Скачать презентацию Execution of the sentence of community service Complied Скачать презентацию Execution of the sentence of community service Complied


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Execution of the sentence of community service Complied: Orynbetov A. Group: B I checked: Execution of the sentence of community service Complied: Orynbetov A. Group: B I checked: Loshkova I.

The penalty of community service shall be executed no later than ten days from The penalty of community service shall be executed no later than ten days from the date of admission to the Probation Service with a copy of a court order, an enforceable court decision. Monitor the implementation of convicted public works carried out by the probation service residence of the convicted person.

Providing convicted of annual leave at the main place of work does not suspend Providing convicted of annual leave at the main place of work does not suspend the execution of public works. If pregnancy occurs during the period of the convict serving a sentence of probation service makes a representation to the court to postpone her punishment from the day of maternity leave.

 In recognition of the convicted disabled first or second group of the probation In recognition of the convicted disabled first or second group of the probation service makes a representation to the court to release him from further punishment.

The term of a sentence of community service shall be calculated in hours, during The term of a sentence of community service shall be calculated in hours, during which the convicted person performing public works. Public Works are set for a period of sixty to three hundred hours and shall be served no more than four hours a day with the release of the convicted person for the duration of their serving to perform job duties at their main place of work or in their leisure time, and if the convicted person does not have a permanent job and no busy on their studies - up to eight hours a day, but not more hours per week term. In this regard, the probation service when entering the verdict sends a message on the main job of the convicted person for his release from work during working hours, to complete this sentence.

The duration of this type of punishment a person under the age of 16 The duration of this type of punishment a person under the age of 16 years may not exceed two hours per day, and the Lich King at the age of 16 to 18 years - three hours a day. Public Works Time is not included in the total, continuous and specialist work experience, employment records do not start. The commencement of serving the public work is the day of receiving the administration of m organization, which aims convicted of probation service certificate and other documents.

The convict shall: 1) comply with the order established by this Code and conditions The convict shall: 1) comply with the order established by this Code and conditions of serving the sentence; 2) to carry out the work organized by local executive bodies in public places; 3) to notify the probation service about the change of residence; 4) once a month to report to the probation service for registration and participation in preventive conversation.

∙ For the violation condemned the order and conditions of serving the sentence in ∙ For the violation condemned the order and conditions of serving the sentence in the form of community service Probation Service in writing to warn him of the liability under the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan. ∙ With regard to the convicted person evading from serving a sentence of community service, probation service sends to the idea of the court public works replacing arrest. ∙ to hide from punishment admits convicted, the location of which is not established for more than fifteen days from the date of registration for failure to appear in the probation service.

We shy away from serving a sentence of community service recognizes the convict: 1) We shy away from serving a sentence of community service recognizes the convict: 1) refused to proceed with the execution of punishment in the form of public works or not was more than two times in a month for public works without good reasons, which include disease and other obstacles to the implementation of public works, documented; 2) twice during the period of serving the sentence appeared in a state of alcoholic, narcotic or toxic intoxication, confirmed by medical examination or, in the absence of such an opportunity - an act of commission of the employer; 3) who escaped to evade punishment; 4) travel outside the Republic of Kazakhstan.

 Probation Service: 1) keep records of convicts; 2) explain to them the order Probation Service: 1) keep records of convicts; 2) explain to them the order and conditions of serving the sentence, as well as monitoring of service of sentence; 3) supervise the execution of public works, organized by the local executive bodies; 4) once a month holds the condemned preventive conversation; 5) against the convict, hiding to evade punishment, carries out initial investigation measures and submit to court a recommendation to declare the wanted list.

∙ The local executive bodies are obliged to: 1) Immediately inform the Probation Service ∙ The local executive bodies are obliged to: 1) Immediately inform the Probation Service about obtaining a court verdict and decision for enforcement; 2) maintain timesheets waste of time, be an act of work performed and to guide them in the service of probation no later than the last day of the current month; 3) inform the Probation Service about the behavior of the convicted person; 4) notify the probation service evasion convict from punishment.

 Failure by officials of local executive bodies in the execution of the penalty Failure by officials of local executive bodies in the execution of the penalty of community service obligations specified in the first part of this article shall entail the liability established by law.