Скачать презентацию Exploration Economics and Everyone Else Who was Скачать презентацию Exploration Economics and Everyone Else Who was


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Exploration, Economics, and Everyone Else Exploration, Economics, and Everyone Else

Who was exploring? p The Portuguese Who was exploring? p The Portuguese

Who was exploring? p The Spanish Who was exploring? p The Spanish

Who was exploring? Who was exploring?

Where are they exploring? South America: Spanish and Portuguese p North America: Spanish, English, Where are they exploring? South America: Spanish and Portuguese p North America: Spanish, English, French, and Dutch p Africa: English, French, Dutch, and German p India: Portuguese and English p Asia: English, Dutch, French, Spanish, and German p

Why were they exploring? God Glory Gold Why were they exploring? God Glory Gold

Economics Economics

What is mercantilism? p Belief that a country’s strength comes from the amount of What is mercantilism? p Belief that a country’s strength comes from the amount of wealth it has

How did nations act due to mercantilism? Attempted to have a favorable balance of How did nations act due to mercantilism? Attempted to have a favorable balance of trade p High tariffs p

How did mercantilism affect exploration? p Original intent of exploration was trade p Use How did mercantilism affect exploration? p Original intent of exploration was trade p Use of Colonies n Market for goods from parent country n Source of specialization p Comparative Advantage

Turn to someone near to you. p Come up with three examples of comparative Turn to someone near to you. p Come up with three examples of comparative advantage in the present day

What about the slave trade? What about the slave trade?

What was the Columbian Exchange? What was the Columbian Exchange?

World Religions World Religions

Hinduism p Originated in India p 1200 B. C. E. Hinduism p Originated in India p 1200 B. C. E.

Hindu Beliefs p Brahman p Eternal Soul p Reincarnation p Karma Hindu Beliefs p Brahman p Eternal Soul p Reincarnation p Karma

Hindu Beliefs p Four goals n Appropriate n Worldly success n Legitimate n Release Hindu Beliefs p Four goals n Appropriate n Worldly success n Legitimate n Release behavior pleasure from reincarnation cycle

Hindu Beliefs p Gods Hindu Beliefs p Gods

Locations Locations

Buddhism Started in India p 500 ish B. C. E. p Buddhism Started in India p 500 ish B. C. E. p

Significant Figure p Siddharta Gautama Significant Figure p Siddharta Gautama

Buddhist Beliefs Offshoot of Hinduism p Reincarnation and karma p Buddhist Beliefs Offshoot of Hinduism p Reincarnation and karma p

Buddhist Beliefs World is suffering p Suffering comes from attachment p Suffering can be Buddhist Beliefs World is suffering p Suffering comes from attachment p Suffering can be overcome p Can be overcome through the Eightfold Path p

Eightfold Path p Right Viewpoint p Right Work p Right Intention p Right Effort Eightfold Path p Right Viewpoint p Right Work p Right Intention p Right Effort p Right Speech p Right Action Mindfulness p Right Meditation

Buddhist Beliefs Other religious issues do not matter p Goal is to achieve nirvana Buddhist Beliefs Other religious issues do not matter p Goal is to achieve nirvana p

Sects p Theravada p Mahayana Sects p Theravada p Mahayana

Current Locations Current Locations

Judaism p Middle East p 2000 B. C. E. Judaism p Middle East p 2000 B. C. E.

Jewish Beliefs p One God p Israelites = Chosen People Jewish Beliefs p One God p Israelites = Chosen People

Jewish Beliefs p Covenant p Ten Commandments p Laws in Torah and other scripture Jewish Beliefs p Covenant p Ten Commandments p Laws in Torah and other scripture

Jewish Sects p Orthodox p Conservative p Reformed Jewish Sects p Orthodox p Conservative p Reformed

Current Locations Current Locations

Christianity p Jesus p 30 ish C. E. Christianity p Jesus p 30 ish C. E.

Christian Beliefs p One God p Jesus = Messiah p New Covenant p Sins, Christian Beliefs p One God p Jesus = Messiah p New Covenant p Sins, etc. p Trinity

Christian Sects p Catholic p Eastern Orthodox p Protestant Christian Sects p Catholic p Eastern Orthodox p Protestant

Current Locations Current Locations

Bibliography p p p p p p p Slide 2: http: //exploringafrica. matrix. msu. Bibliography p p p p p p p Slide 2: http: //exploringafrica. matrix. msu. edu/images/exploration. jpg Slide 3: http: //www. doobybrain. com/wp-content/uploads/2008/02/christopher-columbus-portrait. jpg and http: //i 94. photobucket. com/albums/l 83/evhslr/Christopher. Columbus. jpg and http: //www. bermudastory. info/wpcontent/uploads/Christopher-Columbus. jpg and http: //ushistoryimages. com/images/christophercolumbus/fullsize/christopher-columbus-2. jpg and http: //ushistoryimages. com/images/christophercolumbus/fullsize/christopher-columbus-5. jpg Slide 4: http: //z. about. com/d/geography/1/0/Q/B/tord 1. jpg Slide 5: http: //worldmapsonline. com/Univ. Hist/30008_6. gif Slide 9: http: //www. geocities. com/relichuntermd/1 -1. jpg Slide 10: http: //mrthompson. org/text/2 -1%20 Spain%20 Claims%20 an%20 Empire_files/image 008. jpg Slide 13: http: //www. geocities. com/ks 3 history/c_map. jpg Slide 14: http: //mrthompson. org/text/2 -3%20 The%20 Impact%20 of%20 Colonization_files/image 019. jpg Slide 16: http: //www. healwithyoga. com/Images/OM. gif Slide 19: http: //www. allaahuakbar. net/image/hindu_temple_idol_worship. jpg Slide 20: http: //i 213. photobucket. com/albums/cc 146/Devisarada/world-top-ten-countries-with-larges. jpg Slide 21: http: //www. numatacenter. com/images/wheel. gif Slide 22: http: //www. utilitarianism. com/gautama-buddha. jpg Slide 23: http: //farm 2. static. flickr. com/1400/1419772642_2463 f 3 cfcb. jpg Slide 26: http: //www. topnews. in/files/budh-monk. jpg Slide 27: http: //www. buddhanet. net/images/spread 3. jpg Slide 28: http: //www. hsuyun. org/Dharma/zbohy/Literature/essays/czs/Buddhism. Spread. Map. jpg Slide 29: http: //yearegods. files. wordpress. com/2008/03/1. png Slide 30: http: //www. wga. hu/art/m/michelan/1 sculptu/giulio_2/moses 1. jpg Slide 31: http: //www. rhodesjewishmuseum. org/images/torah. jpg Slide 32: http: //www. sacredsites. com/shop/images/middle-east/israel/hasidic-jew-praying-750. jpg Slide 33: http: //www. routledge. com/textbooks/0415236614/resources/map 17. jpg Slide 34: http: //gospelgifs. com/clips/clipz 2/images/crss 001. gif Slide 35: http: //www. therealpresence. org/essentials/images/holy_trinity-1. jpg Slide 36: http: //cache. daylife. com/imageserve/0 gih 0 Kcd 8 m 64 e/610 x. jpg Slide 37: http: //media-2. web. britannica. com/eb-media/54/67354 -004 -44 A 5 C 318. gif