Family memory book School № 1 named after

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Family memory book School № 1 named after Hanzhin P. S. Form 2 V Danil SamoilovFamily memory book School № 1 named after Hanzhin P. S. Form 2 V Danil Samoilov

In my family there is rule- he died and to defend the Motherland! The 9 thIn my family there is rule- he died and to defend the Motherland! The 9 th of May is a special day for all Russian people. This is Victory Day. This is the day when the Great Patriotic War finished. Millions of Soviet soldiers died in this war. But they won and became heroes to every Russian person. I have relations who was in the War and sacrificed their lives for us. My great-grandfather Zaikin Konstantin Ivanovich, my great-grandfather Zaikin Anatoliy Konstantinovich and my great-grandfather Pigilov Alexander Semjonovich were participants in the war. Danil Samoilov

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Zaikin Konstantin Ivanovich was born in 1898 in Tetujshi Republic Tatarstan.  He has three children,Zaikin Konstantin Ivanovich was born in 1898 in Tetujshi Republic Tatarstan. He has three children, they are two sans and daughter. He was a blacksmith. He was a good person. But he could not work in the rear, when all went to the front. He was 40 when he went to the war. He took part in the blockade of Leningrad. He was buried in a mass grave in the Leningrad region.

Zaikin Anatoliy Konstantinovich (1927 – 1963) served in the Chita region, Olovyannikovsky area patrol 76 andZaikin Anatoliy Konstantinovich (1927 – 1963) served in the Chita region, Olovyannikovsky area patrol 76 and 79. He was a sergeant, a tanker. He is seen here in the first row, second from the right (with awards). Participated in the fighting against the Japanese imperialists for the Halkin-Gol. He was awarded the medal «For Victory over Japan», Jubilee Medal «XXX years of the Soviet Army and Navy, » badge «Guards», «Excellence in the Soviet Army. «

Pigilov Alexander S. (11. 03. 1926 -31. 01. 1992) was born in the village Zelenovka TetyushskogoPigilov Alexander S. (11. 03. 1926 -31. 01. 1992) was born in the village Zelenovka Tetyushskogo area. In the battles for the liberation of the Soviet Baltic region showed great skill and personal courage. He was commander of the department 948 Infantry Regiment on October 21, 1944 he was awarded the Order of Glory III degree and the Order of the Patriotic War I level. His department for conducting battles in the Baltic states has destroyed more than 20 enemy soldiers. October 8, 1944 after being wounded, did not leave the battlefield, but continued to skillfully command room and smash the enemy.

So, I think Victory day was and must remain the lightest holiday.  Our forefathers giveSo, I think Victory day was and must remain the lightest holiday. Our forefathers give us the opportunity to live under the peaceful sky now and we mustn`t forget about that. I`m proud of my great-grandfather. Thanks his and other simple soldiers daily feat of arms fascism was defeated! We bow our thanks the simple soldier, but the real hero!