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Factorial Mixture of Gaussians and the Marginal Independence Model Ricardo Silva silva@statslab. cam. ac. uk Joint work-in-progress with Zoubin Ghahramani
Goal • To model sparse distributions subject to marginal independence constraints
Why? X 1 Y 2 X 2 Y 3 Y 4 Y 5
Why? X 1 X 2 X 3 Y 1 Y 2 Y 3 H 12 H 23
How? X 1 X 2 X 3 Y 1 Y 2 Y 3
Context • Yi = fi(X, Y) + Ei, where Ei is an error term • E is not a vector of independent variables • Assumed: sparse structure of marginally dependent/independent variables • Goal: estimating E-like distributions
Why not latent variable models? • • Requires further decisions How many latents? Which children? Silly when marginal structure is sparse In the Bayesian case: – Drag down MCMC methods with (sometimes much) extra autocorrelation – Requires priors over parameters that you didn’t even care in the first place • (Note: this talk is not about Bayesian inference)
Bi-directed models: The story so far • Gaussian models – Maximum likelihood (Drton and Richardson, 2003) – Bayesian inference (Silva and Ghahramani, 2006, 2008) • Binary models – Maximum likelihood (Drton and Richardson, 2008)
New model: mixture of Gaussians • Latent variables: mixture indicators – Assumed #levels is decided somewhere else • No “real” latent variables
Caveat emptor • I think you should buy this, but be warned that speed of computation is not the primary concern of this talk
Simple? C Y 1 Y 2 Y 3 Y 1, Y 2, Y 3 jointly Gaussian with sparse covariance matrix c indexed by C
Not really C Y 1 Y 2 Y 3
Required: a factorial mixture of Gaussians c 2 c 3 c 1
A parameterization under latent variables Assume Z variables are zero-mean Gaussians, C variables are binary
A parameterization under latent variables
Implied indexing ij should be indexed only by those cliques containing both Yi and Yj
Implied indexing i should be indexed only by those cliques containing Yi
Factorial mixture of Gaussians and the marginal independence model • The general case for all latent structures • Constraints: in the indexing whenever c and c’ agree on clique indicators in the intersection of the cliques with Yi and Yj
Factorial mixture of Gaussians and the marginal independence model • The parameter pool (besides mixture probs. ): – { c[i]}, the mean vector – { iic[i]}, the variance vector – { ijc[ij]}, the covariance vector • For Yi and Yj linked in the bi-directed graph (since covariance is zero otherwise): marginal independence constraints • Given c, we assemble the corresponding mean and covariance
Size of the parameter space • Let L[i j] be the size of the largest clique intersection, L[i] largest clique • Let k be the maximum number of values any mixture indicator can take • Let p be the number of variables, e the number of edges in bi-directed graph • Total number of parameters: O(ek. L[i j] + pk. L[i])
Size of the parameter space • Notice this is not a simple function of sparseness: – Dependence on the number of clique intersections – Non-sparse models can have few cliques • In decomposable models, number of clique intersections is given by the branch factor of the junction tree
Maximum likelihood estimation • An EM framework
Maximum likelihood estimation • An EM framework
Algorithms • First, solving the exact problem (exponential in the number of cliques) • Constraints – Positive definite constraints – Marginal independence constraints • Gradient-based methods – Moving in all dimensions quite unstable • Violates constraints – Move over a subset while keeping part fixed
Iterative conditional fitting: Gaussian case See Drton and Richardson (2003) Choose some Yi Fix the covariance of Yi Fit the covariance of Yi with Yi, and its variance • Marginal independence constraints introduced directly • •
Iterative conditional fitting: Gaussian case b 13 1 Y 2 Y 3 b 3 3 Y 1 Y 3 b 23 Y 2 b 2 2 12 b 3 = 3, 12 11 b 13+ 12 b 23 = 0 11 12 12 22 b 13 b 23 = 31 32 = b 13 = f(b 23 , 12) 0 32
Iterative conditional fitting: Gaussian case 3 Y 1 Y 2 Y 3 Y 1 R 2. 1 Y 2 Y 3 b 23 Y 3 = b 23 R 2. 1 + 3, where R 2. 1 is the residual of the regression of Y 2 on Y 1
How does it change in the mixture of Gaussians case? Y 1 C 12 Y 1 Y 3 Y 2 Y 1 C 23 Y 2 C 12 Y 3 Y 1 Y 3 Y 2 C 23 Y 2 Y 3
Parameter expansion • Yi = b 1 c. R 1 + b 2 c. R 2 +. . . + c • c does vary over all mixture indicators • That is, we create an exponential number of parameters – Exponential in the number of cliques • Where do the constraints go?
Parameter constraints • Equality constraints are back b 1 c R 1 jc + b 2 c R 2 jc +. . . + bkc Rkjc = b 1 c’ R 1 jc’ + b 2 c’ R 2 jc’ +. . . + bkc’ Rkjc’ • Similar constraints for the variances
Parameter constraints • Variances of c , c, have to be positive • Positive definiteness for all c is then guaranteed (Schur’s complement)
Constrained EM • Maximize expected conditional of Yi given everybody else subjected to – An exponential number of constraints – An exponential number of parameters – Box constraints on gamma • What does this buy us?
Removing parameters • Covariance equality constraints are linear b 1 c R 1 jc + b 2 c R 2 jc +. . . + bkc Rkjc = b 1 c’ R 1 jc’ + b 2 c’ R 2 jc’ +. . . + bkc’ Rkjc’ • Even a naive approach can work: – Choose a basis for b (e. g. , one bijc corresponding to each non-zero ijc[ij]) – Basis is of tractable size (under sparseness) – Rewrite EM function as a function of basis only
Quadratic constraints • Equality of variances introduce quadratic constraints tying s and bs • Proposed solution: – fix all iic[i] first – fit bijs with such fixed parameters • Inequality constraints, non-convex optimization – Then fit s given b – Number of parameters back to tractable • Always an exponential number of constraints • Note: reparameterization also takes an exponential number of steps
Relaxed optimization • Optimization still expensive. What to do? • Relaxed approach: fit bs ignoring variance equalities – Fix , fit b – Quadratic program, linear equality constraints • I just solve it in closed formula – s end up inconsistent • Project them back to solution space without changing b – always possible • May decrease expected log-likelihood – Fit given bs • Nonlinear programming, trivial constraints
Recap • Iterative conditional fitting: maximize expected conditional log-likelihood • Transform to other parameter space – Exact algorithm: quadratic inequality constraints “instead” of SD ones – Relaxed algorithm: no constraints • No constraints?
Approximations • Taking expectations is expensive what to do? • Standard approximations use a ``nice’’ ’(c) – E. g. , mean-field methods • Not enough!
A simple approach • The Budgeted Variational Approximation • As simple as it gets: maximize a variational bound forcing most combinations of c to give a zero value to ’(c) – Up to a pre-fixed budget • How to choose which values? • This guarantees positive-definitess only of those (c) with non-zero conditionals ’(c) – For predictions, project matrices first into PD cone
Under construction • Implementation and evaluation of algorithms – (Lesson #1: never, use MATLAB quadratic programming methods) • Control for overfitting – Regularization terms • The first non-Gaussian directed graphical model fully closed under marginalization?
Under construction: Bayesian methods • Prior: product of experts for covariance and variance entries (times a BIG indicator function) • MCMC method: a M-H proposal based on the relaxed fitting algorithm – Is that going to work well? • Problem is “doubly-intractable” – Not because of a partition function, but because of constraints – Are there any analogues to methods such as Murray/Ghahramani/Mc. Kay’s?
Thank You