- Количество слайдов: 24
Examples of the application of regional reference systems in the Czech Republic Petra Kuncová Czech Statistical Office CZECH STATISTICAL OFFICE Na padesátém 81, CZ - 100 82 Praha 10, Czech Republic www. czso. cz
Register of Census Districts and Buildings (CDBR) § Article § 20 a according to Act No. 89/1995 Coll. , on The Statistical Service, in the last reading from June 2006; § CZSO is administrator of territorial identifications for public (cooperation with Ministry of Interior and COSMC); CZECH STATISTICAL OFFICE Na padesátém 81, CZ - 100 82 Praha 10, Czech Republic www. czso. cz
Register of Census Districts and Buildings (CDBR) § Register is a system of territorial identifications including localizations and history; § register contents: § the global territorial elements, local settlement and statistical units, buildings with house numbers, addresses and number of flats, since 2006 with separate flats; § buildings and flats with attributes (type of house, material used for outer walls, period of construction, floor space of the flat, gas, heating, number of rooms, etc. ); CZECH STATISTICAL OFFICE Na padesátém 81, CZ - 100 82 Praha 10, Czech Republic www. czso. cz
Register of Census Districts and Buildings (CDBR) § The main principles: § Hierarchy (top-down, down-top) § Time (historical linkage) § Space (geographic delimitation or location); § Logical segmentation: § Description part (attribute data, full history, normalized relational data model) § Geographic part (spatial data, only in versions); CZECH STATISTICAL OFFICE Na padesátém 81, CZ - 100 82 Praha 10, Czech Republic www. czso. cz
Register of Census Districts and Buildings (CDBR) § Territorial units: § NUTS § Districts § Municipalities § Municipality Parts § Cadastral Units § Basic Settlement Units § Census Districts § Streets CZECH STATISTICAL OFFICE Na padesátém 81, CZ - 100 82 Praha 10, Czech Republic www. czso. cz
Register of Census Districts and Buildings (CDBR) § Current numbers (September 2008): § § § § § 8 areas (NUTS 2), 14 regions (NUTS 3), 77 districts (LAU 1) 6 249 municipalities 142 town parts 15 100 municipality parts 13 027 cadastral areas 22 639 basic settlement units 53 023 census districts 76 015 streets 8 702 postal codes 2 599 607 buildings with numbers, 2 512 384 b. with coordinates § 4 575 396 flats CZECH STATISTICAL OFFICE Na padesátém 81, CZ - 100 82 Praha 10, Czech Republic www. czso. cz
Large Territorial Units (NUTS 0 – NUTS 4) CZECH STATISTICAL OFFICE Na padesátém 81, CZ - 100 82 Praha 10, Czech Republic www. czso. cz
Medium Territorial Units CZECH STATISTICAL OFFICE Na padesátém 81, CZ - 100 82 Praha 10, Czech Republic www. czso. cz
Small Territorial Units (Census Districts with buildings) CZECH STATISTICAL OFFICE Na padesátém 81, CZ - 100 82 Praha 10, Czech Republic www. czso. cz
Buildings and Streets CZECH STATISTICAL OFFICE Na padesátém 81, CZ - 100 82 Praha 10, Czech Republic www. czso. cz
Address Places CZECH STATISTICAL OFFICE Na padesátém 81, CZ - 100 82 Praha 10, Czech Republic www. czso. cz
Target Area on the Background DMÚ 25 – Digital Model of Territory 1: 25 000 (Ministry of Defence) CZECH STATISTICAL OFFICE Na padesátém 81, CZ - 100 82 Praha 10, Czech Republic www. czso. cz
Target Area on Orthophoto - COSMC CZECH STATISTICAL OFFICE Na padesátém 81, CZ - 100 82 Praha 10, Czech Republic www. czso. cz
Register of Census Districts and Buildings (CDBR) § Administrative sources § Cadastral Database (Mapping Agency) – new buildings, boundaries of cadastral units, basis maps (cadastral, topographic); § Ministry of Interior – changes of addresses; § Statistical sources § STAV: Building Office (new and canceled buildings and flats, technical attributes); § Census (technical attributes etc. ); § LOK: Mapping Agency (spatial location of the buildings – coordinates, situation plans); § own activities in GIS (address places, polygons of statistical units); CZECH STATISTICAL OFFICE Na padesátém 81, CZ - 100 82 Praha 10, Czech Republic www. czso. cz
Register of Census Districts and Buildings (CDBR) § Support of statistical surveys: § Censuses (2001, 2011) § Labour Force Surveys; § Energo 2004, Microcensus 2002; § EU – SILC, etc. ; § Support of other statistical tasks § Elections § Statistical Publications § Regional Statistics, Public Databases § Information Services CZECH STATISTICAL OFFICE Na padesátém 81, CZ - 100 82 Praha 10, Czech Republic www. czso. cz
Support of information services provided by the CZSO: § § “ 62 cities” project “Noise maps” project CZECH STATISTICAL OFFICE Na padesátém 81, CZ - 100 82 Praha 10, Czech Republic www. czso. cz
“ 62 cities” project § EU projects for cities for improving "problematic areas" “Integrated programs for city development”. § Close cooperation with Ministry for Regional Development and municipalities. § Several phases: § selection of indicators – age structure, education etc. § definition of “problematic areas” (list of streets and houses) and their matching with statistical areas and units – the most difficult activity § calculation of data from Census database and Regional databases, experts estimations § basic condition for provision of EU money was that situation in the area has to be “worse” than in the whole city (Example for city Kladno) CZECH STATISTICAL OFFICE Na padesátém 81, CZ - 100 82 Praha 10, Czech Republic www. czso. cz
“ 62 cities” project • blue line – census district border • red line - basic settlement units ___________ • yellow line – definition of interested area • green line – exclusion of interested area CZECH STATISTICAL OFFICE Na padesátém 81, CZ - 100 82 Praha 10, Czech Republic www. czso. cz
“ 62 cities” project CZECH STATISTICAL OFFICE Na padesátém 81, CZ - 100 82 Praha 10, Czech Republic www. czso. cz
“Noise maps” project § How many inhabitants is influenced by noise from the airport and roads to it § Local units Hostivice, Jeneč, Horoměřice, Na Dědině, Na Padesátníku, Nebušice, Přední Kopanina, Tuchoměřice, Suchdol. We obtained “isophones” of the area: CZECH STATISTICAL OFFICE Na padesátém 81, CZ - 100 82 Praha 10, Czech Republic www. czso. cz
“Noise maps” project § Selected polygon of noise level CZECH STATISTICAL OFFICE Na padesátém 81, CZ - 100 82 Praha 10, Czech Republic www. czso. cz
“Noise maps” project § Isophones were matched with information from Register of Enumeration Districts and Buildings (buildings with house ID): CZECH STATISTICAL OFFICE Na padesátém 81, CZ - 100 82 Praha 10, Czech Republic www. czso. cz
“Noise maps” project § Data from Census were matched to house ID CZECH STATISTICAL OFFICE Na padesátém 81, CZ - 100 82 Praha 10, Czech Republic www. czso. cz
Thank you for attention Petra Kuncová petra. kuncova@czso. cz Czech Statistical Office CZECH STATISTICAL OFFICE Na padesátém 81, CZ - 100 82 Praha 10, Czech Republic www. czso. cz