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Exceptionally Plane People: Grumman Aircraft Engineering Corporation David Lednicer December 7, 2013
How Grumman Aircraft Was Formed 16 Former Loening employees, including: Leroy Grumman ($16, 950) Bill Schwendler Jake Swirbul ($8, 125) Edmund Ward Poor ($12, 500) Other backers: E. Clinton Towl ($6, 250) Grover Loening ($25, 000) Albert Loening ($12, 500) An initial investment of $81, 325 ($1, 145, 423 in 2013 dollars) Increased 7, 700 fold in value by 1970 Timeline: 1917: Loening Aeronautical Engineering Co, 31 St at East River, New York NY 1928: Hayden, Stone and Company buys Loening 1928: Merged with Keystone Aircraft Corporation as Loening Aeronautical Div. 1929: Merged entity acquired by North American Aviation 1929: Keystone Manhattan factory closed and operations moved to Bristol, Pennsylvania October 1929: The stock market collapses January 2, 1930: Grumman Aircraft started in a rented garage in Baldwin (Long Island) NY
Grover Loening • • • Born September 12 th, 1888 Received first-ever aero engineering degree in the US, from Columbia University in 1910 Queen Aeroplane Company in NYC, building Bleriots Managed the Wright Company factory in Dayton, Ohio 19131914 • Designed the Wright Model G "Aeroboat“ flying boat • Left after conflict with Orville concerning the Model C Chief engineer for the US Army Aviation Section in San Diego in 1914 VP and GM of the Sturtevant Aeroplane Company, 19151917 In 1917 formed the Loening Aeronautical Engineering Corp. • Won the Collier Trophy in 1921 for work on the Air Yacht Sold company in 1928 and started consulting practice Died February 29 th, 1976
Leroy Grumman • Born January 4 th 1895 in Huntington, Long Island NY • Received engineering degree from Cornell University in 1916 • Became US Naval Aviator #1216, despite poor eyesight • Stationed at the Loening factory in 1919 to oversee construction of the Loening M-8 • Hired by Loening in 1920 • Test pilot • Designer • General Manager • Designed the Loening retractable landing gear • Didn’t want to leave Long Island
Leroy Grumman • Left Loening in 1929 • Mortgaged his house to start Grumman Aviation, as the President • Wanted to keep the company small, like a family • Designed the STO-Wing fold mechanism used on the F 4 F Wildcat • Personally led attempts to develop a general aviation aircraft after World War II • Flew until 1944 • Lost most of his eyesight due to a reaction to a penicillin injection • Retired as President in 1946, Chairman in 1966, retired from the board in 1972 • Died October 4 th 1982
First Grumman Product Amphib floats for US Navy, based on Loening patents
Amphib Landing Gear Design Loening XS 2 L-1 (1931) Hand cranked on all Grumman designs Landing gear designed by Leroy Grumman when he worked at Loening
Grumman Landing Gear Design FF-1 (1931) F 2 F (1933) F 3 F (1936) G-15 Duck (1936) G-21 Goose (1937) F 4 F (1937) G-44 Widgeon (1941) G-73 Mallard (1946) G-111 Albatross (1949)
Grumman Wing Folding F 4 F-3 wings do not fold TBF wings fold aft F 4 F-4, FM-1 and FM-2 wings fold aft F 7 F outer wings fold up (XF 5 F was similar) F 6 F wings fold aft F 8 F outer wings fold up
Grumman Sto-Wing Fold Still in Use C-2 C Greyhound Leroy Grumman showing his development model E-2 C Hawkeye
Bill Schwendler • Born April 1 st, 1904 in Farmingdale, Long Island NY • Received aero engineering degree from NYU in 1924 • Worked for Loening • Co-founded Grumman (employee #10) and served as: • Chief engineer • Executive vice-president • Chairman of the Board • Officially retired in 1950 • Led or participated in the design of every Grumman aircraft through the F-14 Tomcat • His philosophy of using a safety factor of 2 created the “Iron Works” reputation • Died January 15 th, 1978
Leon "Jake" Swirbul Born March 18 th, 1898 in Manhattan NY Attended Cornell, but left during WWI to join the USMC Worked for Loening as shop superintendent Borrowed $6, 000 from his mother to help co-found Grumman (employee #2) • Served as: • Vice-president • General Manager • President (1946) • Died June 28 th, 1960 • •
Robert Hall • Born August 22 nd, 1905 in Taunton, Massachusetts • Engineering degree from University of Michigan in 1927 • Initially worked at Fairchild Aircraft in Farmingdale NY • Joined Granville Brothers Aircraft in 1929 • Designed the Gee Bee Z in 1931 • Flew the Gee Bee Z to victory in the General Tire and Rubber Trophy race • Founded Hall Aircraft in 1932 • Designed the Bulldog and Cicada, which raced in 1932 • Hired by Stinson in 1933 as experimental test pilot • Helped design and test Stinson SR Reliant • Continued to race a Gee Bee Y
Robert Hall • Hired by Grumman in 1936 as engineering test pilot • Made first flights of F 4 F Wildcat, G-21 Goose, XP-50, F 6 F Hellcat, F 7 F Tigercat and F 8 F Bearcat • Became Chief Engineer in 1950 and Vice President in 1954 • Instrumental in design of the F 9 F Panther, F 9 F Cougar, F 10 F Jaguar, F 11 F Tiger and the Gulfstream I • Retired from Grumman in 1970 • Died February 25, 1991
Corwin “Corky” Meyer • • Born April 14 th, 1920 in Springfield, Illinois Joined Grumman as an experimental test pilot in November 1942 At the time, he didn’t have a college degree and hadn’t served in the military Participated in flight testing of the F 4 F, TBF, F 5 F, F 6 F, F 7 F, F 8 F, F 9 F, XF 10 F and F 11 F Made first flights of the F 9 F Panther, XF 10 F Jaguar and F 11 F Tiger Later, served as: • Director of Aircraft Development and Director of Program Development (1960) • Director of Flight Test (1965) • Vice President (1967) • Director of Manufacturing (1968) • Senior Vice President (1972) • President and CEO of Grumman American (1974) Died June 1 st, 2011
Julius Holpit • Worked at Loening, Keystone and LWF Aircraft • Joined Grumman on the first day of business as the 5 th employee • Led experimental manufacturing shop • After the XF 3 F-1 crashed, during a dive test, he led the building of another prototype in six weeks • After this airframe crashed, in a spin test, they built another in 21 days • One of Grumman’s first field reps
Dick Hutton • Started as a mechanic at Loening in 1928 • Joined Grumman as the 21 st employee • Studied evenings to get his engineering degree from the Pratt Institute in 1935 • Led the preliminary design of the F 4 F Wildcat, TBF Avenger, F 5 F, XP-50, F 6 F Hellcat, F 7 F Tigercat, F 8 F Bearcat, F 9 F Panther, F 9 F Cougar, F 11 F Tiger, Gulfstream I and Gulfstream II • Active in the design of the F-14 Tomcat • Retired in 1973 F 8 F First Sketch
Genesis of the F 4 F Wildcat • Original design (G-16, XF 4 F-1) was a biplane • Lost to Brewster F 2 A Buffalo in 1936 US Navy competition • Redesigned as a monoplane (G-18, XF 4 F-2) • XF 4 F-2 built in 1937 for US Navy as a backup for the F 2 A • After one more redesign (1939), the XF 4 F-3 (G-36) was ordered by the Armée de l'Air and the US Navy • More built by GM than Grumman
Development of the F 6 F Hellcat • Started life as an improved F 4 F Wildcat • The XF 6 F-1 prototype (G-50), powered by a two-speed, single-stage supercharged Wright R-2600 -10 Cyclone 14, first flew on June 26, 1942 • The XF 6 F-2 second prototype, powered by a turbocharged Wright R 2600 -16 Cyclone 14 flew soon thereafter • The XF 6 F-3 third prototype, powered by a P&W two-speed two-stage supercharged P&W R-2800 -10 Double Wasp flew on July 30, 1942 • Production versions were the F 6 F-3 and F 6 F-5 XF 6 F-1
Development of the TBF Avenger • Torpedo and level bomber • First flown on August 7, 1941 • First prototype lost after just 25 hours of flight • Crew of Hobart Cook and Gordon Israel bailed out • First public roll-out on December 7, 1941 • First saw combat on June 4, 1942 at the Battle of Midway • Adapted for AEW and ASW • In military service until 1960 • More were built by GM than Grumman
Gordon Israel • Born January 31 st, 1911 • Only had a high school education in St. Louis • Worked with Benny Howard, from 1929, to design the DGA-3 Pete, DGA-4 Mike, DGA-5 Ike, DGA-6 Mister Mulligan (copilot in 1935 Bendix race), DGA-8 and DGA-18 K • At Curtiss Robinson designed the Kingbird • In 1932 he designed, built and raced the Redhead • At Stinson, redesigned the Reliant, resulting in the SR-9
Gordon Israel • To Grumman in April 1941 to 1953 • Worked in flight test • Helped design XP-50, XTBF-1, F 7 F, F 8 F, F 9 F Panther and F 9 F Cougar • Project engineer on the G-73 Mallard and XF 10 F-1 Jaguar • Joined Bill Lear in 1953 • Designed modifications to Lockheed Lodestar, creating, the Learstar • Helped design the Lear Jet 23 • Working with Alan Paulson, designed the AJI Hustler • Died December 1 st, 1982
Grumman XF 5 F-1 Skyrocket • One prototype (G-34) flown in April 1940 • Powered by two Wright R-1820 -40/42 “handed” engines • The design was superseded by the larger F 7 F Tigercat
Grumman XP-50 • Prototype (G-45), built for US Army Air Force, flown in February 1941 • Powered by two Wright R-1820 -67/69 “handed” engines • Pioneered nose landing gear configuration later used on the F 7 F Tigercat • Bob Hall bailed out after a supercharger explosion on May 14 th 1941 and the airplane was destroyed
Grumman F 7 F Tigercat • XF 7 F-1 (G-51) first flown on November 2 nd 1943 • Powered by two P&W R-2800 -27, production F 7 Fs powered by later model R-2800 s • Unlike the XF 5 F-1 the engines were not “handed” • The aircraft was found to be deficient in directional stability, so the vertical tail was increased in size • Design adapted as a land-based twoseat night fighter (F 7 F-2 N and F 7 F-3 N)
F 7 F Carrier Qualifications • F 7 F-1 failed carrier suitability tests due to poor single-engine characteristics (VMC was 160 kt, 35 kt above spec) • F 7 F-3 developed to address these problems, but also failed carrier suitability tests due to a structural failure • F 7 F-4 finally passed carrier qualifications
Carrier Qualifications • Vought F 4 U Corsair failed carrier qualification trials in September 1942 and March 1943 due to numerous shortcomings including poor stall characteristics, landing gear bounce, insufficient directional control at low-speed, high-power conditions and poor cockpit visibility on approach • After further development the F 4 U Corsair passed carrier qualification trials in April 1944 • P-51 D was carrier qualified, but the US Navy did not like the liquid-cooled engine
Grumman F 8 F Bearcat • Designed to be a light-weight highly maneuverable fighter similar in concept to the Fw 190 A, which Bob Hall flew in 1943 • First prototype XF 8 F-1 (G-58) flown in August 1944 • Horizontal stabilizer span increased after first flight due to insufficient longitudinal stability • Powered by a P&W R-2800 -34 W • Inlets for oil coolers and engine induction air located in the wing roots • Plans existed for GM to produce Bearcats under license as the F 3 M-1 • Two built by Grumman for civil use, including one as Gulfhawk IV for Al Williams
Bearcat Wing Tips • Designed to break off under high loading conditions (8. 6 g) • The goal was to reduce root bending moments 20% at extreme conditions and save 230 lb of structural weight • Proof of concept tests conducted on a modified F 4 F-4 • In service, the wing tips proved to be impractical
Final Grumman Cats F 9 F Panther F 9 F Cougar F 10 F Jaguar F 11 F Tiger and F 12 F Super Tiger F-111 B F-14 Tomcat
Final Grumman Fighters X-29 A Shenyang J-8 II Peace Pearl
What They Accomplished Purchase of American Aviation Sale of Grumman American World War II Korean War
What They Accomplished In 1965 employment surpassed WWII level In 1953 gross sales surpassed WWII level
Grumman Diversification
The End • Grumman American Sold to American Jet Industries in 1978 • AJI became Gulfstream American and then Gulfstream Aerospace • Grumman boat and canoe division was sold to OMC in 1990 • In 1996, Marathon Boat Group purchasee the canoe and boat operation from OMC, and resumed production • Grumman was purchased by Northrop in 1994 for $2. 1 billion to become part of Northrop Grumman
Where to See Them Locally • The Museum of Flight has a FM-2 Wildcat in the Restoration Center at Paine Field • The Historic Flight Foundation has a F 7 F-3 Tigercat and a F 8 F-2 Bearcat at Paine Field • The Flying Heritage Collection has a F 6 F-5 Hellcat at Paine Field • A cut-away Wright R-1820 and P&W R-2800 are on display in the Personal Courage Wing at the Museum of Flight
Conclusions • Grumman was founded by a group of native Long Islanders who didn’t want to leave • Founders took a great financial risk • One goal was to create a family company • Hard work and innovation paid off • Most of the initial leadership stayed with the company for up to 50 years • Diversification into business jets, truck bodies and electronics persists to this day