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  • Количество слайдов: 12

Family Life © ORCA Education Limited 2004 and suppliers all rights reserved Revise and Family Life © ORCA Education Limited 2004 and suppliers all rights reserved Revise and Test

What is a family? A family may consist of: § mother, father, brother, sister, What is a family? A family may consist of: § mother, father, brother, sister, aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins, step parents, step brothers and sisters, half brothers and sisters. q 1. Which of these relatives might a child not be related to by birth? q © ORCA Education Limited 2004 and suppliers all rights reserved A Answers

Care of the child the list of 2. Complete q § § § § Care of the child the list of 2. Complete q § § § § § things provided by the family for the child: security and protection f……. warmth clothing e…………. guidance en……………. . chances to socialise l…. © ORCA Education Limited 2004 and suppliers all rights reserved A Answers

The Nuclear - two parent family q q q 3. What is a standard The Nuclear - two parent family q q q 3. What is a standard nuclear family? 4. Give two advantages of a nuclear family. 5. Give one disadvantage of this type of family. © ORCA Education Limited 2004 and suppliers all rights reserved A Answers

The Extended Family q q q A Answers 6. What is an extended family? The Extended Family q q q A Answers 6. What is an extended family? Lucy here in red is a very confident and outgoing child. She mixes easily and has learnt to play socially. 7. Why could this be due to living in an extended family? © ORCA Education Limited 2004 and suppliers all rights reserved

One Parent Families A Answers q q This lone mother brings up her daughter One Parent Families A Answers q q This lone mother brings up her daughter by herself. 8. She has a close relationship with her daughter but what problems might she have? © ORCA Education Limited 2004 and suppliers all rights reserved

Step Families q q q 9. What is a step family? 10. What problems Step Families q q q 9. What is a step family? 10. What problems can there be in step families? 11. What advantages would there be for the children? © ORCA Education Limited 2004 and suppliers all rights reserved A Answers

Foster families and adoption q 12. One young person in this picture is being Foster families and adoption q 12. One young person in this picture is being temporarily looked after by this family under an arrangement with the local authority. Is this fostering or adoption? © ORCA Education Limited 2004 and suppliers all rights reserved A Answers

Divorce q q Divorce or separation may mean that children spend some time with Divorce q q Divorce or separation may mean that children spend some time with one parent and some time with the other parent. 13. Why may divorce be distressing for the child? © ORCA Education Limited 2004 and suppliers all rights reserved A Answers

Marriage q q q The 2001 census shows a changing pattern of families in Marriage q q q The 2001 census shows a changing pattern of families in the UK. Choose the correct figures from the choices below. 14. Married couples make up ( 30% / 50% / 75%) of the population. 15. (9. 6% / 14. 5% / 23%) of families with children have a lone parent adult. 16. (30% / 60% / 90%) of lone parent families are headed by a woman. © ORCA Education Limited 2004 and suppliers all rights reserved A Answers

The changing roles within the family q q q A Answers In the last The changing roles within the family q q q A Answers In the last 50 years the roles of the mother and father have changed In a “traditional” family, the father went to work and the mother stayed at home looking after the children and house. It was unlikely that the father ever changed a nappy! 17. Give one reason why more Fathers may now care for children. © ORCA Education Limited 2004 and suppliers all rights reserved

Suggested Answers q q q q 1. Aunts or uncles (one will be by Suggested Answers q q q q 1. Aunts or uncles (one will be by marriage) step parents, step brothers and step sisters. 2. Food, shelter, education, encouragement, love. 3. Two parents and their children. 4. Parents share the caring, care is consistent, close relationships form, family get a higher income. 5. Less help from others, less chances to socialise. 6. An extended family is when grandparents aunts, uncles and cousins may live in the same home or close by. 7. She has more chances to play with other children. She learns from more people around her. 8. It is tiring, working is difficult, the family has less money, she may feel trapped. © ORCA Education Limited 2004 and suppliers all rights reserved q q q q q Return 9. When partners bring children from a previous relationship to a family. 10. Rivalry, competition for attention. 11. Better socialising skills and the support of a large family. 12. Fostering. 13. The child may be unsettled by spending time with each parent. The child may feel like a go between trying to improve the relationship of their parents or feeling responsible. 14. 50% 15. 9. 6% 16. 90% 17. Changing attitudes, both partners have access to work, fathers can take paternity leave…