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Evaluation Grids 1 Evaluation Grids 1

Evaluation Grids n The Contracting Authorities will draw up clear and non-discriminatory selection criteria. Evaluation Grids n The Contracting Authorities will draw up clear and non-discriminatory selection criteria. The following selection criteria apply in every procurement procedure: (a) the eligibility of the Tenderer or candidate to take part in the procedure, checks having been carried out on the possible grounds for exclusion referred to in these general regulations; (b) criteria for assessing its financial, economic, technical and professional capacity. n The Contracting Authority may lay down minimum capacity levels below which it cannot select candidates. Any Tenderer or candidate may be asked to prove that it is authorised to perform the contract under national law, as evidenced by inclusion in a trade or professional register, or a sworn declaration or certificate, membership of a specific organisation, express authorisation, or entry in the VAT register. n The Contracting Authorities will specify in the Procurement Notice or in the call for expressions of interest or the invitation to submit a tender, the references chosen to test the status and the legal capacity of Tenderers or candidates. n The information requested by the Contracting Authority as proof of the financial, economic, technical and professional capacity of the candidate or Tenderer may not go beyond the subject of the contract and must take account of the legitimate interests of the economic operators as regards in particular the protection of the firm's technical and business secrets. 2

Evaluation Grids n Grid 1: Administrative Compliance Grid – Tender Opening Session n Grid Evaluation Grids n Grid 1: Administrative Compliance Grid – Tender Opening Session n Grid 2: Procedural Compliance Grid – Completeness of Tender n Grid 3: Eligibility n Grid 4: Qualification n Grid 5: Technical Evaluation n Grid 6: Financial Evaluation 3

Grid 1: Administrative Compliance Grid – Tender Opening Session n Timely submission. n Modification/ Grid 1: Administrative Compliance Grid – Tender Opening Session n Timely submission. n Modification/ withdrawal submitted. n Sealed and intact package marked with Tenderer's name and address. n One original and 5 copies of the Tender. n Evidence of payment of the Tender Dossier. n Power of attorney to sign the Tender, in original. n Tender Form duly completed and signed. n Appendix to Tender duly completed and signed. n Form of Contract Agreement, Particular Conditions, General Conditions, Form of Advance Payment Guarantee, Form of Performance Security, Form of Retention Money Guarantee, Form of Financial Identification, duly signed, on every page. n Original and validity of the Tender Guarantee attached, and in compliance with requirements n Bills of Quantities 4

Grid 2: Procedural Compliance Grid – Completeness of Tender n Tender submitted in the Grid 2: Procedural Compliance Grid – Completeness of Tender n Tender submitted in the English language n Documents in other language(s) accompanied by accurate translation n Company Act (Act of Incorporation, Statute) and Ascertaining Certificate n Completed and signed Joint Venture Agreement/ Letter of Intent/ Preliminary Agreement, if applicable n Financial identification – signed and stamped n Addenda to Tender Documents (if any) n General and eligibility information n Organisation chart n Qualification information n Technical Proposal n Cash flow Schedule n Compliance to the Technical Specifications n Documents and information for all partners in JV/ Consortium 5

Grid 3: Eligibility n Tenderer is a registered firm from EU member, or Beneficiary Grid 3: Eligibility n Tenderer is a registered firm from EU member, or Beneficiary countries n Tenderer's statement related to issues of bankruptcy, suspension of payments, legal proceedings, breach of contract, payment of taxes and social security, etc. n All materials, equipment and services with origin in eligible countries n Tenderer, JV partners or major sub-contractors not part in any other Tenders n JV partners, subcontractors eligible for Tender n Data on JV, if applicable 6

Grid 4: Qualification n Average annual turnover last three (Z) years equivalent to at Grid 4: Qualification n Average annual turnover last three (Z) years equivalent to at least (XX) million Euro n Execution experience of Tenderer as prime contractor in (consolidation) civil works n Financial Resources: the credit amount should exceed (Y) million Euro n Sound Financial Position (audited balance sheets for the last Z years – including accurate translations) n Litigation History n Sub-contractors qualification requirements n Provisions in submitted bid, contravening the Tender Dossier provisions. 7

Grid 5: Technical Evaluation n Tenderer’s Organization – Overview of the Personnel n Key Grid 5: Technical Evaluation n Tenderer’s Organization – Overview of the Personnel n Key Personnel n Adequate construction equipment, plant, etc n Sound Work Programme n Data concerning subcontracting, including main suppliers n Evidence of relevant experience as prime contractor Suitable Quality Assurance System n Accommodation for the Engineer n Cash Flow Schedule consistent with Work Programme 8

Grid 6: Financial Evaluation n Tender Price (as in Tender Form, without discount) n Grid 6: Financial Evaluation n Tender Price (as in Tender Form, without discount) n Correction to Tender Price n Discount offered n Corrected and Discounted Tender Price 9

Evaluation of Tenders - Collective Exercise n The exercise is aiming at improving understanding Evaluation of Tenders - Collective Exercise n The exercise is aiming at improving understanding of issues to be assessed in an offer and evaluate in a fair manner 10