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faculty of economics and business operations MSc Technology and Operations Management 16 -04 -2013 | 1 Newcastle and Groningen Dual Masters in Operations Management April 17, 2013
faculty of economics and business operations MSc Technology and Operations Management 16 -04 -2013 | 2 Newcastle and Groningen Dual Masters in Operations Management From the University of Groningen: Programme director: Prof. dr. I. F. A. Vis Programme coordinator: Dr. J. A. C. (Jos) Bokhorst, j. a. c. bokhorst@rug. nl, +31 50 363 4693 Administrative coordinator: Nicole van de Beek, n. van. de. beek@rug. nl, +31 50 363 3921 Websites: http: //www. rug. nl/masters/ddm-operations-management/ http: //www. ncl. ac. uk/postgraduate/courses/degree/dualaward-operations-management-newcastle-groningen
faculty of economics and business operations MSc Technology and Operations Management 16 -04 -2013 | 3 Contents 1. Welcome and introduction 2. Contents of programme 3. Dissertation / thesis 4. Application and selection 5. Studying abroad: practical tips 6. Experiences 7. Discussion & Questions
faculty of economics and business operations MSc Technology and Operations Management 16 -04 -2013 | 4 What is a ‘Double Degree’? › A Double Degree (Dual) Master programme is a joint curriculum developed by partner universities that leads to the award of two accredited, internationally recognised Master’s degree certificates › You can graduate with two Master degrees in less time than it would normally take to acquire both degrees separately › Agreement is reached between partners to recognise module credits earned at the ‘host’ institution as part of the ‘home’ degree
faculty of economics and business operations MSc Technology and Operations Management 16 -04 -2013 | 5 Newcastle and Groningen Dual Masters in Operations Management • • Partner: Newcastle University Business School (NUBS) Duration / study load: 3 semesters / 90 EC ü ü ü Semester 1: NUBS (Sept 2013 – Feb 2014) Semester 2: RUG (Feb 2014 -July 2014) Semester 3: NUBS/RUG (August 2014 – Feb 2015) Two degrees: › MSc Technology and Operations Management (Groningen) › MSc Operations & Supply Chain Management (Newcastle) Tuition fees 2013 - 2014 EU students € 6. 500, - for the 18 -month DD programme Non-EU students € 19. 000, - for the 18 -month DD programme
faculty of economics and business operations MSc Technology and Operations Management 16 -04 -2013 | 6 Why apply for a Double Degree? ‘Added value’ for you › Opportunity to earn two degrees from two different institutions in two different countries › Exposure to different education / research environment › Chance to understand own discipline in other context › Cross-cultural immersion / linguistic skills › Opportunity to expand international social network › Excellent preparation for global job market
faculty of economics and business operations MSc Technology and Operations Management 16 -04 -2013 | 7 Aim of the programme › To provide a study of operations management in different business environments and cultural contexts. › To produce graduates with the necessary specialist knowledge and skills appropriate to pursue careers in operations management, technology management, supply chain management, general management or consulting. › To produce graduates able to understand, explain and apply an integrated approach to operations management as a means of improving organisational performance. › To develop transferable skills including report writing, personal and interpersonal skills, presentation skills, group working skills and an appreciation of working in a multicultural environment. › To develop advanced research skills, the ability to critically evaluate and utilise current research, and to make an immediate contribution to organisations and research community
faculty of economics and business operations MSc Technology and Operations Management 16 -04 -2013 | 8 Courses in Newcastle › Operations Management (10 ECTS) http: //www. ncl. ac. uk/postgraduate/modules/module/NBS 8221/ › Purchasing and supply chain management (10 ECTS) http: //www. ncl. ac. uk/postgraduate/modules/module/NBS 8118/ › Performance and Decision Management (5 ECTS) http: //www. ncl. ac. uk/postgraduate/modules/module/NBS 8224/ › Technology Change and Innovation Policy (5 ECTS) http: //www. ncl. ac. uk/postgraduate/modules/module/NBS 8214/
faculty of economics and business operations MSc Technology and Operations Management 16 -04 -2013 | 9 Courses in Groningen Course period EC Asset Management Product & Service Development Process Improvement & Quality Control Inventory Management 5 5 2. 2 Behavioural OM Research Methods for TOM 5 5 2. 2; 1. 1 -2 Thesis 30 2. 1 For more info, see: http: //www. rug. nl/ocasys/rug/vak/showpos? opleiding=5412
faculty of economics and business operations MSc Technology and Operations Management 16 -04 -2013 | 10 Core courses & key issues Asset Management › Obtain and apply knowledge related to the phases in the asset life cycle: investment decision, design, usage & maintenance, performance monitoring, asset information systems, spare parts logistics and end-of-life management
faculty of economics and business operations MSc Technology and Operations Management 16 -04 -2013 | 11 Core courses & key issues Product & Service Development › Develop a product and/or service concept in conjunction with a company, in a team under time pressure: convert an idea into a prototype › Synthesise business, technical and organisational requirements of product/service developments
faculty of economics and business operations MSc Technology and Operations Management 16 -04 -2013 | 12 Core courses & key issues Behavioural Operations Management › Understand the effects of behavioural variables (such as cognitive limitations and effects of team work) on Operations Management decisions. Setup your own behavioural experiments: formulate hypotheses, collect data (e. g. laboratory experiments, interviews), analyse results and draw conclusions.
faculty of economics and business operations MSc Technology and Operations Management 16 -04 -2013 | 13 Teaching methods › Lectures, (computer) practicals, tutorials, assignments: working individually and in teams › Research and management skills › Some courses have a multidisciplinary inflow of students: Dual Masters in Operations Management MSc Supply Chain Management MSc Technology and Operations Management MSc Industrial Engineering and Management
faculty of economics and business operations MSc Technology and Operations Management 16 -04 -2013 | 14 Master’s thesis
faculty of economics and business operations MSc Technology and Operations Management 16 -04 -2013 | 15 With your master’s thesis › You will complete your MSc study › You will give proof of your academic ability › You have the opportunity to produce an academic piece of work in the field of OM and to explore this area in depth › You will demonstrate and report in a systematic, objective and verifiable way, on the knowledge you have acquired and contributions you made in line with academic research
faculty of economics and business operations MSc Technology and Operations Management 16 -04 -2013 | 16 Main characteristics › Course with a fixed start and end › The Master’s Thesis is divided in two parts: 1. Writing a clear research proposal in Groningen 2. Actually undertaking the research in Groningen or Newcastle › Groningen projects are related to research themes and specific (teams of) researchers in the department of Operations (staff formulates themes and projects) › Newcastle project topics are based on discussion between students and supervisors
faculty of economics and business operations MSc Technology and Operations Management 16 -04 -2013 | 17 Examples of research themes Research theme examples (Groningen module) • Quick response supply chain • Lean and IT • Asset management • Sustainability
faculty of economics and business operations MSc Technology and Operations Management 16 -04 -2013 | 18 Module subscription (1) › Staff from both universities are involved in the supervision of Dual Award dissertations. › In the first semester § supervisors from Groningen will formulate initial research themes with one or more research projects § supervisors from Newcastle will discuss possible research topics with you
faculty of economics and business operations MSc Technology and Operations Management 16 -04 -2013 | 19 Module subscription (2) › You will be asked to indicate your preference. Note that in most cases, the location of your project will be the country of your lead supervisor (due to e. g. an in company project). › After the final allocation, you will subscribe to the Newcastle dissertation module if your lead supervisor is a member of staff from Newcastle University, and to the Groningen dissertation module if your lead supervisor is a member of staff from the University of Groningen.
faculty of economics and business operations MSc Technology and Operations Management 16 -04 -2013 | 20 Guidance (1) › Each student will be allocated two supervisors, one from each institution. During the research proposal module in Groningen (April – June) you will write your research proposal. In this module you get guidance from the research proposal coordinator and from your supervisors. › The official period of supervision begins in September. It is expected that during the summer months you will independently work on developing your dissertation project, building on the feedback received on your research proposal.
faculty of economics and business operations MSc Technology and Operations Management 16 -04 -2013 | 21 Guidance (2) › If you subscribed to the Newcastle module, you will have to follow the Newcastle Dissertation Guidelines for semester III and you will be marked accordingly. › If you subscribed to the Groningen module, you will have to follow the Groningen student’s guide for semester III and you will be marked accordingly.
faculty of economics and business operations MSc Technology and Operations Management 16 -04 -2013 | 22 Time schedule DD in OM › Start Master thesis: in 2. 2 (14 April 2014) › Delivery research proposal: 6 June 2014 › Assessment research proposal: 13 June 2014 › Delivery final thesis report: 1 December 2014 › Assessment final report: January 2015 › Plan thesis defense (Groningen module)
faculty of economics and business operations MSc Technology and Operations Management 16 -04 -2013 | 23 Admission requirements › For RUG Students: Students already registered in an undergraduate programme at RUG that grants direct admission to the MSc TOM programme should submit their applications via the double degree programme coordinator before 15 May › Other students: All other students need to apply with Newcastle University Business School (http: //www. ncl. ac. uk/postgraduate/apply/form/)
faculty of economics and business operations MSc Technology and Operations Management 16 -04 -2013 | 24 Direct access › › › › BSc. Technologiemanagement BSc. Industrial Engineering & Management BSc. Bedrijfskunde BSc. Bedrijfseconomie BSc. International Business BSc. Economics and Business BSc. Econometrics and Operations Research http: //www. rug. nl/masters/technology-and-operations-management/
faculty of economics and business operations MSc Technology and Operations Management 16 -04 -2013 | 25 Application for Ru. G students 1. writing a motivation letter; 2. providing a copy of your university marks (results); 3. indicating that you completed your undergraduate programme or providing evidence that it will be completed before the double degree programme starts 4. showing proficiency in mathematics and English through a listing of the grades on relevant courses. j. a. c. bokhorst@rug. nl
faculty of economics and business operations MSc Technology and Operations Management 16 -04 -2013 | 26 Studying abroad: practical tips › › Scholarships Visa Insurance Other tips
faculty of economics and business operations MSc Technology and Operations Management 16 -04 -2013 | 27 Scholarships › DD students will not receive Erasmus or Marco Polo scholarship › Beursopener: www. wilweg. nl (e. g. GUF around 400 euro, Friesland, etc. ) › Reimbursement of Public-transport pass (OV card) – note that you don’t need to deregister www. ib-groep. nl
faculty of economics and business operations MSc Technology and Operations Management 16 -04 -2013 | 28 Visa › Non-EU students need to arrange a visa for UK › For getting a visa you might need - an acceptance letter (from guest University) - a nomination letter (ask at Student Support Desk. Inform them about the exact dates of the semester abroad)
faculty of economics and business operations MSc Technology and Operations Management 16 -04 -2013 | 29 Insurances › Check your health insurance (valid if longer than 3 months abroad? !) § EU students should ask their insurance company for a European Health Insurance Card › Special check: § Check your Party Liability (WA) insurance § Repatriation § Life insurance § Travel insurance
faculty of economics and business operations MSc Technology and Operations Management 16 -04 -2013 | 30 Other tips › For UK you don’t need a residence permit › Costs: housing about 350 -450 euro p/month – living expenses higher than in the Netherlands › Stay registered at the Town Hall (GBA) anywhere in the Netherlands – otherwise problem with your tuition fee
faculty of economics and business operations MSc Technology and Operations Management 16 -04 -2013 | 31 Other questions? Opening Hours Student Support Desk Plaza Monday Tuesday- Friday Wednesday 10. 00 – 17. 00 09. 00 – 17. 00 13. 00 – 17. 00 http: //www. rug. nl/feb/education/support/
faculty of economics and business operations MSc Technology and Operations Management 16 -04 -2013 | 32 Expectations & Experiences current students › › › Why Newcastle? Educational system Housing Additional costs Tips …
faculty of economics and business operations MSc Technology and Operations Management 16 -04 -2013 | 33 Discussion & Questions
faculty of economics and business operations MSc Technology and Operations Management 16 -04 -2013 | 34 September inflow February inflow sem Double degree inflow Operations Management Purchasing and supply chain management sem Operations Modelling and Simulation Facility Design and Planning Operations Management and Control 1. 1 Behavioural Operations Management Research Methods for TOM Healthcare Operations Managerial Decision Making and Control 1. 2 Operations Management in Process Industry Strategic Management & Technology Planning and Scheduling Methods 1. 2 Asset Management Inventory Management Process Improvement and Quality Control Product & Service Development Purchasing 2. 1 2. 1 Master's Thesis TOM 2. 1 -2 sem Operations Modelling and Simulation Facility Design and Planning Operations Management and Control 1. 1 Master's Thesis TOM 1 1 Performance and Decision Management 1. 1 -2 Asset Management Inventory Management Process Improvement and Quality Control Product & Service Development Purchasing 2. 1 2. 1 Behavioural Operations Management Research Methods for TOM Service Operations Innovation & Entrepreneurship 2. 2 1 Technology Change & Technology Policy 1 Asset Management Inventory Management Process Improvement and Quality Control Product & Service Development 2. 1 Behavioural Operations Management Research Methods for TOM Master's Thesis TOM-DD Newcastle 2. 2 2. 1 2. 2 -1. 2