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Extra Care Housing Strategy By Alex Newton Commissioning Officer
Defining Extra Care “Purpose built accommodation in which varying amounts of care and support can be offered and where some facilities and services are shared” (Department of Health Oct 2006)
Objectives of Strategy o o o Vision and framework of extra care in Lincolnshire Provide choice – housing and care Design & develop schemes that provide options – lifestyle, accommodation, size, tenure o o Partnership working Older People’s participation
Strategic Context o Putting People First (Dec 2007) o Lifetime homes, lifetime neighbourhoods (Feb 2008) o Lincolnshire Supporting People Strategy o District Housing Strategies
Local Drivers for Change ¡ Demographics – ¡ Housing Market – increased demand dominantly rented sheltered housing ¡ Supporting People – older people services strategic review of
Framework for extra care ¡ Care and Support – balanced community, safe, person centred ¡ Allocation process ¡ Scheme design ¡ Resources – – rooms, standards, facilities Land/existing stock, capital, revenue ¡ Scope of partners – isolation can not be developed in
Existing and Proposed Extra Care Scheme name Location District Council Housing Organisation Flats/Bungalows Status Elizabeth Court Louth East Lindsey New Linx Housing 40 Operational Reverend Bill Baker Court Sutton-on. Sea East Lindsey Anchor Trust 36 Operational Olsen Court Lincoln City Lace Housing 38 Operational Eslaforde Gardens Sleaford North Kesteven District Council 12 Operational Worth Court Bourne South Kesteven Lace Housing 34 Operational Olsen Court (Phase 2) Lincoln City Lace Housing 9 Operational February 2009 Olsen Court (Phase 3) Lincoln City Lace Housing 21 Operational April 2009 Broadfield House Boston Borough Boston Mayflower & ASC 40 Commence September 2010 Springfield Park Grantham South Kesteven LACE Housing 48 Commence June 2010
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