EXPRESSIVE MEANS The expressive means of a language are those phonetic, morphological, word building, lexical, phraseological and syntactical forms which exist in language as a system for the purpose of logical and emotional intensification of the utterance. For example: “Well it will only add fuel to the fire”. (lexical level)
STYLISTICS DEVICES SD is a conscious and intentional intensification of some typical structural and semantic property of a language unit (neutral or expressive) promoted to a generalized status and thus becoming a generative model. For example: “The night has swallowed him up”. (contextual)
LEXICAL EM AND SD (FIGURES OF SPEECH) Metaphor (метафора); Simile (сравнение); Metonymy (метонимия); Zeugma (зевгма, каламбур); Oxymoron (оксюморон); Hyperbole and litotes; Epithet (эпитет); Periphrases (перифраза); Antonomasia (антономасия, переименования); Euphemisms (эвфемизм); allegory (аллегория) and Personification (олицетворение); Allusion (аллюзия); Irony; Rhetorical questions.
SYNTACTICAL EM AND SD Repetition (повтор); Chiasmus (хиазм); Climax (градация) and Anticlimax; Stylistic inversion, Ellipsis, Asyndeton (бессоюзие); Polysyndeton (многосоюзие); Antithesis (противопоставление); Suspense (замедление); A Break in the Narration (умолчание); Represented Speech (несобственнаяпрямая речь).
PHONETIC EM AND DEVICES Alliteration (аллитерация); Assonance (ассонанс); Onomatopoeia (звукоподражание); The Use of Rhythm and Rhyme in Versification (стихосложение); Types of Stanza (типы строф, строфика)