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Experiences of and plans for the establishment of national systems in Denmark UNFCCC WORKSHOP ON NATIONAL SYSTEMS UNDER ARTICLE 5, PARAGRAPH 1 OF THE KYOTO PROTOCOL 11 -12 April 2005 Jytte Boll Illerup and Peter Borgen Sørensen National Environmental Research Institute Department of Policy Analysis
Content • Background • Organisation of the work • Inventory preparation and activities • QA/QC • Future plans 2
Background • National focal point for air emissions • Responsible institute for estimating GHG emissions under the Kyoto-protocol • Reporting of emission inventories to – UNFCCC, UNECE/EMEP, EU-directives (LCP, NEC, EPER) • Participation in international negotiation (EU, COP) • Development of emission models and improvement of emission estimates Resources: 6 man year Participate in research projects 3
Ressources for NS Starting point: ”We already have a NS in Denmark we just have to described it” Reality: A lot of work had to be done 4
Sources and Pollutans • Sources – Energy • Stationary combustion plants • Transport – – Industrial processes Solvents Agriculture Waste • Pollutants – SO 2, NOx, NMVOC, NH 3, CO, HM, PAH – CO 2 , N 2 O, CH 4 – HFCs, PFCs, SF 6 (Consultant) – CO 2 sinks (The Danish Forest and Landscape Research Institute) • Data flow – Homepage for air emission http: //www. dmu. dk – Central Data Repository http: //cdr. eionet. eu. int 5
Inventory preparations External data Sub models Activity data Emission factors Central database Calculation of emission estimates Report for all sources and pollutants factors International guidelines Final reports Emission factors • Climate Convention • Kyoto protocol • UNECE/ CLRATP • NEC directive 6
Inventory planning Designate a single national entity with overall responsibility for the national inventory The National Environmental Research Institute (NERI) under the Danish Ministry of Environment is responsible for the annual preparation and submission to the UNFCCC (and the EU) of the National Inventory Report and the GHG inventories. Define and allocate specific responsibilities in the inventory development process • The inventory work in Denmark is carried out in co-operation with other Danish ministries, research institutes, organisations and companies • There is made formal agreement about delivery of data 7
External data Energy Danish Energy Authority, The Ministry of Economic and Business Affairs: Annual energy statistics in a format suitable for the emission inventory work and fuel consumption data for the large combustion plants. The Road Directorate, The Ministry of Transport. Number of vehicles grouped in categories corresponding to the EU classification, mileage (urban, rural, highway), trip speed (urban, rural, highway). Civil Aviation Agency of Denmark, The Ministry of Transport. Citypair flight data (aircraft type and origin and destination airports) for all flights leaving major Danish airports. Danish Railways, The Ministry of Transport. Fuel related emission factors for diesel locomotives. 8
Industrial processes Danish Environmental Protection Agency, The Ministry of the Environment: Emissions of the F-gases Statistics Denmark, The Ministry of Economic and Business Affairs: Statistical yearbook, Sales Statistics for manufacturing industries. Danish companies: Audited Green accounts and direct information gathered from producers and agency enterprises Solvents Statistics Denmark, The Ministry of Economic and Business Affairs: Statistical yearbook, Production, import and export of NMVOC 9
Agriculture Statistics Denmark, The Ministry of Economic and Business Affairs: Statistical yearbook, agricultural statistics. Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences, The Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries: Data on use of mineral fertiliser, feeding stuff consumption and nitrogen turnover in animals. Waste Danish Environmental Protection Agency, The Ministry of the Environment: Database on waste Forestry Danish Centre for Forest, Landscape and Planning, The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University. Background data for Forestry and CO 2 uptake by forest. 10
Inventory activities include ·collecting activity data ·selecting methods and emission factors appropriately ·estimating anthropogenic GHG emissions by sources and removals by sinks, implementing uncertainty assessment ·quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) activities ·carrying out procedures for the verification of the inventory data at the national level 11
Selecting methods and emission factors Prepare estimates in accordance with the methods described in the Revised 1996 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories, as elaborated by the IPCC good practice guidance, and ensure that appropriate methods are used to estimate emissions from key source categories. On basis on the Key Sources Analysis a project evaluating the improvements necessary in order to fulfil the obligations according to the IPCC guidelines was carried out. Result: Improvements of the emission inventories especially for 12 industry, solvents and off-shore.
Implementing uncertainty assessment 13
General QA/QC Ensure critical control points: transparency, consistency, comparability, completeness, accuracy (incl. correctness) and robustness of inventories 14
QA/QC procedures Quality control (QC), secure fulfilment of critical control points Checking Point of Measuring (PM) including the following headlines: • Provide routine and consistent checks to ensure data integrity, correctness and completeness; • Identify and address errors and omissions; • Document and archive inventory material and record all QC activities • Limit the negative consequences of any external or internal disturbance in data accessibility or inventory staff skills; • Verification by comparison of emissions, emission factors 15 and uncertainty with other countries;
QA/QC procedures Quality assurance (QA), document fulfilment of critical control points Checking Point of Measuring (PM) including the following headlines: • National review: Emission inventory sector reports have been prepared and are send to national experts not involved in the inventory development for review. • International review 16
QA/QC procedures Example of the PM’s: 18
Future plans • Complete formal agreements with other institutes • Review of reports for a few sectors by national experts. • Fully implementation of the QA/QC plan • Verification: Compare emission levels and emission factors with other countries • Inventory completeness: CO 2 emission from use of lime and limestone for fuel gas cleaning, sugar production and production of expanded clay 19