Скачать презентацию European Research Funding HORIZON 2020 an Introduction Paul Скачать презентацию European Research Funding HORIZON 2020 an Introduction Paul


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European Research Funding HORIZON 2020 an Introduction Paul Knobbs European Funding Manager Research Support European Research Funding HORIZON 2020 an Introduction Paul Knobbs European Funding Manager Research Support Office Aston University

What we’ll cover. . . 1. Structure of Horizon 2020, briefly… 2. Marie Curie What we’ll cover. . . 1. Structure of Horizon 2020, briefly… 2. Marie Curie • Innovative Training Networks – I’ll cover eligibility, structure, envisaged activities, funding… • RISE – Guidance is not available…I’ll tell you what I know 3. Nuts and bolts – making an application 4. Time for questions

I’ll start with tips. Become an expert reviewer. DO IT. http: //ec. europa. eu/research/horizon I’ll start with tips. Become an expert reviewer. DO IT. http: //ec. europa. eu/research/horizon 2020/index_en. cfm? pg=h 2020 -experts Register on UKRO website, receive regular quality information http: //www. ukro. ac. uk/Pages/UKRO. aspx Save the H 2020 and Participant Portal website to your favourite http: //ec. europa. eu/research/participants/portal/desktop/en/home. ht ml Down load the Guide for applicants and read them ITN http: //ec. europa. eu/research/participants/portal/desktop/en/opportu nities/h 2020/calls/h 2020 -msca-itn-2014. html RISE http: //ec. europa. eu/research/participants/portal/desktop/en/opportu nities/h 2020/calls/h 2020 -msca-rise-2014. html

Horizon 2020 Structure Pillar 2 Industrial Leadership Pillar 1 Excellent Science ERC – No Horizon 2020 Structure Pillar 2 Industrial Leadership Pillar 1 Excellent Science ERC – No structural change to FP 7 FET – Contains the most interesting change of the new programme. Will explain. Bottom up Marie Curie – Subtle changes. Will explain Research Infrastructure European Institute of Technology. Euratom. JRC’s Leadership in Top enabling and Down industrial technologies • ICT; micro- and nanoelectronics, photonics; nanotechnology; biotechnology; advanced materials and advanced manufacturing systems Innovation for SME’s Pillar 3 Societal Challenges 1. Health, demographic change and well-being 2. Food security, sustainable agriculture, marine and maritime research, and the Top bioeconomy Down 3. Secure, clean and efficient energy 4. Smart, green and integrated transport 5. Climate action, resource efficiency and raw materials 6. Inclusive, innovative societies 7. Secure societies

Pillar 1: Excellent Science - MC FP 7 ---------- Horizon 2020 Pillar 1: Excellent Science - MC FP 7 ---------- Horizon 2020

Marie Curie Timings MSC Action 2014 Open Close ITN 11 December 2013 09 April Marie Curie Timings MSC Action 2014 Open Close ITN 11 December 2013 09 April 2014 IF 12 March 2014 11 September 2014 RISE 11 December 2013 24 April 2014 Co Fund 10 April 2014 02 October 2014 MSC Action 2015 Open Close ITN 02 September 2014 13 January 2015 IF 12 March 2015 10 September 2015 RISE 06 January 2015 28 April 2015 Co Fund 14 April 2015 01 October 2015

Individual Fellowships (IF) SME Fellow. Host Uni of x The Rules • Fellow can Individual Fellowships (IF) SME Fellow. Host Uni of x The Rules • Fellow can be within EU or outside of EU. • Nationality is not an issue. • Must not have spend more than 12 months in previous 3 years in host country. • Must have a Ph. D, or more than 4 years research experience. Hosts responsibilities • Provide a home for 2 years for IF • Training and Knowledge Transfer • IF can spend up to 30% away from host at partners to undertake research

What is an ITN? The Innovative Training Networks (ITN) aim to train a new What is an ITN? The Innovative Training Networks (ITN) aim to train a new generation of creative, entrepreneurial and innovative earlystage researchers, able to face current and future challenges and to convert knowledge and ideas into products and services for economic and social benefit. ITN will raise excellence and structure research and doctoral training, extending the traditional academic research training setting, and equipping researchers with the right combination of researchrelated and transferable competences. It will provide enhanced career perspectives in both the academic and non-academic sectors through international, interdisciplinary and intersectoral mobility combined with the innovationoriented mind-set. (2014 Work Programme)

ITN Schemes available European Training Network (ETN) - Quick Notes – Most familiar, 6 ITN Schemes available European Training Network (ETN) - Quick Notes – Most familiar, 6 to 10 partners, academic and non academic. 540 months European Industrial Doctorates (EID) - Quick notes – NEW. Two partners minimum. Researchers* must spend 50% of their time in non-academic setting. 180 months. European Joint Doctorates (EJD) - Quick notes – NEW. Creation of joint doctoral programmes leading to the delivery of joint, double or multiple doctoral degrees. 540 months

Participants of ITNs Beneficiaries • Full partners. Recruit, supervise, host researchers. • Signatories to Participants of ITNs Beneficiaries • Full partners. Recruit, supervise, host researchers. • Signatories to the grant agreement Partner Organisations (must provide letter of support) • Participate, but do not recruit. • Not signatories to grant agreement • Can provide expertise, transferrable skills, training, secondment.

Eligible organisations for an ITN Academic sector consists of public or private higher education Eligible organisations for an ITN Academic sector consists of public or private higher education establishments awarding academic degrees, public or private non-profit research organisations whose primary mission is to pursue research, and international European interest organisations (e. g. CERN, EMBL). Non-academic sector includes any socio-economic actor not included in the academic sector and fulfilling the requirements of the Horizon 2020 Rules for Participation. This could include private enterprises (including SMEs), non-profit or charitable organisations (e. g. NGOs, trusts, etc. ), museums, hospitals, international organisations (e. g. UN, WHO), etc.

Eligible Countries for ITN EU Member States (must be three to be eligible) Associated Eligible Countries for ITN EU Member States (must be three to be eligible) Associated Countries and Other Third Countries. Funding may be granted on equal terms…depends… Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, American Samoa, Angola, Argentina, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Belarus, Belize, Benin, Bhutan, Bolivia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Central African Republic, Chad, Chile, Colombia, Comoros, Congo (Democratic Republic), Congo (Republic), Costa Rica, Côte d’Ivoire, Cuba, Djibouti, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Fiji, Gabon, Gambia, Georgia, Ghana, Grenada, Guatemala, Guinea-Buissau, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Jamaica, Jordan, Kazakhstan etc… See Annex http: //ec. europa. eu/research/participants/portal/doc/call/h 2020/com mon/1587809 -18. _general_annexes_wp 2014 -2015_en. pdf

Other points to note Duration of Project and Recruitment - Normally 48 month projects, Other points to note Duration of Project and Recruitment - Normally 48 month projects, 36 month Ph. Ds Researchers must be early stage – no Ph. D, no more than 4 years research experience. All researchers must experience transnational movement (move about network). Maximum of 30% away from host – in ETNs and EJDs No more than 40% of total EU financial contribution can go to one organisation is one country (Except for EID)

ITNs Research and Training Activities ITN’s joint research and training projects, they feature: • ITNs Research and Training Activities ITN’s joint research and training projects, they feature: • • • Training through research Development of network-wide training activities Provision of structured training courses Exchange of knowledge with member of the network Invitation of visiting researchers They should widen career prospects via • Transferrable skills training • Involvement in the organisation of all activities by researchers • Personal Career Development Plan

European Training Network (ETN) At least 3 beneficiaries – academic/non-academic – from three different European Training Network (ETN) At least 3 beneficiaries – academic/non-academic – from three different member states or Accession Counties. Then ACs and OTCs as appropriate. Each partner has at least 1 researcher Inter-sectoral movement around the partnership 540 man months max.

European Training Network Unique skills Beneficiary 1 - Unique skills Beneficiary 2 - Uni European Training Network Unique skills Beneficiary 1 - Unique skills Beneficiary 2 - Uni Beneficiary 3 - Unique skills Problem Beneficiary 4 - Uni Beneficiary 6 - MN Unique skills Beneficiary 5 - SME Unique skills Partner Organisations.

European Industrial Doctorates At least 2 beneficiaries. 2 member states. At least 1 academic European Industrial Doctorates At least 2 beneficiaries. 2 member states. At least 1 academic and 1 non-academic – preferably an enterprise. Additional partner beneficiaries can come from any sector. Recruited researchers must • Be enrolled in a doctoral programme at one academic participant • Jointly supervised by at least 2 supervisors (academic + non -academic) • Spend at least 50% of their time in the non-academic sector Note: Guidance states “should aim to support long-term, industry orientated research (fundamental or applied)…”

European Industrial Doctorate Unique skills Partner Organisations. Beneficiary 1 - Uni Problem Beneficiary 2 European Industrial Doctorate Unique skills Partner Organisations. Beneficiary 1 - Uni Problem Beneficiary 2 - SME Unique skills

European Joint Doctorates At least 3 beneficiaries – academic/non-academic – from three different member European Joint Doctorates At least 3 beneficiaries – academic/non-academic – from three different member states or Accession Counties. Then ACs and OTCs as appropriate. Each recruited researcher must be: • Selected, supervised, monitored and assessed through a joint governance structure • Be enrolled on a joint doctoral programme • Undertake transnational mobility (move about the network) Note: Guidance talks about overcoming national, sectoral, etc. , boundaries in doctoral research. Seems very structural. Should be embedded in existing programme. Award of joint, double or multiple degree recognised by respective national authorities. Agreement to award is a mandatory deliverable.

ITN Funding regime Paid to Researcher Monthly Living Allowance (basic, gross amount) - € ITN Funding regime Paid to Researcher Monthly Living Allowance (basic, gross amount) - € 3, 110. Adjusted via correction coefficient. Researcher must be on a formal contract of employment. Monthly mobility allowance - € 600 Monthly family allowance - € 500 (depending on status) Network Costs Monthly research, training and network costs - € 1, 800 Monthly management costs - € 1, 200

Research and Innovation Exchange Scheme RISE The RISE scheme will promote international and inter-sector Research and Innovation Exchange Scheme RISE The RISE scheme will promote international and inter-sector collaboration through research and innovation staff exchanges, and sharing of knowledge and ideas from research to market (and vice-versa) for the advancement of science and the development of innovation. The scheme fosters a shared culture of research and innovation that welcomes and rewards creativity and entrepreneurship and helps to turn creative ideas into innovative products, services or processes. From the Work Programme

RISE - Scope RISE involves organisations from the academic and nonacademic sectors (in particular RISE - Scope RISE involves organisations from the academic and nonacademic sectors (in particular SMEs), based in Europe (EU Member States and Associated Countries) and outside Europe (third countries). Support is provided joint research and innovation activities between the participants, to facilitate knowledge sharing via international as well as intersectoral mobility, based on secondments of research and innovation staff (exchanges). Including: - networking activities, organisation of workshops and conferences to facilitate sharing of knowledge, new skills acquisition and career development for research and innovation staff members.

RISE – Eligibility 1 The overall European Union contribution for RISE is limited to RISE – Eligibility 1 The overall European Union contribution for RISE is limited to the secondment of a maximum 540 person-months. Restrictions on non-EU countries that can receive funding – BRIC cannot. Participating staff can be Early Stage Researchers (no Ph. D, less than 4 years experience) or Experienced Researchers (Ph. D or more than 4 years experience) Secondments may be split into several stays not exceeding 12 months in total and not going beyond the project duration

RISE – Eligibility 2 Support for the exchanges between institutions in the EU Member RISE – Eligibility 2 Support for the exchanges between institutions in the EU Member States and Associated Countries covers only intersectoral secondments. Exchanges with institutions from third countries can be intersectoral secondments as well as secondments within the same sector. No secondments between institutions located in third countries or within the same EU Member State or Associated Country can be supported.

RISE - Funding Regime Monthly top-up allowance - € 2, 000 Monthly research, training RISE - Funding Regime Monthly top-up allowance - € 2, 000 Monthly research, training and networking cost - € 1, 800 Monthly management and indirect costs - € 700

Research and innovation Exchange Scheme Partner 1 - Uni Partner 4 - SME Partner Research and innovation Exchange Scheme Partner 1 - Uni Partner 4 - SME Partner 2 - Uni Partner 4 - Uni Partner 3 - SME Partner 1 - MN Glorified travel grant Must address a problem germane to all partners Replaces IRSES and IAPP from FP 7 EU Non - EU Excluding BRIC countries

CO-FUND Large scale training programme. Doctoral programmes or fellowship programmes. Cohort of 20+ From CO-FUND Large scale training programme. Doctoral programmes or fellowship programmes. Cohort of 20+ From the Work Programme The COFUND scheme aims at stimulating regional, national or international programmes to foster excellence in researchers' training, mobility and career development, spreading the best practices of Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions. This will be achieved by co-funding new or existing regional, national, and international programmes to open up to, and provide for, international, intersectoral and interdisciplinary research training, as well as transnational and cross-sectoral mobility of researchers at all stages of their career.

Marie Curie Timings MSC Action 2014 Open Close ITN 11 December 2013 09 April Marie Curie Timings MSC Action 2014 Open Close ITN 11 December 2013 09 April 2014 IF 12 March 2014 11 September 2014 RISE 11 December 2013 24 April 2014 Co Fund 10 April 2014 02 October 2014 MSC Action 2015 Open Close ITN 02 September 2014 13 January 2015 IF 12 March 2015 10 September 2015 RISE 06 January 2015 28 April 2015 Co Fund 14 April 2015 01 October 2015

Nuts and bolts How to apply – do it though me. I’ll make your Nuts and bolts How to apply – do it though me. I’ll make your life easier. • Part A – Admin • Part B – Application form Part A - Admin Earlier the better All beneficiaries need a PIC…if they don’t have one and you want them in, they’ll need to get one – I can help. If Part A isn’t done and dusted, you cannot submit.

Nuts and bolts Part B Evaluation based on performance in 3 sections Excellence – Nuts and bolts Part B Evaluation based on performance in 3 sections Excellence – 50% Impact – 30% Implementation – 20% Evaluation on page 26 of the guide for applicants http: //ec. europa. eu/research/participants/portal/doc/call/h 2020/h 20 20 -msca-itn-2014/1587860 -itn_2014_-_guide_for_applicants__for_publication_en. pdf - See handout. Template for proposal is page 34 of guide for applicants.

Questions Questions