Expanding the NSO launch stretching our approach towards

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>Expanding the NSO launch stretching our approach towards end users Expanding the NSO launch stretching our approach towards end users

>Expanding the NSO launch stretching our approach towards end users Expanding the NSO launch stretching our approach towards end users

>9 metres 9 metres

>EDUnet – pillars of knowledge! EDUnet – pillars of knowledge!

>Teaching testimonials complimenting research 5 years of research including practical experience Teaching testimonials complimenting research 5 years of research including practical experience

>New approach to support NSO Launch New approach to support NSO Launch



>Sound Education - Highlights Sound Education - Highlights

>Communication channels soundeducation.tv (portal platform giving channels for all communication)    Soundeducation Communication channels soundeducation.tv (portal platform giving channels for all communication) Soundeducation Twitter (vital way to reach key influencers and spread message / films) Over 500 tweets Soundeducation Facebook (build up interest / dialogue & discussions / spread message / films) Over 250 potential overall spread over 70,000 persons Soundeducation YouTube (watch films, short edits and full length versions) Around 3000 views

>Sound Education - YouTube Analytics Sound Education – 2800 views (4 months) Sweyne Park Sound Education - YouTube Analytics Sound Education – 2800 views (4 months) Sweyne Park film – 1300 views & NL subtitled version – 400 views (6 months) ”How sound affects people ”animation – 800 views (18 months) Short Edits: Simon Smith – teaching experiences Classroom animation ”Gangnam style” sorry German style!

>Sound Education – posts on LinkedIn     Acoustic Bulletin Discussions Sound Education – posts on LinkedIn Acoustic Bulletin Discussions Essex Study Sound Education films -Trevor Cox, Simon Smith, Adrian James Julian Treasure’s TED Talk

>Acoustic message reaching many…… Over 250,000 in 8 weeks!   > 11,000 facebook Acoustic message reaching many…… Over 250,000 in 8 weeks! > 11,000 facebook likes Highlighting the importance of ”Sound Education”- 20secs Julian’s previous TED talk (>1.4 million views)

>NSO / Sound Education / TED Talk Legacy so far:  Fantastic Concept Development NSO / Sound Education / TED Talk Legacy so far: Fantastic Concept Development reference Research / Knowledge based High profile connection and reference in TED Talk More end user friendly and accessible Ongoing International Sound Education events – more films and references Social media platform / start and footprint for our NSO sales to build on!



>Education Concept Development ref: TED talk ”Why architects need to use their ears” http://www.ted.com/talks/julian_treasure_why_architects_need_to_use_their_ears.html Education Concept Development ref: TED talk ”Why architects need to use their ears” http://www.ted.com/talks/julian_treasure_why_architects_need_to_use_their_ears.html Sound Education International events – Films discussing importance of acoustics in schools http://soundeducation.tv/ Click on the YouTube tab at the bottom to view the event playlist films. Sweyne Park classroom film (Acoustics film about teaching & learning) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lpfKV_PB3P8&feature=relmfu BBC See Hear programme about hearing impaired pupils from Sweyne Park School Essex http://www.acousticbulletin.com/EN/2009/09/bbc_see_hear_programme.html Essex Study – Optimising classroom acoustics for all (full report & summary pdfs) http://www.acousticbulletin.com/EN/2012/05/launch_of_essex_study_final_re.html Basic Essex study film - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HA0k4MlfTCM&feature=related Bremen Study – Acoustic ergonomics for schools (Modern school acoustics pdf) http://www.acousticbulletin.com/EN/2006/12/acoustic_ergonomics_of_schools.html