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21 st art exhibition “Peace in the world”, dedicated to twentieth anniversary of establishment diplomatic relations between Ukraine and Japan 1
At the entrance, decorated with beautiful balloon composition, guests will be met by affable hostesses, dressed in Japanese national clothing. They will help visitors to subside into the culture of enigmatic country of Far East. -Decorating of hall with balloons -Flags of Japan, Ukraine, Union of artist of Ukraine (flagpoles near the House of artist) -Hostess, 4 women (2 near the entrance, 2 in the exhibition hall) -Japanese national clothing -Maker-up 2
Ethnic Japanese music will sound in exhibition hall, waiters will regale guests with drinks. -Audio equipment -Microphones -Narrator of the inauguration -Translator -Audio records of ethnic Japanese music -Catering service -Drinks -Photographer 3
The organizers of exhibition, artists and representative of Union of artists of Ukraine will have a speech before the ceremony of cutting the ribbon. -Red ribbon, scissors, pillow -Audio equipping of appearance 4
During the exhibition narrator will offer to go to see origami and masterclasses calligraphy. -Pupils -Students-translators -Masters of origami an calligraphy -Paper -Scissors -Paint -Brushes -Gifts to pupils from Japanese artists 5
Journalists will have possibility to communicate with organizers of exhibition during the pressconference, which will take place upon the exhibition in the assembly hall of the House of Artist. -Rent of apartment -Inviting of journalists -Audio equipment -Microphones -Radio microphones -Name plates -Water, glasses 6
-Wi-Fi. During the event: -Registration of accredited journalists; -Name plates; -Water are given to participators; Press Center is located in the business and historical -Available audio recording of event. centre of the city near the Golden Gate. Agency is announcing the event: Opened in 1998, hall has become recognized news area - In airplay of "Announcements", which is signed by in the society , popular centre of meetings with Ukrainian businessmen and politicians, a place of historical and foreign media; statements and events. -Among subscribers of information feeds / products of agency; At your service: -Available at the main page of the website in Ukrainian, Russian and English versions/ -50 -seat hall with area of about 80 sq. m. ; -Presidium table for 4 -6 persons, equipped with 4 fixed microphones; -Radio microphones; -Lighting, acoustics and audio system, which allow professional video recording and taking pictures; -Wide Screen 46” to show the presentations, photos and video; -Ability to set banner; 7
Inauguration of art exhibition “Peace in the world” at the territory of National preserve “Sophia of Kyiv”. Saint Sophia Cathedral is a cathedral temple of Kiev Metropolis (Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople) in 1037 -1299 and second one after the Church of the Tithes. Today, it is an outstanding architectural monument of Kievan Rus' and a multi-structural complex-museum. The cathedral is one of the city's best known landmarks and the first patrimony on territory of Ukraine to be inscribed on the World Heritage List along with the Kiev Cave Monastery complex. 8
18. 30 - reception of guests near gate of National reserve “Sophia Kyivska” 9
18. 30 - 19. 00 - National preserve “Sophia of Kyiv” excursion in Ukrainian 10
19. 00 - At entrance to the House of Metropolitan guests will be met by women in national Japanese clothing, after that they invite everybody to Fireplace hall, where sounds classical live music. Guests will be given packet with souvenirs and materials about exposition. 11
19. 00 – 19. 30 - Inauguration of exhibition “Peace in the world” in Kyiv: speeches, official letters exchange, light cocktail set, live music. Official photo. Waiters entertain guest with cocktails. 12
19. 30 – 20. 00 - Excursion in the House of Metropolitan. Exposition of unique icons from private collections. 13
20. 00 -21. 00 – A feast in the hall, decorated with flowers, at the third floor of the House of Metropolitan. Live music will sound in the hall. Highly skilled waiters will serve guests. 14
www. bilasova. kiev. ua тел. /факс: +38 044 494 -25 -48 Understand all your wishes, outshine all your hopes Business city “Forum” 13 (build. 5 B), Pimonenko str. Phone number: 044 494 25 49, 044 494 25 48 office@bilasova. com. ua www. bilasova. kiev. ua Director: Margarita Pavroz margarita@bilasova. com. ua Phone number: 067 446 00 34 15