- Количество слайдов: 7
Family - Familia Haydee Beckles Panama
Familia - Family La familia es un rompecabezas: todas las piezas deben encajar Family is like a puzzle Each part needs to be assembled
• Mi relacion con mi familia siempre ha sido buena: mi mama sabia que yo no podia terminar rapido lo que ella me pediera: • Cocinar. Limpiar la casa, ir de compras My relationship with my family was always good. My mother always knew that I could not finish quickly all the things that she gave me to do like cooking, cleaning the house or going shopping
My Papa -My Father Mi papa fue un maestro y siempre me enseno que yo podia llegar hasta donde yo quisiera: mi discapacidad no era un impedimento • My father was a teacher and he always taught me that I can do whatever I want to: • My disability did not have to be an impairment
Me Enseno –He Taught Me • • Me enseno: A reir y no a llorar Que podia hacerlo Que yo valia y era igual a los demas He taught me To laugh and not to cry I can do that That I have value and I am equal to others
Papa - Father Ahora mi papa ha muerto , no esta conmigo pero yo no estoy sola lo que el me enseno sigue conmigo I know my father is dead, he is not with me but I am not alone because all the things he taught me belongs to me
Yo soy - Today • Yo soy hoy el resultado de lo que me mi familia me dio y me sigue dando Today I am all that my family gave to me and they still give to me