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EXPIRED TEACH OUT QUALIFICATIONS Please note the following qualifications have reached the expiry of the teach out, and may not be used any more. Qualification ID Qualification title NQF level Qualification end date Qualification last date for enrolment Qualification last date for achievement 48493 National certificate: Financial services: Wealth Management 4 2007 – 02 - 11 2008 - 02 - 11 2011 – 02 - 11 23973 Nat. Cert: Financial Services: Wealth Management 5 2006 – 08 - 13 2007 – 08 -13 2010 -08 -13 24396 Nat. Cert: Risk Management 4 2007 – 10 - 08 2010 – 10 - 08
QUESTIONS AROUND TEACH OUT QUALIFICATIONS There still seems to be confusion in the market as to the interpretation of the following. Take the “old” National Certificate: Financial Services Wealth Management, SAQA ID 23973, as an example. This qualification expired on 13 August 2006; teach-out period ending 13 August 2010 as per SAQA explanation. If a learner completed some of the skills programmes prior to the expiry date of the qualification, we allowed them to enroll for the balance of the qualification in the year after expiry, i. e. 14 Aug 06 to 13 Aug 07.
QUESTIONS AROUND TEACH OUT QUALIFICATIONS The question is, is the provider allowed to enroll learners to complete the balance of their qualification after 13 Aug 07, on the condition that they complete the qualification before 13 Aug 2010, or are providers only allowed to take enrolments in the first year after the expiry date? Answer: Allow learners to enrol as they have started the qualification, but they must complete before the teach-out end date (last date of achievement)
QUESTIONS AROUND TEACH OUT QUALIFICATIONS Some providers have learners who have done the first 2 skills programmes (60 credits) prior to the expiry of the qualification and who then enrolled for the balance of the qualification (for skills programmes 3 & 4) during the 1 st year of teach-out. There are quite a lot of learners who only registered for SP 3 only and not for SP 3 & 4. Can the provider now allow them at this stage to enroll for the 4 th SP on the condition that they complete the full qualification prior to 13 August 2010? Answer: Yes, allow them to enroll as they have started the qualification, but they must complete before the teach-out end date (last date of achievement)
EXPIRED TEACH OUT QUALIFICATIONS The teach out period for a qualification applies only to learners who have accessed the qualification i. e embarked on a programme of study leading to the qualification, before the expiry date of the qualification ( existing learners ). It does not apply to any new learners who wish to access the qualification after the registration end date. The teach out period for an existing expiring qualification is not dependant upon if and when a new qualification is registered
EXPIRED TEACH OUT QUALIFICATIONS The teach out period for all qualifications for existing learners is : n+ 2 years. The “n” applies to the number of years in which the qualification is expected to be completed. This is 1 year for a certificate 2 years for diploma 3 years for a bachelors degree
EXPIRED TEACH OUT QUALIFICATIONS So in the case of a certificates, existing learners have 3 years to complete the qualification from expiry date of the qualification. Therefore if a qualification registration ends on 30 June 2006 existing learners will have until 29 June 2009 to complete the qualification. New learners have to access the new qualification from its date of registration and may not access the old qualification after 30 June 2006.
EXTENSIONS ARE NOT GRANTED TO THE TEACH OUT PERIOD FOR EXPIRED QUALIFICATIONS It is the ETQAs responsibility to ensure that learners who seek to be awarded a qualification have enrolled for it during its registration period and that they have completed it before the teach out period is up.
QUESTIONS AROUND TEACH OUT QUALIFICATIONS Qual ID 23973 last date of enrolment 13/8/2007 last date of achievement 13/8/2010 Qual ID 57608 registered on 16/11/2006 If a learner enrolled on the old qualification, because the provider was still offering the old qualification, before 13/8/2007, then the provider should allow the learner to complete. If the provider started to offer the new qualification after 16/11/2006 they should have informed all their learners, but they still can not expect them to change midway through. The advice to the learner would be to say to the provider that they should allow him/her to finish, INSETA will also have to alert the provider that they have to allow for teachout.
CROSS SECTORAL LEARNERSHIPS No Name of l/ship Ref. no NQF Leve l Company name Seta name Provider name Start date End date Qualification 1. Business Admin/Secretarial Admin 07204 4 ANB Holdings Services ABC Business School 26/6/06 31/5/07 Business Administratio n 2 Human Resource Management 06034 2 RMM Financial Services SABPP YMA Solutions 01/06 12/06 Nat. Cert in Human Resources Mgt 3 Registered Bookkeeping 07083 4 TNR Business Group FASSET VNA Training Institute 15/01/07 31/12/0 7 Certificate in Bookkeeping 4 Occupationally Directed ETD Practice 06039 5 Redds Group ETDP Newell Learning Group 1/08/08 1/09/09 Diploma in ODETDP
COMMUNIQUE TO PRIVATE PROVIDERS AND THE ETQA SECTOR IN THE FET BAND Who must registered with the Department of Education as a private FET institution • This applies to private FET institutions that offer full qualifications at Levels 2, 3 or 4 of the NQF • Private education institutions who are not required to register as a private FET institution with the Do. E if they exclusively offer: • SHORT COURSES • INDIVIDUAL UNIT STANDARDS • INDIVIDUAL SCHOOL SUBJECTS • These Institutions, however, must ensure that they are accredited to offer the above by the relevant ETQA
COMMUNIQUE TO PRIVATE PROVIDERS AND THE ETQA SECTOR IN THE FET BAND Who must registered with the Department of Education as a private FET institution • Furthermore, advertising and marketing materials must indicate to the public that what they offer is not qualifications, but short skills programmes, courses or school subjects • Should such institutions later wish to offer full FET Qualifications, only then will they be required to register with the Department of Education.
COMMUNIQUE TO PRIVATE PROVIDERS AND THE ETQA SECTOR IN THE FET BAND Who must registered with the Department of Education as a private FET institution • To conclude All private education institutions that exclusively offer: • SHORT COURSES • INDIVIDUAL UNIT STANDARDS • INDIVIDUAL SCHOOL SUBJECTS and are accredited by the relevant ETQA for this purpose are not in contravention of any legislation regulating the provision of further education and training in South Africa.