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European Marine Observation and Data Network Lot No 5 - Biology WP 2: Data access to marine biological data
Overall WP 2 objective The development of a common method of access to biological data held in repositories by the organization collecting them and make the data interoperable such that all data of a particular type collected within a defined time and space window can be found, visualized and downloaded Biological data: data and metadata on observations of marine species Marine species: phytoplankton, zooplankton, macro-algae, angiosperms, benthos, birds, mammals, reptiles and fish
Specific WP 2 objectives • Analyse and assess in-depth the usability and fitness for purpose of the different data and databases that will contribute to the project, including analysis of trait information • Decide on the optimal mechanisms for linkage with the EMODnet portal, making maximal use of existing systems • Format the data and perform taxonomic and data standardizations to allow interoperability with the EMODnet biological portal • Determine the suitability of the data for the creation of the data products and validate the produced data products
Used standards and data formats: • Darwin Core • Eur. OBIS, OBIS & OBIS-ENV • World Register of Marine Species (Wo. RMS) • World Register of Marine Species Traits • BODC Parameters • Marine Regions
OBIS-ENV-DATA Event 1 Expanding OBIS beyond species occurrence data, with an extension for environmental data at the same station visit e. Mo. F A 1 Event 1. 1 e. Mo. F A 2 Event 1. 1. 1 e. Mo. F B 3 e. Mo. F B 1 Occ 3 Occ 2 e. Mo. F B 2
Task 1 Analyze and assess in-depth the usability and fitness for purpose of the different data. In other words, determine • • • available data types (e. g. abundance, absence, or biomass) taxonomic, spatial or temporal cover if supporting functional trait information can be made available if supporting environmental information can be made available whether the dataset is fitted to contribute to specific data products specific model of linking with the EMODnet data portal D 2. 1: Assessment of data and databases, including list of datasets that will be used for creation of products (M 3)
Task 2 Format the data and perform data standardizations • Match data with Darwin Core data scheme • Perform quality checks & standardization: • • taxonomic QC through Wo. RMS all required fields are completed all given values are possible (cfr. lat-lon, date …) check for duplicate records check provided codes match traits with trait vocab … D 2. 2: Data standardization and formatting of a subset of the data that is needed for the data products (M 12) D 2. 3: Data standardization and formatting of all datasets mentioned under data coverage section of proposal for linking with EMODnet biology (M 24)
Available datasets – what do we already have? # datasets # distr. records I io B 011 t 2 ne 5/ D – O M 009 E /2 5 II io 16 B et 9/20 n D O 3– EM /201 9 - 746 datasets - >20 million occurrence records => 17, 4 million (87%) QC'd - 72, 727 species names => 58, 729 are accepted => all linked to Wo. RMS
Available datasets – what do we already have? # Eur. OBIS records per region
Available datasets – what do we already have? # Eur. OBIS records per functional group
Available datasets – what do we already have? # Eur. OBIS records per functional group per time period 8, 000 7, 000 6, 000 5, 000 2000 -now 4, 000 1980 -2000 3, 000 1960 -1980 2, 000 1940 -1960 1920 -1940 1, 000 1900 -1920 pre 1900 or er th O ed in on kt N ot Zo op l an ep kt an pl yt o Ph de te rm ia til es on R he ot an d sc lg ra ek N m M am Pi ae n to al ia s ho nt Be s ve A A ng io sp er m ae 0
Available datasets – what do we already have? # Eur. OBIS records per functional group per time period (bis)
Datasets to expect – in general (1) EEZs of European countries represented in WP 2 that will provide access to marine biological monitoring data. Several organizations will make available data outside their EEZ (SAHFOS, ICES, PANGAEA, Eur. OBIS).
Datasets to expect – in general (2) # identified datasets to be delivered during EMODnet Bio 3 - 77 new datasets 29 updates - General time-range: 1800 – present - # new records: least 4 million at # datasets to be delivered were not specified for Eur. OBIS, PANGAEA, Sea. Data. Net & HCMR. Will depend on what becomes available to these partners/systems.
Datasets to expect – in general (3) Functional group focus of expected datasets (per partner) Aarhus CEFAS Deltares SYKE IFREMER ILVO IMR IEO IPMA ICES OGS MBA NIMRD RBI SMHI SAHFOS HCMR Eur. OBIS PANGAEA Sea. Data. Net Phytoplankton Zooplankton X X Benthos Macro-algae Fish Mammals X X Angiosperms Birds X X X X X X X X X X
Datasets to expect – in general (4) Chosen data delivery systems Aarhus CEFAS Deltares SYKE IFREMER ILVO IMR IEO IPMA ICES OGS MBA NIMRD RBI SMHI SAHFOS HCMR Eur. OBIS PANGAEA Sea. Data. Net Total # datasets 2 6 3 3 6 1 7 25 12 10 8 6 9 2 TBC TBC IPT Web Services SDN X Excel To be decided X X X (? ) X X X X
Datasets to expect – Pan-European • Eur. OBIS Integrated, quality controlled European marine biogeographic datasets for all species groups mentioned in the tender specifications, covering all European marine waters. • PANGAEA ± 35. 000 data sets related to the biosphere. Data are highly heterogeneous and cover all environments. Particular focus on marine data from European and international seas, e. g. plankton data. • Sea. Data. Net Biological CDI records form several European data centers with information on: pigments, birds, mammals and reptiles, biota composition & abundance, biomass and diversity, other biological measurements, zooplankton, phytoplankton and microphytobenthos or bacteria and viruses.
Datasets to expect – N-E Atlantic, North Sea, Celtic Seas, Norwegian Sea, Arctic Sea • SAHFOS Updates from Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) • ICES Updates of: o fish data from International bottom trawl survey database DATRAS o several national eggs and larvae databases o long term datasets on fish stomach content, zooplankton and phytoplankton communities, zoobenthic and phytobenthos communities and biological communities data • IMR o Red king crab observations from the southern Barents Sea (1994 -) o Northern shrimp observations from the in the North Sea (1984 -2016) o Cold water coral Lophelia pertusa registrations along the Norwegian coast o Data from literature, video and fishermen o Marine mammal observations from the Greenland sea, & Barents, Sea, Norwegian Sea and North Sea
Datasets to expect – N-E Atlantic, North Sea, Celtic Seas, Norwegian Sea, Arctic Sea • Deltares o Phytoplankton: sampled regularly in the Dutch coastal waters since 1990 o Benthos: the Dutch Rijkswaterstaat MWTL benthos measurement network, from 1984 – 2012, on approximately 514 locations • MBA Updates of DASSH, the UK archive for marine biodiversity data • CEFAS Long-term macrobenthic data sets collected during many marine monitoring and R&D projects along pressure gradients • ILVO benthos, hyperbenthos and fish monitoring and gelatinous zooplankton monitoring data from the Belgian part of the North Sea
Datasets to expect – Mediterranean Seas, Iberian Coast, Bay of Biscay and Macaronesia • IEO o Bottom trawl data from the international MEDITS project, collected along the Mediterranean coast of the Iberian Peninsula (1994 -2010) & the coasts of the Balearic Islands (2001 -2010). o Updates of RADIALES monitoring program data, including phyto- & zooplankton abundance on species level • IOF o Phytoplankton monitoring data from the Central Adriatic Sea (1998 -2014) o Benthic macro-vertebrates, benthic and pelagic fish populations (1988 -2014) from the Croatian Adriatic Sea o Macro-algae from the Croatian Adriatic Sea (1980 -2014) • OGS Time series of plankton data from the Adriatic, North Adriatic and Tyrrenian Sea, as part of research projects and environmental impact assessments (1995 - 2015)
Datasets to expect – Mediterranean Seas, Iberian Coast, Bay of Biscay and Macaronesia • IFREMER Monitoring data from French Mediterranean Coasts and macro-algae from the Réseau de Surveillance Lagunaire (RSL). The monitoring program contains data of macroalgae from 1999 -2012. • IPMA o Zooplankton monitoring off Portugal & northern Portuguese coast (2002 now) o Deep-sea pelagic shrimps from the Portuguese coast (1998 -2000) o Benthic fauna of Ericeira coast (central Portugal) (2001 -now) o benthic fauna of the Arrábida MPA (SW Portugal) (2007 -2009) o Benthic fauna of the SW Alentejo &Vicentine Coast Natural Park (SWPortugal) (2011) o EEMA (Ecological State of Marine Waters), Portugal (2010)
Datasets to expect – Baltic Sea • SMHI The Swedish national monitoring data originate from the waters around the Swedish coast, including the Baltic Sea and the Skagerrak region. o Data on phytoplankton, zooplankton, bacterioplankton, phytobenthos and zoobenthos will be updated (1981 -2016) o Data on macroalgae, angiosperms, birds and seals will become available • Aarhus University The Danish national databases include data from the Danish fjords and coastal waters, the inner Danish waters, the western Baltic Sea, Skagerrak and the eastern North Sea. Phyto- and zooplankton data will become available • SYKE o POHJE database includes benthic macrofauna, covering the Finnish coastal areas as well as the offshore areas of the Baltic Sea (1965 -present). The database is regularly maintained and data is added continuously. o KPLANK database includes both zoo- & phytoplankton data
Datasets to expect – Black Sea • • HCMR Identification & mobilization of marine biological data programs from the Black Sea and from the Eastern Mediterranean area. Part of the work will also consist of data archaeology and data digitization through data grant programs => see also WP 3 NIMRD o Phytoplankton data from the Romanian marine waters (from shallow to shelf waters) (1961 -1980) o Zooplankton data from the Romanian marine waters (from shallow to shelf waters) (1956 -1980) o Macrozoobenthos data from Romanian marine waters and the Danube Delta (1977 -1990)
In summary: WP 2 deliverables D 2. 1: Assessment of data and databases, including list of datasets that will be used for creation of products (M 3) D 2. 2: Data standardization and formatting of a subset of the data that is needed for the data products (M 12) D 2. 3: Data standardization and formatting of all datasets mentioned under data coverage section of proposal for linking with EMODnet biology (M 24)
Proposed WP 2 meetings M 6: Meeting to check status with all partners To be defined how this will be done. Can be individual (Skype) meetings between VLIZ and each partner, or grouped according to chosen mechanism of data delivery.
2 breakout sessions Presentation all WP 2 partners Including information on: • • • available data types (e. g. abundance, absence, or biomass) taxonomic, spatial or temporal cover if supporting functional trait information can be made available if supporting environmental information can be made available whether the dataset is fitted to contribute to specific data products specific model of linking with the EMODnet data portal Þ 10 minutes each
Eur. OBIS/EMODnet - Data Management Team Leen Vandepitte Daphnis De Pooter Sofie Vranken Paula Oset Garcia ? Bart Vanhoorne Filip Waumans Short-term contracts, interships, summer students …
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