Скачать презентацию Expressionism Most famous expressionists in painting A Скачать презентацию Expressionism Most famous expressionists in painting A


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Expressionism Most famous expressionists in painting Expressionism Most famous expressionists in painting

A bit about the genre Expressionism was a modern art genre, what was born A bit about the genre Expressionism was a modern art genre, what was born in Germany at the beginning of the XX century and reached the highest popularity after First World War, in Germany and Austria. The most famous expressionists are Edward Munch, Oskar Kokoschka and Max Beckmann. They used themes of death and pain, which was overcrowded the period of World War, in their art. Heinrich Ehmsen

Edward Munch was Norwegian painter, who made huge impact on expressionism in the first Edward Munch was Norwegian painter, who made huge impact on expressionism in the first half of XX century. He was made a lot of copies of his painting, such as “Scream” or “Madonna”. Some people say that he suffering from a mental disorder, which is reflected in “Scream” and “Anxiety”. Edward Munch “Anxiety”

Edward Munch “Golgotha” Edward Munch “Golgotha”

Edward Munch “The murderer” Edward Munch “The murderer”

“The Scream of Nature”, or simply “ Scream” is a most famous Munch’s painting, “The Scream of Nature”, or simply “ Scream” is a most famous Munch’s painting, which created in four versions. Orange sky is an effect of volcanic eruption of Krakatoa, say some researches. Maybe. Also, a lot of people say that “Scream” is a “Mona Lisa of our time”.

Oskar Kokoschka was an Austrian painter, who was famous at the times of Weimar Oskar Kokoschka was an Austrian painter, who was famous at the times of Weimar Republic. He was deemed “degenerate” by the Nazis, but continued to work in spite of everything. His most famous artworks are “The Tempest” (or “The Bridge of the wind”) and “Crucifixion” (or “Golgotha”). Oskar Kokoschka “Self-Portrait”

Oskar Kokoschka “The Tempest” Oskar Kokoschka “The Tempest”

Oskar Kokoschka “Crucifixion” Oskar Kokoschka “Crucifixion”

Max Beckmann was a German painter, who was most popular in the period of Max Beckmann was a German painter, who was most popular in the period of Weimar Republic. He used satire in his art, showing uncertainty period of the republic and brutality of the Nazi regime. Max Beckmann “Self-Portrait”

Max Beckmann “Titanic” Max Beckmann “Titanic”

Max Beckmann “Night” Max Beckmann “Night”

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