Скачать презентацию Evolution to the MCC Muslim Community Center Dr Скачать презентацию Evolution to the MCC Muslim Community Center Dr


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Evolution to the MCC Muslim Community Center Dr. A. S. Hashim Evolution to the MCC Muslim Community Center Dr. A. S. Hashim

About this slide show: 1. This slide show is about: a. A brief review About this slide show: 1. This slide show is about: a. A brief review of Islamic Centers in the US and Inauguration of Islamic Center DC b. Growth of Islamic Weekend School and its branching out into 3 schools c. The school in Tilden Jr. Hi. d. Establishing a school in Woodward Hi e. The Muslim Community Center (MCC) f. The Islamic Education Center (IEC)

Mosque in Cedar Rapids, Iowa § The first mosque built in America in 1929 Mosque in Cedar Rapids, Iowa § The first mosque built in America in 1929 was in tiny Ross, North Dakota. § The 2 nd mosque built was in Cedar Rapids Iowa in 1934 by a local community of immigrants and their descendants from what is now Lebanon and Syria. § The Ross, N. Dacota mosque was slightly older than the Al-Rashid Mosque in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.

First mosque built in America 1929: Ross, North Dakota First mosque built in America 1929: Ross, North Dakota

Mosque in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Built 1934 Mosque in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Built 1934

Islamic Center on Mass. Avenue, Washington DC § On June 28 th, 1957, President Islamic Center on Mass. Avenue, Washington DC § On June 28 th, 1957, President Dwight Eisenhower addressed a crowd of American and Muslim diplomats gathered at the Islamic Center of Washington’s inauguration.

The Islamic Center DC became: § The 3 rd most interesting spot to visit The Islamic Center DC became: § The 3 rd most interesting spot to visit in Greater Washington Area in the sixties – The First spot was the White House – The second spot was Capitol Hill § Visitors were advised by travel agents to visit the Islamic Center DC – And visitors learned to take their shoes off grudgingly – Took many pictures, – Admired the Arabic inscription, and its architecture

Adminstration Imams from Al-Azhar § § § Established a Sunday School Jumu’ah Prayers Ramadhan Adminstration Imams from Al-Azhar § § § Established a Sunday School Jumu’ah Prayers Ramadhan activities Library Unfortunately very limited scope of activities Board of Trustees – Consisting of Ambassadors – Community representative § § § Poor services caused demands to improve The demands led to friction Then the call for radical change.

Beginning of Islamic Weekend Schools Beginning of Islamic Weekend Schools

1965 -1976 1965 -1976

1966 -1976 § Dr. Hashim was asked by the parents to be in charge 1966 -1976 § Dr. Hashim was asked by the parents to be in charge of the school § The Imam (Ali Abdul Qader) asked Dr. Hashim to be the superintendent § In 1966: – The school consisted of 26 children and Two classrooms: No Books or Curriculum. – Two paid teachers were appointed: Level of teaching extremely low – Gave two courses a year

School: 1966 -1976 § School grew steadily, from 26 students in 1966 to 241 School: 1966 -1976 § School grew steadily, from 26 students in 1966 to 241 students in 1976 § Teachers recruited from among the parents § Faculty was selected soon with faculty meetings § All voluntary work: No compensation given § Steadily Dr. Hashim wrote 10 Books as of 1976 § Business account was opened. § Social occasions celebrated: Picnics, group prayer in the park, etc. § Islamic Society of DC was established with radio program for ½ hour a week.

The Islamic Center on Mass. Ave School Library Administration The Islamic Center on Mass. Ave School Library Administration

Highlights of the early years Dr. Hashim and family lived (and practiced) in Cumberland, Highlights of the early years Dr. Hashim and family lived (and practiced) in Cumberland, 240 miles from Washington For three years, and Every weekend: – Stayed in motel on Saturday in Silver Spring or Bethesda – Took the children to the school on Sunday, then back to Cumberland Bought Mimeograph machine to print pamphlets Distributed papers on Friday Prayers, – Urging parents to enroll their children in the school – Giving information about the school Wrote stories of the Prophets weekly, distributed to students and families. Later collected as books. Early success brought many new students Selection of teachers: Parents, as volunteers only Meeting the Imam once a month: give him money of registration, and talk about school’s progress

Growth of School: 1966 -1976 Approximate number of children enrolled: – 1966: – 1968: Growth of School: 1966 -1976 Approximate number of children enrolled: – 1966: – 1968: – 1970: – 1972: – 1974: – 1976: 26 80 110 150 190 241

Growth of School: 1966 -1976 Growth of School: 1966 -1976

Social Interaction: Forming Society School brought about: – – – – Friendship: Parent to Social Interaction: Forming Society School brought about: – – – – Friendship: Parent to Parent and family to family Invitation during Ramadhan and other times Demands from the mosque to improve service Looking into the Bylaws of the Islamic Center DC Challenging the administration for better service Representation in the Board of Directors of the Center Picnics Forming Islamic Society of DC – – Invitation for Iftaar during Ramadhan Picnic at Rock Creek Park Coordination with other Islamic centers Ran Radio program for 6 months Visitors from other places to learn about the school Speeches and presentations to other schools in different States

Space to Accommodate At first: Two classrooms Then, Buy partitions (Temporary) to create 4 Space to Accommodate At first: Two classrooms Then, Buy partitions (Temporary) to create 4 more classrooms in the auditorium Hoballah, the new director, built 6 classrooms around the auditorium Books were written and verified (edited) by the imams Usually two books were introduced each year: 10 books by 1976 Books printed at the Center’s expense, money given back to the Center In 1973 the Center did not want to print the books (Dr. Abdul Ra’oof, the new director had his own books) The school sponsored the printing of the books: Thus the proceeds went to it. The school became progressively overcrowded and harder to accommodate

School’s First Picnic, Islamic Center DC School’s First Picnic, Islamic Center DC

Islamic Center, DC Auditorium Islamic Center, DC Auditorium

The Branching out § Too many students in a small place, needed to expand The Branching out § Too many students in a small place, needed to expand – 111 moved to Tilden Jr. Hi. in Maryland – 110 stayed at the Islamic Center Washington – 20 moved to Falls Church, Virginia § Staff was divided accordingly § School at Islamic Center Washington continued for only 4 -5 years then failed

The Branching out: 1976 Tilden, Maryland Remained, at DC Falls Church, Virginia The Branching out: 1976 Tilden, Maryland Remained, at DC Falls Church, Virginia

The Move to Tilden Jr. High Tilden Jr. Hi. 1976 -1978 The Move to Tilden Jr. High Tilden Jr. Hi. 1976 -1978

§ § § § § 13 Classrooms: Spacious and welcoming Adult Lecture Series: by § § § § § 13 Classrooms: Spacious and welcoming Adult Lecture Series: by Dr. Mahallati Three Janitors Monthly Faculty Meetings Established the Muslim Youth Organization (MYO) Numerous visitors including Abdul Ra’oof Mr. Futowat and others from Iran School doubled in Number in two years Introduced 4 more books Active forward looking attitude: Enthusiastic

Growth of School: 1976 -1978 Growth of School: 1976 -1978

Adult Lecture Series: Dr. Mahallati Adult Lecture Series: Dr. Mahallati

Buying the Land: The MCC Buying the Land: The MCC

The MCC: Signing The MCC: Signing

Celebrating the MCC Initiation Celebrating the MCC Initiation

Phases of MCC (Muslim Community Center) n Phase #1: In 1981: Small building n Phases of MCC (Muslim Community Center) n Phase #1: In 1981: Small building n Phase #2: In 1984 : Building additional but larger wing. n Phase #3: In 1994: Mosque n Phase #4: Around 2014 till present: Enlarging the Mosque structure. n Medical clinic: Daily, since 2003 n Ethnicity: Majority Pakistani

MCC Med. Clinic The 3 Phases of MCC Construction 2 nd Phase 3 rd MCC Med. Clinic The 3 Phases of MCC Construction 2 nd Phase 3 rd Phase 1 st Phase

Cornerstone, First MCC Building Cornerstone, First MCC Building

Second Building: MCC Second Building: MCC

Congressional Prayer Congressional Prayer

Montgomery County Officials Celebrate Ramadhan Montgomery County Officials Celebrate Ramadhan

MYO Activities MYO Activities

MYO Activities MYO Activities

MCC Med. Clinic MCC MEDICAL CLINIC As of 2010 Asif Qadri MD Medical Director MCC Med. Clinic MCC MEDICAL CLINIC As of 2010 Asif Qadri MD Medical Director MCC Medical Clinic

MCC Med. Clinic Dr. Asif Qadri and wife MCC Med. Clinic Dr. Asif Qadri and wife

MCC Med. Clinic The Secretary Room MCC Med. Clinic The Secretary Room

MCC Med. Clinic Growth, Patient Load: 2003 -2010 MCC Med. Clinic Growth, Patient Load: 2003 -2010

MCC Med. Clinic Number of MCC Patients Total # Unduplicated MCC Patients, Jan. -Dec. MCC Med. Clinic Number of MCC Patients Total # Unduplicated MCC Patients, Jan. -Dec. 2010 County versus non-county

The MCC (Muslim Community Center) Nowadays The MCC (Muslim Community Center) Nowadays

Look Forward to the future n The many mosques can give birth to many Look Forward to the future n The many mosques can give birth to many other mosques n Each can boost: n n n Its way of serving the Almighty Can have an Islamic Weekend School Can have its own website Can be a means to do Da’wa Provide books and brochures Serve its members within the Islamic framework n It is time to work collectively for regular Islamic schools n It is time to think of starting Islamic colleges

Finally, read Surah Al-Asr together I swear by the time, ﺍ Lo! man is Finally, read Surah Al-Asr together I swear by the time, ﺍ Lo! man is a state of loss, ﺍﺍ ﻱ Except those who believe and do good, and enjoin on each other truth, and enjoin on each other patience. ﺍ ﺍﻳ آﻭﺍ ﻭﺍ ﺍﻟ ﺍﺍ ﺍﺍ ﺍﻟ

Be in Allah’s Care Thank you and may Allah Bless you. Dr. A. S. Be in Allah’s Care Thank you and may Allah Bless you. Dr. A. S. Hashim