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Exporting Procedures Tennessee Department of Agriculture Anni Self Exporting Procedures Tennessee Department of Agriculture Anni Self

United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) n Plant Protection and Quarantine (PPQ) is the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) n Plant Protection and Quarantine (PPQ) is the unit within the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) that assists exporters in meeting the import requirements of foreign countries

United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) n n Does not require phytosanitary export certification United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) n n Does not require phytosanitary export certification The receiving country requires the phytosanitary export certification

The Export Summary Each country has different requirements which are listed on a database The Export Summary Each country has different requirements which are listed on a database called the Export Summary

The Export Summary Export summaries are prepared from n translations of plant quarantine regulations The Export Summary Export summaries are prepared from n translations of plant quarantine regulations n official instructions n other information provided by officials in foreign countries

EXCERPT n n n Export summaries are compiled into a database called Excerpt provides EXCERPT n n n Export summaries are compiled into a database called Excerpt provides the most recent information on other countries’ import requirements Export Certification Project EXCERPT)

Wood to China n n n n EXCERPT - Product Requirements PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF Wood to China n n n n EXCERPT - Product Requirements PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA LAST UPDATED: February 1, 2006 QUERCUS SPP. -----(Oak) For all commodities to all countries, ACOs should review requirements in Product Requirements and all categories in General Information WOOD (INCLUDING LOGS) ----plant part---WITHOUT BARK ----sub part--Phytosanitary certificate (PC) is required. Additional declaration that, "Logs inthis shipment are without bark. "

Lumber to China n LUMBER ----topic---- Phytosanitary Certificate (PC) is required. Lumber to China n LUMBER ----topic---- Phytosanitary Certificate (PC) is required.

PPQ Form 572 The Application for Inspection and Certification of Plants and Plant Products PPQ Form 572 The Application for Inspection and Certification of Plants and Plant Products for Export

PPQ Form 572 PPQ Form 572

Export Check list n n Contact your plant inspector to determine what can or Export Check list n n Contact your plant inspector to determine what can or cannot be exported at least 2 weeks in advance Find out what treatments or inspections are needed Complete PPQ 572 Have your inspection and phyto written!

For additional information, please contact: USDA, Nashville office Ralph Cooley 615 -781 -5477 CPO, For additional information, please contact: USDA, Nashville office Ralph Cooley 615 -781 -5477 CPO, Memphis Kathleen Henry 901 -309 -6434 TDA, Nashville office Gray Haun 615 -837 -5338 Walker. Haun@state. tn. us Anni Self 615 -837 -5313 Anni. Self@state. tn. us