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European Qualifications Framework and VPL: - a strong combination? VPL and Life. Long. Learning Utrecht 22 - 23 September 2005 Mette Beyer Paulsen, Project Manager Cedefop/Thessaloniki 1 22 -23 Sept. 2005
Transparency tools: pieces to a puzzle EQF: 3 elements: - common reference points: 8 outcome-based levels - tools and instruments for citizens - common principles and procedures 2 22 -23 Sept. 2005
Transparency tools: pieces to a puzzle Tools and instruments for citizens: • Europass • Credit transfer • Ploteus 3 22 -23 Sept. 2005
Transparency tools: pieces to a puzzle Common principles and procedures: • • Validation of non-formal learning Quality Guidance Key competences 4 22 -23 Sept. 2005
5 22 -23 Sept. 2005
A common European Qualification Framework (EQF) Proposal: 8 common reference levels: l 2 dimensions (meta-levels) l horizontal levels - “quantitative” l vertical levels - “qualitative” with – ‘steps’ at each level l modules, credits, units…. l a qualification ‘Ecu’ 6 22 -23 Sept. 2005
8 “traditional levels”- input related 1 General compulsory education, primary 2 Compulsory education, lower secondary 3 Vocational qualification at upper secondary level (‘skilled worker’) 4 Upper secondary education 7 22 -23 Sept. 2005
Common reference levels 5 ‘technician’, post secondary short cycle higher education, 6 ’Bachelor’, high level theoretical and practical knowledge, HE institutions 7 ‘Master’, specialist theoretical and practical knowledge, HE institutions 8 ‘Ph. D’, highly specialised, dealing with complex situations 8 22 -23 Sept. 2005
- 8 common reference levels the knowledge, skills, competence, “outcome” way 1. General basic knowledge and skills 2. Limited range of knowledge, skills and wider competences, concrete and general 3 Broad general, and field-specific practical and basic theoretical knowledge, direction 1. Significant field-specific practical and theoretical knowledge & skills. Can work independently 9 22 -23 Sept. 2005
8 Common reference levels (ctnd. ) 5 Broad theoretical and practical knowledge & skills, incl. particular field of learn. or occup. 6 Detailed theoretical and practical knowledge, skills and competence, in forefront field (HE, B) 7 Self-directed, theoretical and practical learning (forefront, originality, HE, ‘M’) 8 Highly specialised, dealing with complex situations, (critical, ‘Ph. D’) 10 22 -23 Sept. 2005
Credit transfer l l ECTS (workload, duration, higher education) ECVET (competence and learning outcome for each level) l knowledge l skills l personal and professional outcomes l European Learning Credits (ELC) ? ? ? 11 22 -23 Sept. 2005
Common principles for validation of non-formal and informal learning l l Individual entitlements Obligations of stakeholders Confidence and trust Credibility and legitimacy Council conclusions, Dublin, May 2004 12 22 -23 Sept. 2005
Main methods for validation of non-formal and informal competences l l l Examination (Self-)declaration Observation Simulation Documentation (portfolios, specimens) - and combinations of these Danielle Colardyn, (ADMEE, 2004) 13 22 -23 Sept. 2005
Main purposes of VPL Descriptive, ‘guide’ l ‘mapping of competences ‘, formative Measure, ‘gauge’ l substitute, give rights (access, credit, certificate), summative 14 22 -23 Sept. 2005
VPL & mobility (across sectors, systems, countries) l VPL should take place in a given, defined context l Once competences have been identified, described and validated up against a given system, credit can be given 15 22 -23 Sept. 2005
Holistic vs. “compartmentalized” (modules, units etc. ) Do we have valid methods to describe l l l Context dependant ‘soft skills’ The “ethos” of a trade Tacit skills 16 22 -23 Sept. 2005
VPL & mobility (across sectors, systems, countries) What are the gains? l l l Lower training costs Better utilisation of human resources ? ? ? What are the risks? l l More exclusion in a highly competitive labour market ? ? ? 17 22 -23 Sept. 2005
VPL & mobility (across sectors, systems, countries) What do we need? l l l Better understanding of the nature of competences A non-exclusive language to describe them Knowledge and tolerance Same value does not mean “identical” “Use showels, not tweezers” ? ? ? 18 22 -23 Sept. 2005
CEDEFOP CONTRIBUTION Virtual communities to support the Copenhagen Declaration set up by Cedefop in partnership with the European Commission. http: //cedefop. communityzero. com 19 22 -23 Sept. 2005
For further information: P. O. Box 22427 GR-55102 Thessaloniki Greece Tel. : (30 -2310) 49 01 11 Fax: (30 -2310) 49 01 02 E-mail: info@cedefop. eu. int Web sites: www. cedefop. eu. int www. trainingvillage. gr Brussels Office: 20, Avenue d’Auderghem B-1040 Brussels Tel. : (32 -2) 230 19 78 Fax: (32 -2) 230 58 24 E-mail: info. be@cedefop. eu. int 20 22 -23 Sept. 2005