- Количество слайдов: 38
Exploration, Economics, and Everyone Else
Who was exploring? p The Portuguese
Who was exploring? p The Spanish
Who was exploring?
Where are they exploring? South America: Spanish and Portuguese p North America: Spanish, English, French, and Dutch p Africa: English, French, Dutch, and German p India: Portuguese and English p Asia: English, Dutch, French, Spanish, and German p
Why were they exploring? God Glory Gold
What is mercantilism? p Belief that a country’s strength comes from the amount of wealth it has
How did nations act due to mercantilism? Attempted to have a favorable balance of trade p High tariffs p
How did mercantilism affect exploration? p Original intent of exploration was trade p Use of Colonies n Market for goods from parent country n Source of specialization p Comparative Advantage
Turn to someone near to you. p Come up with three examples of comparative advantage in the present day
What about the slave trade?
What was the Columbian Exchange?
World Religions
Hinduism p Originated in India p 1200 B. C. E.
Hindu Beliefs p Brahman p Eternal Soul p Reincarnation p Karma
Hindu Beliefs p Four goals n Appropriate n Worldly success n Legitimate n Release behavior pleasure from reincarnation cycle
Hindu Beliefs p Gods
Buddhism Started in India p 500 ish B. C. E. p
Significant Figure p Siddharta Gautama
Buddhist Beliefs Offshoot of Hinduism p Reincarnation and karma p
Buddhist Beliefs World is suffering p Suffering comes from attachment p Suffering can be overcome p Can be overcome through the Eightfold Path p
Eightfold Path p Right Viewpoint p Right Work p Right Intention p Right Effort p Right Speech p Right Action Mindfulness p Right Meditation
Buddhist Beliefs Other religious issues do not matter p Goal is to achieve nirvana p
Sects p Theravada p Mahayana
Current Locations
Judaism p Middle East p 2000 B. C. E.
Jewish Beliefs p One God p Israelites = Chosen People
Jewish Beliefs p Covenant p Ten Commandments p Laws in Torah and other scripture
Jewish Sects p Orthodox p Conservative p Reformed
Current Locations
Christianity p Jesus p 30 ish C. E.
Christian Beliefs p One God p Jesus = Messiah p New Covenant p Sins, etc. p Trinity
Christian Sects p Catholic p Eastern Orthodox p Protestant
Current Locations
Bibliography p p p p p p p Slide 2: http: //exploringafrica. matrix. msu. edu/images/exploration. jpg Slide 3: http: //www. doobybrain. com/wp-content/uploads/2008/02/christopher-columbus-portrait. jpg and http: //i 94. photobucket. com/albums/l 83/evhslr/Christopher. Columbus. jpg and http: //www. bermudastory. info/wpcontent/uploads/Christopher-Columbus. jpg and http: //ushistoryimages. com/images/christophercolumbus/fullsize/christopher-columbus-2. jpg and http: //ushistoryimages. com/images/christophercolumbus/fullsize/christopher-columbus-5. jpg Slide 4: http: //z. about. com/d/geography/1/0/Q/B/tord 1. jpg Slide 5: http: //worldmapsonline. com/Univ. Hist/30008_6. gif Slide 9: http: //www. geocities. com/relichuntermd/1 -1. jpg Slide 10: http: //mrthompson. org/text/2 -1%20 Spain%20 Claims%20 an%20 Empire_files/image 008. jpg Slide 13: http: //www. geocities. com/ks 3 history/c_map. jpg Slide 14: http: //mrthompson. org/text/2 -3%20 The%20 Impact%20 of%20 Colonization_files/image 019. jpg Slide 16: http: //www. healwithyoga. com/Images/OM. gif Slide 19: http: //www. allaahuakbar. net/image/hindu_temple_idol_worship. jpg Slide 20: http: //i 213. photobucket. com/albums/cc 146/Devisarada/world-top-ten-countries-with-larges. jpg Slide 21: http: //www. numatacenter. com/images/wheel. gif Slide 22: http: //www. utilitarianism. com/gautama-buddha. jpg Slide 23: http: //farm 2. static. flickr. com/1400/1419772642_2463 f 3 cfcb. jpg Slide 26: http: //www. topnews. in/files/budh-monk. jpg Slide 27: http: //www. buddhanet. net/images/spread 3. jpg Slide 28: http: //www. hsuyun. org/Dharma/zbohy/Literature/essays/czs/Buddhism. Spread. Map. jpg Slide 29: http: //yearegods. files. wordpress. com/2008/03/1. png Slide 30: http: //www. wga. hu/art/m/michelan/1 sculptu/giulio_2/moses 1. jpg Slide 31: http: //www. rhodesjewishmuseum. org/images/torah. jpg Slide 32: http: //www. sacredsites. com/shop/images/middle-east/israel/hasidic-jew-praying-750. jpg Slide 33: http: //www. routledge. com/textbooks/0415236614/resources/map 17. jpg Slide 34: http: //gospelgifs. com/clips/clipz 2/images/crss 001. gif Slide 35: http: //www. therealpresence. org/essentials/images/holy_trinity-1. jpg Slide 36: http: //cache. daylife. com/imageserve/0 gih 0 Kcd 8 m 64 e/610 x. jpg Slide 37: http: //media-2. web. britannica. com/eb-media/54/67354 -004 -44 A 5 C 318. gif