Скачать презентацию Factor demand s Rs R Factor services P Скачать презентацию Factor demand s Rs R Factor services P


  • Количество слайдов: 11

Factor demand s Rs R Factor services P Goods supply S Factor market Factor Factor demand s Rs R Factor services P Goods supply S Factor market Factor supply Pf D O Qf Q Goods market Pg D O Factor services Rs S Q Qg Goods HOUSEHOLDS Rs P Goods FIRMS Goods demand

Wage W 1 Backward-bending labor supply curve. Income effect dominates x Substitution effect dominates Wage W 1 Backward-bending labor supply curve. Income effect dominates x Substitution effect dominates O H 1 Hours worked

Output x Dim ini sh ing ret urn s MPPL O Q of Labor Output x Dim ini sh ing ret urn s MPPL O Q of Labor

Rs. Firm’s demand curve x W 1 W = MCL X MC 4 MC Rs. Firm’s demand curve x W 1 W = MCL X MC 4 MC 3 MC 2 MCL MC 0 MRPL = VMPL O Q 4 Q 3 Q 2 Q 1 Q 0 Q of Labor

Rs. Surplus for firm W = MCL W 1 Wages O Q 0 MRPL Rs. Surplus for firm W = MCL W 1 Wages O Q 0 MRPL = VMPL Q 1 QL

Rs. Z W 1`` W 1 ` W = MCL Y X VMPL MRPL Rs. Z W 1`` W 1 ` W = MCL Y X VMPL MRPL O Q 1 ` Q 2 QL

Discounting • Rate of discount = 10% • The formula for discounting is as Discounting • Rate of discount = 10% • The formula for discounting is as follows: Xi PV = Σ i (1+ r) i where PV is present value Xi is earnings from the investment in the year i r is the rate of discount Σ is the sum over i, of the discounted earnings. i

Present value of machine that generates Rs. 1, 000 for four years and then Present value of machine that generates Rs. 1, 000 for four years and then sold as scrap for Rs. 1, 000 at the end of year 4? Year 2 Year 1 = 1, 000 1. 1 = 909 1 + 1, 000 1. 1 + 826 2 Year 3 + 1, 000 1. 1 + 751 3 Year 4 + 2, 000 1. 1 + 4 1366 = Rs. 3852 If machine costs less than this then Buy, otherwise don’t Buy. Net present value = PV – Purchase cost

A typical information product Online economics course Q TC MC AC 50 50, 000 A typical information product Online economics course Q TC MC AC 50 50, 000 100 50, 000 150 50, 000 200 50, 000 250 50, 000 300 50, 000 0 0 500 330 250 200 166

A typical information product Profit or loss TC = 300 x 175 = 52, A typical information product Profit or loss TC = 300 x 175 = 52, 500 Costs TR = 250 x 175 = 43, 750 Loss = 50 x 175 =87, 50 AC D MR Output

Costs Can information be profitable? Yes! If the demand curve can be moved. AC Costs Can information be profitable? Yes! If the demand curve can be moved. AC D Output O MR