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Extreme Grammaring Development of an industrial strength ISO VDM-SL Grammar Extreme Grammaring Development of an industrial strength ISO VDM-SL Grammar

Introduction Need of building a parser for VDM from a VDMSL grammar (Voo. Doo. Introduction Need of building a parser for VDM from a VDMSL grammar (Voo. Doo. M project) Although parsing is a subset of a well studied area like compilers, grammars were always looked upon as the “ugly duckling”. Solution: Extreme Programming + Engineering of Grammars = Extreme Grammaring

Background l VDM: l l l Vienna Development Method (VDM) is one of the Background l VDM: l l l Vienna Development Method (VDM) is one of the most mature formal methods Primarily intended formal specification and development of functional aspects of software systems. The importance of a VDM-SL Grammar: l l Documentation Build a parser (metric generators, language generators, . . . )

Starting point l Previous work l l l VDM-SL grammar in Happy + Alex Starting point l Previous work l l l VDM-SL grammar in Happy + Alex Some problems State of Art (Hacking v. s. Engineering) l l Grammar was encoded directly Difficult to maintain/change (300 rules) Lack of tool support. . .

Principles of Grammar Engineering Introduced by Lämmel in “Towards an engineering discipline for grammaware” Principles of Grammar Engineering Introduced by Lämmel in “Towards an engineering discipline for grammaware” 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Start from specifications - base-line grammar Implement by customization - technology, implementation Separate concerns - modularization Enable evolution - minimize impact of changes Ensure quality - metrics, correctness Automate - traceability and scalability

Extreme Programming 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Extreme Programming 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. The Planning Game - scope, priorities, technical estimates Small Releases - very short release cycle Metaphor - shared story Simple Design - remove complexity when found Testing - continuous unit testing, test-first design Refactoring - restructure without functionality changes Pair Programming - two programmers one machine Collective Ownership - change each others code (anytime) Continuous Integration - build and test 40 -Hour Week - work more = produce less On-Site Customer - user in team Coding Standards - no irrelevant personal preferences

Extreme Grammaring 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Extreme Grammaring 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. The Planning Game - scope, priorities, technical estimates Small Releases - very short release cycle Metaphor - shared story Simple Design - remove complexity when found Testing - continuous unit testing, test-first design Refactoring - restructure without functionality changes Pair Programming - two programmers one machine Collective Ownership - change each others code (anytime) Continuous Integration - build and test 40 -Hour Week - work more = produce less On-Site Customer - user in team Coding Standards - no irrelevant personal preferences

The Planning Game Scope l l Follow strictly the ISO VDM-SL grammar spec Priorities The Planning Game Scope l l Follow strictly the ISO VDM-SL grammar spec Priorities l 1. 2. 3. Disambiguate types Disambiguate full grammar Tree construction Technical estimates l l Not defined. . .

Small Releases l Programmed releases (completed): l l 0. 0. 1 - Grammar typed Small Releases l Programmed releases (completed): l l 0. 0. 1 - Grammar typed from standard 0. 0. 2 - Disambiguated grammar 0. 0. 3 - AST construction Future Releases l l 1. 0 - Haskell front-end (finished - 29 -12 -2004) 2. 0 - Java front-end

Testing l White box l l l Structural testing Full visibility into how system Testing l White box l l l Structural testing Full visibility into how system works Black box l l Functional or behavioral testing Only the interface with exterior is available

Grammar Unit Testing l Unit test l l Different types of unit tests: l Grammar Unit Testing l Unit test l l Different types of unit tests: l l l Test a single method, function, etc. . . Parsing (succeeds, fails) Well-formness of the tree Test suite l Combination of all unit test

Test Coverage l Rule coverage l l Introduced by Purdon (1971) Explores all rules Test Coverage l Rule coverage l l Introduced by Purdon (1971) Explores all rules of a grammar Simple measure but doesn’t cover all cases Context-dependent rule coverage l l l Introduced by Lämmel in “Grammar Testing” Generalization of the above in which the context is taken in account No known implementations

Test Coverage Metrics version KP KPr S RSa RSm RC 0. 0. 1 0. Test Coverage Metrics version KP KPr S RSa RSm RC 0. 0. 1 0. 0. 2 0. 0. 3 1005 946 900 815 2753 2278 3396 3518 2 2 2 17 17 17 52% 54% 55% l l l KP - Kernel Productions KPr - Kernel Priorities S - States RSa - Rule Size average RSm - Rule Size maximum RC - Rule Coverage Percentage

Test Coverage Metrics (2) version l expressions functiontypes All 0. 0. 1 0. 0. Test Coverage Metrics (2) version l expressions functiontypes All 0. 0. 1 0. 0. 2 0. 0. 3 l Generics 52% 51% 50% 0% 24% 25% 0% 6% 5% 52% 54% 56% Although the “Generics” test-suite does not change the coverage gets lower (Injections, total nr rules) The “expressions” and “functiontypes” were only added in 0. 0. 2 version.

Refactoring l Semantic preserving transformations l l Study made by Lämmel in “Grammar Adaptation” Refactoring l Semantic preserving transformations l l Study made by Lämmel in “Grammar Adaptation” Operators: l l l preserve - replace a phrase by an equivalent fold - replace for its definition unfold - extract definition introduce - introduction of non-terminals eliminate - elimination of non-terminals rename - renaming non-terminals

Continuous Integration l l The integration test suite is a set of generic real Continuous Integration l l The integration test suite is a set of generic real world examples Only 52% coverage l l l Examples are difficult to find Most of the examples use language extensions Examples: l l Found on internet Used a pre-processor for extracting code from literal programs.

Code Standards l l Nothing found about the subject The following can be applied: Code Standards l l Nothing found about the subject The following can be applied: l l l l Limiting the number of children in a rule Limiting the number of alternatives in a rule Prefer some sort of constructs than other Convention for the non-terminal names Convention for syntax specification Limit module size. . .

Supporting the Methodology SDF - Syntax Definition Formalism l Purely declarative l Very expressive Supporting the Methodology SDF - Syntax Definition Formalism l Purely declarative l Very expressive with natural and concise syntax l Modular structure l Supported by Scannerless Generalized LR Parsing l l l Supports compositional grammars Allows parsing with ambiguities (allows earlier testing) Disambiguation is separated from the grammar using priority and associative rules

SDF - Technology l Parsing l l Testing l l tree 2 graph, graph SDF - Technology l Parsing l l Testing l l tree 2 graph, graph 2 dot Transformation l l test-unit, ambtracker, Sdf. Coverage Tree visualization l l sdf 2 table, sglr trm 2 baf, implode. PT Haskell Generation l Sdf 2 Haskell (AST, Pretty Printer)

Setting up the bases l l Hard copy of the ISO VDM-SL standard (ISO/IEC Setting up the bases l l Hard copy of the ISO VDM-SL standard (ISO/IEC 13817 -1) Initial test suite l l l Real world examples (loc: 1970) Exercises from Formal Methods course (loc: 507) Software: l l l CVS to keep track of all changes parse-unit (sdf unit testing tool) Sdf 2 software bundle (sdf 2 table, sglr) Sdf. Coverage Starndard unix tools (text editor, make, . . . )

Development cycle Initial grammar Correction 1. 2. Correct grammar rules Correct test suite Disambiguation Development cycle Initial grammar Correction 1. 2. Correct grammar rules Correct test suite Disambiguation 3. 1. 2. Add filters Change grammar shape Steps 2 and 3 should make heavy use of testing

Grammar correction Isolate problem 1. l l Source location Grammar rules involved Correct grammar Grammar correction Isolate problem 1. l l Source location Grammar rules involved Correct grammar 2. l l l Change syntax (test suite) Run to verify test succeeds Run entire test battery Commit Change 3. l Document change in message

Grammar Disambiguation Isolate problem 1. l l Source location Grammar rules involved Create unit Grammar Disambiguation Isolate problem 1. l l Source location Grammar rules involved Create unit test 2. l l Captures error Run to guarantee this Correct grammar 3. l l l Add disambiguation filter (change syntax) Run to verify unit test succeeds Run entire test battery Commit Change 4. l Document change in message

Grammar Metrics l Simple metrics l l l Total Number of Terminals (AVG per Grammar Metrics l Simple metrics l l l Total Number of Terminals (AVG per rule) Total Number of Non-terminals (AVG per rule) Complex metrics l Introduced by Malloy in “A metrics suite for grammar-base software” l l l Mc. Cabe Cyclomatic complexity Halstead Effort. . .

Problems found l l ISO Document has ambiguities in its specification Syntax l Expressions: Problems found l l ISO Document has ambiguities in its specification Syntax l Expressions: l l l Equals. Definition l l Apply v. s. Record. Constructor Apply v. s. Is. Def. Type. Expr Call. Statement v. s. Expression Lexical l Quotes are allowed in strings and in characters

Future plans l Short-term (VDM parser “clients”): l l l Voo. Doo. M Formal Future plans l Short-term (VDM parser “clients”): l l l Voo. Doo. M Formal methods projects MCZ Objectifier Camila revival? Long-term l Topic open for discussion. . .

What’s next? l Test set completion (fill the rest 44%) l l l Analyze What’s next? l Test set completion (fill the rest 44%) l l l Analyze the rules that were not covered l l l Test generation Add examples manually Try to find pathologies Compute Grammar Metrics Test the methodology developing other grammars.

Conclusion l l Work was completed in only 3 weeks A complete grammar of Conclusion l l Work was completed in only 3 weeks A complete grammar of the ISO VDM-SL is for the first time public available (parser) A strong methodology for grammar developing was defined Grammar testing were put to practice l l Different types of tests Test coverage

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