- Размер: 1.2 Mегабайта
- Количество слайдов: 50
Описание презентации EXPRESSING FUTURE TIME Part 2 LARISA School of по слайдам
11 -1 May / Might vs. will 11 -2 Maybe (one word) vs. may be (two words) 11 -3 Futuretimeclauseswith before , after , and when 11 -4 Clauseswith if 11 -5 Expressinghabitualpresentwithtimeclauses… 11 -6 Using what +aformof do CONTENTS
3 It may rain tomorrow. MAY / MIGHT vs. WILL
4(a)It may rain . possibilityinthe May + verb futuretomorrow MAY / MIGHT vs. WILL
5(a)It may rain (b)Zoe may be atschool possibilityinthe May + verb future ortomorrow . now. present MAY / MIGHT vs. WILL
6(a)It may rain (b)Zoe may be atschool tomorrow. now. (c)It might rain tomorrow. (d)Zoe might be atschool now. may = might MAY / MIGHT vs. WILL
7(a)It (b)Zoeatschool tomorrow. now. (c)It tomorrow. (d)Zoeatschool now. may rain = might rainmay rain may be might rain might be MAY / MIGHT vs. WILL
8(a)It (b)Zoeatschool tomorrow. now. (c)It tomorrow. (d)Zoeatschool now. may be = might bemay rain may be might rain might be MAY / MIGHT vs. WILL
9(e)Mr. Lee will be atworktomorrow. (f)Theresa may / might be atthepartytonight. speakerdoesn’t may / might be know speakerfeels will be sure MAY / MIGHT vs. WILL
10(f)Theresa may be atthepartytonight. (a) Theresa may / might not be atthe partytonight. may / might + not may be may not be might not be NEGATIVE similar meaning MAY / MIGHT vs. WILL
11 Theresa may will be at the party tonight. Theresa might will be at the party tonight. ? ? MAY / MIGHT vs. WILL
12 Iwillbe 35 yearsoldon. Monday. notsure. Let’s. Practice ?
13 Adriannamightbeatmyparty. notsure ? Let’s. Practice
14 Shemightgoto. Hong. Kongon. Monday. Yungwon’tbeattheparty. notsure ? Let’s. Practice
15 MAYBE (ONEWORD)vs. MAY BE (TWOWORDS) Maybe he will be in our class.
16(b) Maybe he willbe inourclass. adverb S V(a)“Willhebeinourclass? ” “ Idon’tknow. Maybe he will be inourclass, and maybe he won’t. ” Maybe =possibility. MAYBE (ONEWORD)vs. MAY BE (TWOWORDS)
17(c) He may be inourclass. VS (b) Maybe he willbe inourclass. adverb S V maybe +subject+verb (oneword) may be =verb (twowords)MAYBE (ONEWORD)vs. MAY BE (TWOWORDS)
18 maybe adverbmay be verb. MAYBE (ONEWORD)vs. MAY BE (TWOWORDS)
19 It______funtogorafting. maybe may be. Let’s. Practice
20 Rafting______expensive. maybe may be. Let’s. Practice
21 ______wehaveenoughmoney togorafting. Maybe maybe may be. Let’s. Practice
22 Theweather______badtonight. ______wewillhavebadweather. Maybe maybe may be. Let’s. Practice
23 Before Kiara goes home today, she will do her homework. FUTURETIMECLAUSESWITH BEFORE, AFTER, AND WHEN
24(a) Before Kiara goes home today, shewilldoherhomework. SIMPLEPRESENT future time clauses(a) Before Kiara goes home today , shewilldoherhomework. Before Kiara will go home today, she will do her homework. Before Kiara is going to go home today, she will do her homework. ? ? in. FUTURETIMECLAUSESWITH BEFORE, AFTER, AND WHEN
25(b)Kiaraisgoingtogohometoday afuturetimeclauseafter she does her homework. FUTURETIMECLAUSESWITH BEFORE, AFTER, AND WHEN
26 When I turn 21 next year afuturetimeclause , I’mgoing toget married. (c) FUTURETIMECLAUSESWITH BEFORE, AFTER, AND WHEN
27 I’mgoingtogoplayoutside after. Ieatanothercookie. time clause ? Let’s. Practice
28 , I’mgoing tobuyascarfatthestore. time clause Before. Igohome ? Let’s. Practice
29 I’mgoingtobeadoctor after. Ifinishmedicalschool. time clause ? Let’s. Practice
30 If you cut the carrots, I’ll make the soup. CLAUSESWITH I
31 If you cut the carrots , (b)I’llmakethesoup if — clause I’llmakethesoup. (a) mainclause if you cut the carrots. mainclause if — clause , main clausemain clause if — clause. CLAUSESWITH I
32(d) If we don’t have class tomorrow , I’llgoskiing. I’mgoingtogoonvacation. if -clause(c) mainclause. If I have enough money , mainclauseif -clause SIMPLEPRESENT in if -clauses futuretime. CLAUSESWITH I
33 Ifshe____us, we____her house. pays willclean pay clean. Let’s. Practice
34 She____greatfoodif she_______thatchef. marries willeat marry. Let’s. Practice
35 If. Jacob______tospeak. Italian, he_______to. Italy. learns isgoingtomove willmove learn move. Let’s. Practice
37 (a) FUTURE (b) HABITUAL PRESENT simplepresent — in the time clause After. Meg does herhomework (everyday), shealways plays thepiano. simplepresent — in both clauses. After. Meg does herhomework, she will play thepiano. EXPRESSINGHABITUALPRESENTWITHTIME CLAUSESAND IF -CLAUSES
38 (c) FUTURE (d) HABITUAL PRESENT simplepresent — in the time clause Ifit snows , I go skiing. simplepresent — in both clauses. Ifit snows tomorrow, I am going to go skiing. EXPRESSINGHABITUALPRESENTWITHTIME CLAUSESAND IF -CLAUSES
39 After. Jeff____tothegrocerystore, heis______dinner. goingtocook goes go cook. Let’s. Practice
40 Healways____tothegrocerystore, beforehe______dinner. cooksgoes go cook. Let’s. Practice
41 Ifit__sunny, she______sunglasses. wearsis be wear. Let’s. Practice
42 What does he do every day? USING WHAT +AFORMOF DO
43(a) What does he do everyday ? (b) What is he doing rightnow ? He works inahospitaleveryday. He is working inahospital. What + about activities. PRESENT aform of do. USING WHAT +AFORMOF DO
44(c) What does he do ? He is a doctor. What do you do ? = What is your job ? PRESENTUSING WHAT +AFORMOF DO
45(d) What did she do yesterday? She flew to Alaska. PASTUSING WHAT +AFORMOF DO
46(e) What are you going to do nextweek? I ’m going to paint my bedroom. FUTUREUSING WHAT +AFORMOF DO
47(f) What will we do ifthelightsgoout? We ’ll use candles. FUTUREUSING WHAT +AFORMOF DO
48 They_____on. Saturdays. What_____on. Saturdays? dotheydo they do golf playgolf. Let’s. Practice
49 They_____next. Saturday. What_____next. Saturday? willtheydo they do golf play willplaygolf. Let’s. Practice
50 He_____. What_______do? (job) doeshe do doctor isadoctor. Let’s. Practice