Expanding the NSO launch stretching our approach towards end users
Expanding the NSO launch stretching our approach towards end users
9 metres
EDUnet – pillars of knowledge!
Teaching testimonials complimenting research 5 years of research including practical experience
New approach to support NSO Launch
Sound Education - Highlights
Communication channels soundeducation.tv (portal platform giving channels for all communication) Soundeducation Twitter (vital way to reach key influencers and spread message / films) Over 500 tweets Soundeducation Facebook (build up interest / dialogue & discussions / spread message / films) Over 250 potential overall spread over 70,000 persons Soundeducation YouTube (watch films, short edits and full length versions) Around 3000 views
Sound Education - YouTube Analytics Sound Education – 2800 views (4 months) Sweyne Park film – 1300 views & NL subtitled version – 400 views (6 months) ”How sound affects people ”animation – 800 views (18 months) Short Edits: Simon Smith – teaching experiences Classroom animation ”Gangnam style” sorry German style!
Sound Education – posts on LinkedIn Acoustic Bulletin Discussions Essex Study Sound Education films -Trevor Cox, Simon Smith, Adrian James Julian Treasure’s TED Talk
Acoustic message reaching many…… Over 250,000 in 8 weeks! > 11,000 facebook likes Highlighting the importance of ”Sound Education”- 20secs Julian’s previous TED talk (>1.4 million views)
NSO / Sound Education / TED Talk Legacy so far: Fantastic Concept Development reference Research / Knowledge based High profile connection and reference in TED Talk More end user friendly and accessible Ongoing International Sound Education events – more films and references Social media platform / start and footprint for our NSO sales to build on!
Education Concept Development ref: TED talk ”Why architects need to use their ears” http://www.ted.com/talks/julian_treasure_why_architects_need_to_use_their_ears.html Sound Education International events – Films discussing importance of acoustics in schools http://soundeducation.tv/ Click on the YouTube tab at the bottom to view the event playlist films. Sweyne Park classroom film (Acoustics film about teaching & learning) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lpfKV_PB3P8&feature=relmfu BBC See Hear programme about hearing impaired pupils from Sweyne Park School Essex http://www.acousticbulletin.com/EN/2009/09/bbc_see_hear_programme.html Essex Study – Optimising classroom acoustics for all (full report & summary pdfs) http://www.acousticbulletin.com/EN/2012/05/launch_of_essex_study_final_re.html Basic Essex study film - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HA0k4MlfTCM&feature=related Bremen Study – Acoustic ergonomics for schools (Modern school acoustics pdf) http://www.acousticbulletin.com/EN/2006/12/acoustic_ergonomics_of_schools.html