey  involving  travel Unit 4 Lesson 3 voyage [` vɔɪɪdʒ ] A long journey involving travel by sea or in space Путешествие

 strange [ streɪndʒ ] U nusual or surprising in a way that is unsettling or strange [ streɪndʒ ] U nusual or surprising in a way that is unsettling or hard to understand Странный, необыкновенный, удивительный

 to share [ ʃɛ: ] H ave a portion of (something) with another or others to share [ ʃɛ: ] H ave a portion of (something) with another or others Делиться, разделять, делить

 captain [` kəptɪn ] The person in command of a ship Капитан captain [` kəptɪn ] The person in command of a ship Капитан

 cabin boy  [` kəbɪn bɔɪ ] A boy employed to wait on a ship's cabin boy [` kəbɪn bɔɪ ] A boy employed to wait on a ship’s officers or passengers Юнга

 beetle [` bi : təl ] An insect жук beetle [` bi : təl ] An insect жук

 Tropics [` trɒpɪk s  ] T ropical zone, torrid zone Тропики Tropics [` trɒpɪk s ] T ropical zone, torrid zone Тропики

 extremely [ ɪk ` stri: mli ] T o a very great degree Чрезвычайно, очень, extremely [ ɪk ` stri: mli ] T o a very great degree Чрезвычайно, очень, крайне

 seasickness [` si : sɪk n ə s] Naupathia Морская болезнь seasickness [` si : sɪk n ə s] Naupathia Морская болезнь

 octopus [` ɒktəpəs ] A cephalopod mollusk Осьминог octopus [` ɒktəpəs ] A cephalopod mollusk Осьминог

 brilliant  [` brɪljənt ] V ery bright and radiant Блестящий, сверкающий brilliant [` brɪljənt ] V ery bright and radiant Блестящий, сверкающий

 cowboys [` kaʊbɔɪ s] The men, typically on horseback Ковбои cowboys [` kaʊbɔɪ s] The men, typically on horseback Ковбои

 gaucho [` ɡaʊtʃəʊ ] A cowboy of the South American pampas Гаучо gaucho [` ɡaʊtʃəʊ ] A cowboy of the South American pampas Гаучо

 Argentina [` ɑ : dʒən ` ti : nə ] A republic occupying much of Argentina [` ɑ : dʒən ` ti : nə ] A republic occupying much of the southern part of South America Аргентина

 porpoise [` pɔ: pəs ] A small toothed whale with a low triangular dorsal fin porpoise [` pɔ: pəs ] A small toothed whale with a low triangular dorsal fin and a blunt rounded snout Небольшой зубчатый кит с низким треугольным спинным плавником и тупым закругленным рылом Бурый дельфин

 turtle [` tə : təl ] A freshwater reptile, typically having a flattened shell Пресноводная turtle [` tə : təl ] A freshwater reptile, typically having a flattened shell Пресноводная рептилия, как правило, имеющая сплюснутую оболочку Черепаха

 naturalist [` nətʃərəlɪst ] A person who practises naturalism in art or literature Натуралист naturalist [` nətʃərəlɪst ] A person who practises naturalism in art or literature Натуралист

 Dubai [du: 'baɪ] a member state of the United Arab Emirates Дубай Dubai [du: ‘baɪ] a member state of the United Arab Emirates Дубай

 seed[si: d] a flowering plant's unit of reproduction,  capable of developing into another such seed[si: d] a flowering plant’s unit of reproduction, capable of developing into another such plant семя, семечко