Скачать презентацию EUROPOS SĄJUNGA Europos socialinis fondas MYKOLO ROMERIO UNIVERSITETAS Скачать презентацию EUROPOS SĄJUNGA Europos socialinis fondas MYKOLO ROMERIO UNIVERSITETAS


  • Количество слайдов: 36

EUROPOS SĄJUNGA Europos socialinis fondas MYKOLO ROMERIO UNIVERSITETAS The implementation of quality models in EUROPOS SĄJUNGA Europos socialinis fondas MYKOLO ROMERIO UNIVERSITETAS The implementation of quality models in VSB – Technical university of Ostrava Milan Hutyra VSB – Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic 1. Introduction of VSB – Technical University of Ostrava 2. Why we decided to implement QMS at VSB – Technical University of Ostrava 3. Project of implementation of QMS at VSB – Technical University of Ostrava 4. Benefits of implementation of QMS in the university 5. The look beyond certification Vilnius 2008 1

Introduction of VSB – Technical University of Ostrava Vilnius 2008 2 Introduction of VSB – Technical University of Ostrava Vilnius 2008 2

Introduction of VSB – Technical University of Ostrava Milestones: – 1849 The Mining Engineering Introduction of VSB – Technical University of Ostrava Milestones: – 1849 The Mining Engineering School established in Pribram – 1895 The School receives an HEI status – 1945 The University moves to Ostrava Vilnius 2008 3

Introduction of VSB – Technical University of Ostrava ØFaculty of Mining and Geology Ø Introduction of VSB – Technical University of Ostrava ØFaculty of Mining and Geology Ø Faculty of Metallurgy and Material Engineering ØFaculty of Mechanical Engineering Ø Faculty of Economics ØFaculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Ø Faculty of Civil Engineering Ø Faculty of Safety Engineering More than 22 000 students, about 1500 staff (1000 of them are teachers and R&D personnel) Vilnius 2008 4

Why we decided to implement the QMS at VSB –Technical University of Ostrava ? Why we decided to implement the QMS at VSB –Technical University of Ostrava ? Competitive environment The university has • to satisfy their customers • to improve the overall organizational performance and capabilities Vilnius 2008 5

Why we decided to implement the QMS at VSB –Technical University of Ostrava ? Why we decided to implement the QMS at VSB –Technical University of Ostrava ? Quality of products Quality of processes Quality of management Vilnius 2008 6

QMS as inherent part of university management Our expectations • The accurate definition of QMS as inherent part of university management Our expectations • The accurate definition of authorities and responsibilities • The better set-up of activities inside the university • The force the university to identify and satisfy the actual needs and expectations of their customers • The saving of the operating expences Vilnius 2008 7

Concepts of QMS? • the concept of ISO 9000 -prescriptive approach based on International Concepts of QMS? • the concept of ISO 9000 -prescriptive approach based on International Standards ISO 9000 series • the concept of TQM - is non prescriptive approach, more or less the philosophy. TQM is applied according to different models that enable to evaluate the maturity of QMS. After revision of ISO 9000 series at 2000 we can observe the convergence of both concepts. Vilnius 2008 8

Concepts of QMS? ISO 9000: 2000 Quality Management Principles TQM - the EFQM Fundamental Concepts of QMS? ISO 9000: 2000 Quality Management Principles TQM - the EFQM Fundamental Concepts of Excellence Customer focus Results orientations Leadership Customer focus Involvement of people Leadership & Constancy of purpose Process approach Management by processes & facts System approach to management People development & involvement Continual improvement Continuous learning, improvement & innovations Factual approach to decision making Partnership development Mutually beneficial supplier relationship Corporate Social Responsibility Vilnius 2008 9

Concepts of QMS? Standards of series ISO 9000: 2000 offer the guidance to lead Concepts of QMS? Standards of series ISO 9000: 2000 offer the guidance to lead and operate organisation successfully • The benefits of implementation of QMS according to ISO 9000: 2000 was verified in the industry • There is no substantial reason why implementation of QMS at University wouldn´t bring the comparable results Vilnius 2008 10

The experiences from the implementation of QMS in industry are not fully transmitted into The experiences from the implementation of QMS in industry are not fully transmitted into the university environment. There at least two important differences: • The cycle time of product realization is significantly longer than in the industry. • The members of university staff and academic freedom. Vilnius 2008 11

Project of implementation of QMS at VSB – TUO • 1 st phase – Project of implementation of QMS at VSB – TUO • 1 st phase – pilot project (2004) Implementation of QMS at the selected faculty • 2 nd phase – aplication project (2005 -2006) Implenentation of QMS at the rest of faculties • 3 rd phase (2007) Implementation of QMS at the administration and executive part of University Vilnius 2008 12

Implementation of QMS at VSB – Technical University of Ostrava The preparation phase 1. Implementation of QMS at VSB – Technical University of Ostrava The preparation phase 1. The decision of top management about implementation of QMS as inherent part of management 2. The declaration of mission , vision and strategy (quality policy) 3. The definition of project team for implementation of QMS 4. The definition of terms 5. The reservation of resources (financial, HR, …) Vilnius 2008 13

Implementation of QMS at VSB – Technical University of Ostrava The implementation phase 1. Implementation of QMS at VSB – Technical University of Ostrava The implementation phase 1. The training the staff about QMS 2. To set up the procedure for control of documents and records 3. The implementation of process approach. It consist of : a) b) c) Identification of processes and definition of the process map Definition and documentation of processes Definition of process performance assessment criteria 4. The comparison of existing processes with ISO 9001 requirements Vilnius 2008 14

Implementation of QMS at VSB – Technical University of Ostrava The implementation phase (continue) Implementation of QMS at VSB – Technical University of Ostrava The implementation phase (continue) 5. The implementation so far missing procedures (measurement and monitoring of system performance, measurement and monitoring of customer satisfaction, internal audits, control of nonconforming product, correctives actions, preventive actions, …) 6. The evaluation of process performance and quality system review 7. 8. The implementation of actions to improve the system performance The certification of QMS Vilnius 2008 15

The processes at the faculty level • Customer related processes • Managing processes • The processes at the faculty level • Customer related processes • Managing processes • Supporting processes Vilnius 2008 16

The processes at the university level • Managing processes • Resource management o Finance The processes at the university level • Managing processes • Resource management o Finance management o Facility management o HR management o IT management Vilnius 2008 17

Pilot project of implementation of QMS at FEI of VSB TUO The Faculty of Pilot project of implementation of QMS at FEI of VSB TUO The Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science passed successfully the certification audit and received ISO 9000 registration on November 2004 as the first faculty in Czech Republic. Vilnius 2008 18

Pilot project of implementation of QMS at FEI of VSB TUO Chancellor of TUO Pilot project of implementation of QMS at FEI of VSB TUO Chancellor of TUO and vice-dean of FEI are awarded ISO 9001 certificate at Ceremony evening at the Prague Castle by deputy of ministry of education - November 2004 Vilnius 2008 19

Project of implementation of QMS at VSB – Technical University of Ostrava Up to Project of implementation of QMS at VSB – Technical University of Ostrava Up to date VSB ISO 9001 TUO is certificated acoording to (2004) • Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (2005) • Faculty of Mechanical Engineering • Faculty of Civil Engineering • Faculty of Mining and Geology (2006) • Faculty of Economics • Faculty of Safety Engineering • Faculty of Metallurgy and Material Engineering (2007) • All VSB –TUO successfully passed certification audit Vilnius 2008 20

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Benefits of implementation of QMS in the university • Till now we do not Benefits of implementation of QMS in the university • Till now we do not recognize the significant improvement of university products (the time is too short if compare with cycle time of university products) • We recognize the improvement of university culture Vilnius 2008 22

Benefits of implementation of QMS in the university QMS forces the university to identify Benefits of implementation of QMS in the university QMS forces the university to identify and satisfy the actual needs and expectation of their customers Vilnius 2008 23

Benefits of implementation of QMS in the university Improvement of competitive ability of university Benefits of implementation of QMS in the university Improvement of competitive ability of university ISO 9000 registration is the evidence that the needs of their customers are identified • the environment to satisfy them is established • • the university is properly managed Vilnius 2008 24

Benefits of implementation of QMS in the university • Increased level of managing processes Benefits of implementation of QMS in the university • Increased level of managing processes in the university • Better set-up of activities inside the university • Increased proactive behaviour of employees • Saving of operating expenses Vilnius 2008 25

The look beyond certification The satisfaction of actual needs and expectation of customers and The look beyond certification The satisfaction of actual needs and expectation of customers and other stakeholders Vilnius 2008 26

The look beyond certification The implementation of ISO 9004 approach Vilnius 2008 27 The look beyond certification The implementation of ISO 9004 approach Vilnius 2008 27

Continual improvement of the QM system Customers and other interested parties Management responsibility Resource Continual improvement of the QM system Customers and other interested parties Management responsibility Resource management Requirements Measurement, analysis and improvement Satisfaction Product realization Intup Output Vilnius 2008 28

The look beyond certification The implementation EFQM Model Excellence Vilnius 2008 29 The look beyond certification The implementation EFQM Model Excellence Vilnius 2008 29

The pilot project of implementation of self-assessment according to EFQM Model Excellence at Faculty The pilot project of implementation of self-assessment according to EFQM Model Excellence at Faculty of Mechanical Engineering 1. Develop & retain commitment to faculty management. 2. Develop and deploy communication strategy. 3. Plan self-assessment. 4. Select and train people directly involved in the process of self-assessment. 5. Conduct self-assessment and write a self-assessment report. 6. External evaluation of a self-assessment report 7. Consider outcomes & prioritise. 8. Establish & implement an action plan. Vilnius 2008 30

The pilot project of implementation of EFQM Model Excellence at Faculty of Mechanical Engineering The pilot project of implementation of EFQM Model Excellence at Faculty of Mechanical Engineering The faculty applied for the Program of the Czech Republic National Quality Award 2006 and 2007 „The assessment of performance of an organisation based on EFQM Model Excellence „ Vilnius 2008 31

The pilot project of implementation of EFQM Model Excellence at Faculty of Mechanical Engineering The pilot project of implementation of EFQM Model Excellence at Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Based on the evaluation of self-assessment report, followed by the site visit by assessors of Czech Republic National Quality Award 2006 the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering was awarded “Recognised for Excellence“ Vilnius 2008 32

The pilot project of implementation of EFQM Model Excellence at Faculty of Mechanical Engineering The pilot project of implementation of EFQM Model Excellence at Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Based on the evaluation of self-assessment report, followed by the site visit by assessors of Czech Republic National Quality Award 2007 the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering was awarded Czech Republic National Quality Award 2007 in category public sector Vilnius 2008 33

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Summary The proper implementation of QMS as inherent part of university management could brinks Summary The proper implementation of QMS as inherent part of university management could brinks the benefit both • to the customers and stakeholders of university • to the university It is the reason why we have implemented QMS at VSB Technical University of Ostrava Vilnius 2008 35

Thank you for your attention Contact: Milan Hutyra VSB-Technical University of Ostrava Quality Management Thank you for your attention Contact: Milan Hutyra VSB-Technical University of Ostrava Quality Management (912), Tř. 17. listopadu, CZ 708 33 Ostrava-Poruba Tel: + 420 59 732 3714 Fax: + 420 59 699 3740 E-mail: milan. hutyra@vsb. cz Internet: www. vsb. cz Vilnius 2008 36