Facts about the stomach.pptx
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Facts about the stomach
The human stomach • Stomach — a hollow muscular organ of the digestive tract lies between the esophagus and duodenum. • The volume of the empty stomach is about 0. 5 liters. After meal it is usually stretched to 1 liter, but may be increased up to 4 liters. • Dimensions of the stomach varies depending on the body type and degree of filling. Moderately filled stomach has a length of 24 -26 cm, the greatest distance between the large and small curvature not exceed 10 -12 cm and the front and rear walls are separated from each other by 9. 8 cm length Y empty stomach — 18 -20 cm, and the distance between the large and small curvature — 7 -8 cm.
The development of stomach • Stomach develops from the anterior part of the trunk of the foregut. • At 5 -6 week there is a differentiation of the intestinal tube. • At 7 -8 week foregut in the stomach area (caudal end) rotates. • On 9 -10 week differentiated gastric tissue. • And by the end of 3 months - the stomach is formed.
Anatomical characteristics • The topography of the stomach: The stomach is located from top to bottom, left to right, back to front. • Skeletopy stomach: cardiac department level VII left rib; the bottom of the stomach on cartilage level V rib on the left; gastric body between the bottom of the stomach and pyloric; pyloric department at the level of Th 12 -L 1 vertebra right.
Anatomical characteristics • Syntopy stomach (For stomach prilezhat ): front - left lobe of the liver; rear, left, top - the spleen; behind - the pancreas; bottom - jejunal loop. • Golotopiya stomach: Covered on all sides by peritoneum (intraperitoneal), projected in the epigastrium (regio epigastrica).
Anatomical characteristics • The structure of the stomach: the front wall of the stomach; the rear wall of the stomach; the small curvature of the stomach; the greater curvature of the stomach.
Histological characteristics • The wall of the stomach is formed by four shells: mucosa, submucosa, muscular and serous: Mucosa To the relief of the mucous membrane of the stomach characterized by longitudinal folds, fields, dimples. It consists of three layers: epithelial, muscle and its own records.
Submucosa Founded loose connective Tanju with a plurality of elastic fibers, which are located in large vessels and submucosal plexus. It participates in the formation of gastric folds. The muscular coat Founded by three thick layers of smooth muscle tissue: the inner oblique, middle circular and outer longitudinal. Serosa Founded mesothelium layer and the underlying connective tissue.
Gastric physiology • Gastric mucosal glands secrete gastric juice containing digestive enzymes pepsin, chymosin, and lipase, as well as hydrochloric acid and other substances. Gastric juice breaks down proteins and fats in part, it has a bactericidal effect.
Stomach functions • 1. accumulation of food mass, its machining and promotion in the intestine; • 2. chemical processing food mass via gastric juice containing enzymes (pepsin, chymosin, lipases) and hydrochloric acid; • 3. Castle factor secretion, promotes the absorption of vitamin B 12 from food; • 4. absorption of a number of substances (water, salt, sugar, etc. ); • 5. excretory;
• 6. Protective (bactericidal) - by hydrochloric acid; • 7. Endocrine - production of a number of hormones and bioactive substances (gastrin, motilin, somatostatin, histamine, serotonin, substance P and others. ). .
The process of digestion • Due to the muscular layer of the stomach mixes the food and gastric juice to form chyme - a liquid slurry which is removed in portions from the stomach through the pyloric canal. • Depending on the consistency of food received, it is retained in the stomach from 20 minutes to 6 hours. • Additionally, gastric aspirates wall carbohydrates, ethanol, water, and some salt.
Literature 1. Привес М. Г. , Лысенков Н. К. Анатомия человека. — 11 -е переработанное и дополненное. — Гиппократ. — 704 с. — 5000 экз. — ISBN 5 -8232 -0192 -3. 2. Афанасьев Ю. И. , Юрина Н. А. Гистология, цитология и эмбриология. — 5 -е переработанное и дополненное. — М. : Медицина, 2002. — 744 с. — 10 000 экз. — ISBN 5 -225 -04523 -5. 3. Быков В. Л. Частная гистология человека. (Краткий обзорный курс). Учебник. — СПб. : СОТИС, 1999. — 304 с. — ISBN 5 -85503 -116 -0 4. Сапин М. Р. , Билич Г. Л. Анатомия человека: учебник в 3 т. — М. : ГЭОТАР-Медиа, 2008. — Том 2. — 496 с. : ил. ISBN 978 -5 -9704 -0602 -1 (т. 2)
The end. Thank you for attention) .
Alia, happy Birthday to You!!!.
Facts about the stomach.pptx