Скачать презентацию European Medieval Sports Street Games Network Acronym Скачать презентацию European Medieval Sports Street Games Network Acronym


  • Количество слайдов: 10

“European Medieval Sports & Street Games Network” (Acronym: Ga. M. E. S. Net) q “European Medieval Sports & Street Games Network” (Acronym: Ga. M. E. S. Net) q MOZDRAK q DAMA q THE MIRROW q THE RAT OF THE CHURCH

Mozdrak Game Mozdrak Game

Ga. M. E. S. Net Ga. M. E. S. Net

Many people can participate in the game. At the beginning we agree on the Many people can participate in the game. At the beginning we agree on the game area. It is a big area with plenty of places to hide, for example a forest or a park. In the area we’ll choose a place for the prison, e. g. a stone. The person who gets into the prison must touch the stone. One is the catcher and his goal is to get the other players into the prison. At the beginning of the game the catcher is near the prison eyes closed and counts to 50. The other players run to their hideouts while the counter is counting. The catcher must yell that he is coming and he goes looking for the Hidden “rats”. The hiding “rats” can change their hideouts. The catcher doesn’t have to touch the “rats”, seeing them is enough. The catcher must point to the “rats” and yell the “rat” by the name. . For example: ”Sanna the rat is seen. ” If he says the wrong name the rat can escape. The rat who is seen must go to prison and must stay there as long as he is saved or the game is finished. The saving is done when someone who is still a free rat touches a prisonrat so that the cathcer doesn’t see that. The saver must yell: ”Saved. ”

THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION! Valentin Lazarov President of the Board National Association of THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION! Valentin Lazarov President of the Board National Association of Municipal Clerks in Bulgaria 1 Todorini Kukli Street, Sofia 1505, Bulgaria Tel. /fax: +359 2 8453979 Mobile phone: +359 887 996214 www. namcb-org. bg