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facebook Wall Photos Flair Boxes George Washington is preparing to Nationalize the PA Militia Wall Info Photos Boxes Write something… Share View photos of GW (5) George Washington is preparing to nationalize the PA Militia Send GW a message August 3, 1794 Poke message John Adams to George Washington Are you going to be in Philly long? If Information so the Governor of Pennsylvania wants to meet. Networks: Philadelphia, New York City Birthday: Feb. 22, 1732 Political: N/A Religion: Episcopal Hometown: Mt. Vernon, VA July 18, 1794 George Washington I can’t believe I had to actually Lay the cornerstone of the new Capital myself. That thing was Heavy! Sept. 18, 1793 George Washington I would like to remind everyone that we are not going to go to war in Europe. That is their business. We have to much on our plates to get involved May 28, 1793 Friends Alexander Hamilton to George Washington The New Bank is open for business. I hope it helps us secure the money to pay back our loans from May 23, 1791 Alex John TJ George Washington I am happy to serve as the President under what appears to be the most well thought, and democratic of governments ever created. April 4, 1789 Martha Marquis Knox Logout
facebook Wall Photos Flair Boxes John F. Kennedy George Washington is preparing to Nationalize the PA Militia Wall Info Photos Boxes Basic Information View photos of GW (5) Send GW a message Poke message Networks: Sex: Birthday: Hometown: Relationship Status: Political Views: Religious Views: Philadelphia, New York City Male Feb. 22, 1732 Mt. Vernon, VA Married to Martha Washington N/A Episcopal Personal Information Activities: Information Networks: Philadelphia Birthday: Feb. 22, 1732 Political: N/A Religion: Episcopal Hometown: Mt. Vernon, VA Commanding the Army, making peace within the Country, Setting all of the precedents for Future Presidents Interests: Riding Horses, Knitting Favorite Music: Harpsicord Favorite Movies: 1776 Favorite TV Shows: AE Biography Favorite Books: Common Sense, The Second Treatise of Governemnt Contact Information Photos 2 Albums Address: The Family Updated last Tuesday Presidents House Updated two months ago 1435 Market St, Philadelphia, PA Phone Number: N/A Logout
facebook Wall Photos Flair Boxes George Washington is preparing to Nationalize the PA Militia Wall Info Photos of Washington Photos Boxes 7 Photos Washington’s Albums 2 Photo Alums The Family 5 photos The Presidents house 5 photos Profile Pictures 1 photo John F. Kennedy Logout
Timeline of George Washington's Life • • • • • • • • • • • 1732 (February 22) Born in Westmoreland County, Virginia 1749 Official Surveyor for Culpeper County, Virginia 1751 Washington goes to Barbados 1753 Major Washington carried British ultimatium to the French in the Ohio River Valley 1754 Colonel Washington surrendered Fort Necessity in the French and Indian War 1755 (July 9) Colonel Washington was with General Edward Braddock when ambushed by the French and Indians. 755 -1758 Colonel Washington commanded Virginia's frontier troops. 1759 (January 6) Married Mrs. Martha Dandridge Custis 1774 Elected delegate to the First Continental Congress 1775 Elected delegate to the Second Continental Congress 1775 (June 15) Elected Commander in Chief of the Continental Army 1776 (July 4) The Declaration of Independence was signed by the Continental Congress. 1781 (October 19) Victory at Yorktown 1787 (May 25) Elected President of the Constitutional Convention 1789 Elected first President of the United States - the United States flag had 13 stars 1789 (June 1) Washington signed the first act of Congress concerning the administration of oaths. 1789 Congress established the Department of Foreign Affairs (now the Department of State) 1789 North Carolina becomes a state. 1789 -1799 The French Revolution ended absolute monarchy in France. 1790 Washington approved plans for the U. S. Capitol. 1790 The first national census took place - 3, 929, 214 people were counted over a period of nine months. 1790 Rhode Island becomes a state. 1791 (December 15, 1791) The Bill of Rights became law. The first 10 amendments to the Constitution of the United States guarantee basic liberties to Americans. 1791 The Cabinet held its first recorded meeting. 1791 Congress chartered the Bank of the United States. 1791 Congress established the District of Columbia. 1791 Vermont becomes a state. 1792 Congress established a national mint. 1792 Rival national political parties began developing in the United States. 1792 Kentucky becomes a state. 1793 Re-elected President of the United States 1793 (April 22) Washington issued the Neutrality Proclamation to keep the United States out of the war between France and Great Britain. 1793 (September 18) Washington laid the cornerstone of the U. S. Capitol in Washington, D. C. 1793 The cotton gin was invented. Led to mass production and increase of slave labor. 1794 The Whisky Rebellion brought the first test of Federal power. Washington sent troops to crush an uprising by Pennsylvania farmers who refused to pay a federal whisky tax. 1795 Washington signed the unpopular Jay Treaty to maintain trade with Great Britain. 1796 Tennessee becomes a state. 1796 Published his Farewell Address, refusing a third term. 1797 U. S. population was 4, 900, 000 in 1797 when Washington retired. 1797 The French Army under Napoleon drove the Austrians from Italy. 1798 (July 4) Commissioned Lieutenant General and Commander in Chief of the new United States Army 1799 (Dec 14) Died at Mount Vernon at the age of 67