- Количество слайдов: 18
Experiences with Data Dissemination ACMLA Meetings Toronto, 2002 Bo Wandschneider Manager Academic Service University of Guelph Bo@uoguelph. ca 3/15/2018 ACMLA - Toronto 1
Introduction n 3/15/2018 Parallels between what we went through in Data Centre with DLI and what GIS librarians going through now There is overlap and we can gain from each others experiences Many sites integrate ‘data’ and ‘maps’ ACMLA - Toronto 2
Topics of Discussion n n n 3/15/2018 History of DRC Proposal Stage Why Successful Hardware What You Need Developments GIS ACMLA - Toronto 3
What To Expect n n 3/15/2018 Not providing answers Outlining our process and solutions with respect to ‘data’ May help you make decisions for your own site with respect to geospatial data Speak in general terms with focus on Uo. G experiences ACMLA - Toronto 4
History of DRC I n n 3/15/2018 Grew out of the Social Sciences There was a need Economics researchers did a lot of empirical work and other departments looked to their support person for help (this included library) Already developed interfaces to CANSIM, CRSP and LAVAL ACMLA - Toronto 5
History of DRC II n n 3/15/2018 Joined ICPSR in early 90’s Questions re: funding and support Attended a summer workshop at ICPSR put on by Chuck Humphrey, Diane Geraci and Jim Jacobs Visited Laine Russ and Vince Gray and talked to lots of of people on lists like CAPDU, DLI, IASSIST ACMLA - Toronto 6
Proposal Stage n n n 3/15/2018 Based on information gathered Wrote a detailed proposal outlining various models for a Guelph data centre in 1993 Flogged it to EVERYONE DLI was the key Kansas was playing with SAS/Perl Developed a prototype ACMLA - Toronto 7
Proposal to Pilot n n 3/15/2018 Set up a Pilot in Fall of 1996 Partnership between CCS and Library and CSS Moved from CSS to CCS – partnership changed SAC formed to give us a forum to vet ideas and generate support ACMLA - Toronto 8
Why Successful n n n n 3/15/2018 Timing was right – latent demand Collaborative – CCS/Library Built a TEAM Librarian - Gov Docs Library Associate - Gov Docs Systems Analyst – programmer Systems Analyst – background with data applications in Social Science research ACMLA - Toronto 9
Hardware/Infrastruc ture n n 3/15/2018 Physical location with personal/public workstations in Library Central Unix Server (piggy back on Stats Server) Started as HP K 200, single Processor, 256 Mb memory with about 10 GB dedicated to DRC Now a Sun E 450, 4 processor, 4 Gb memory with about 200 GB disk for DRC ACMLA - Toronto 10
What you need n n n 3/15/2018 Need someone with vision and drive Don’t get stuck talking in committees about problems needs and ideal solutions. Although, buy-in is critical Demand is out there now so get the info to the users and worry about the details later. Someone will always do it better tomorrow – use that to grow your service Get people with hands-on experience or train, train – This is applied work Publicize ACMLA - Toronto 11
Further Developments n n 3/15/2018 Moved to integrate with Gov Docs Reference (challenging, really just happening over last year) TDR partnership Developed DDI compliant metadata GIS ACMLA - Toronto 12
GIS n n n 3/15/2018 From the beginning we discussed what to do with Census Maps Lacked GIS skills on our team Most of our data is geo-spatially referenced Problem - no consensus on GIS tools on campus Lacked specialized equipment/lab in library to deliver information Needs exist in departments beyond core GIS users ACMLA - Toronto 13
GIS - What we did first n Started small – biggest bang for the buck Hired a work study student They wrote web pages to wrap around census files Explained files and how to use them in detail Simply served the files to user Worked very well Used by other sites n http: //drc. uoguelph. ca/GEOG/geogindex. htm n n n 3/15/2018 ACMLA - Toronto 14
GIS - What happened? n n n 3/15/2018 NTDB, NRVIS, DMTI, DCRB, Grand River, Municipal, OMAFRA Soil Maps …. This is a good thing, right ? déjà vu ? ACMLA - Toronto 15
GIS - What did we do next n n n 3/15/2018 Jenny Marvin became the GIS librarian Integrated, Gov Docs, Data and Maps Changes in CCS staffing of DRC allowed us to have our staff gain experience with GIS, specifically ESRI Negotiated a site licence for ESRI on campus Someone ‘gave us’ a disk tower Still a partnership between CCS and Library ACMLA - Toronto 16
GIS - What else did we do n n 3/15/2018 Wrote pages around the new data and served it to the users like what we did for census Added 3 work stations outside DRC with account security for maps that need licences signed by user (incl. ESRI and CDRW’s) High School and Work Study help Onus is still on the client to figure out how to view information – they need the skills ACMLA - Toronto 17
GIS - What are we going to do n n n 3/15/2018 ARCIMS – deliver maps on the web for those with no GIS skills ARC Catalog – create metadata for collection Offer training in ARCGIS similar to what we do with SAS and SPSS Promote use of ESRI Establish a GIS lab in library http: //drc. uoguelph. ca/GIS_SITE/ ACMLA - Toronto 18