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European Cooperation in Science and Technology www. cost. esf. org COST- European Cooperation in European Cooperation in Science and Technology www. cost. esf. org COST- European Cooperation in the Field of Scientific and Technical Research A potential partner for GMES-GEO activities? Sylvain JOFFRE, ESSEM DC Chair & Carine PETIT, ESSEM Science Officer ESSEM DC 8 Meeting 6 March 2009 COST is supported by the EU RTD Framework Programme ESF provides the COST Office through an EC contract

European Cooperation in Science and Technology www. cost. esf. org The COST mission “Strengthen European Cooperation in Science and Technology www. cost. esf. org The COST mission “Strengthen Europe in scientific and technical research for peaceful purposes through the support of cooperation and interaction between European researchers” Longest running and widest European intergovernmental network for cooperation in research established by a Ministerial Conference of 19 European States in 1971 COST is supported by the EU RTD Framework Programme ESF provides the COST Office through an EC contract

European Cooperation in Science and Technology www. cost. esf. org COST Main Characteristics • European Cooperation in Science and Technology www. cost. esf. org COST Main Characteristics • “Bottom-up”, initiative from researchers, no fixed programmes/priorities, equal access via 2 Open Call per yr • Basic & pre-competitive research as well as activities of public utility. Exploratorium of new ideas. Multi-disciplinarity. • Flexible “a la carte” participation, but broadly pan-European (>20) • Open to global cooperation based on mutual benefits • Specific support for Early Stage Researchers (Ph. D + <10 yrs) • Actions = “Acting Networks” allying nationally funded projects from at least 5 countries => national responsibility & coordination => Joint objectives; Work-load sharing; Concrete deliverables (not discussion club); Coordination; Synergising; Leaving long-lasting impacts after the Action; Advancing the research agenda; Leverage effect; Capacity building; ESRs to the front scene; …. . COST is supported by the EU RTD Framework Programme ESF provides the COST Office through an EC contract

European Cooperation in Science and Technology www. cost. esf. org COST Governance and Partnership European Cooperation in Science and Technology www. cost. esf. org COST Governance and Partnership On average 20 -30 Actions => WGs …… ~ 30. 000 researchers COST is supported by the EU RTD Framework Programme contract with the European Community ESF provides the COST Office through an EC contract

COST = 34 + 1 countries The 27 EU Member States EFTA Member States COST = 34 + 1 countries The 27 EU Member States EFTA Member States Iceland Norway Switzerland Candidate Countries Croatia FYR of Macedonia (FYROM) Turkey Potential Candidate Countries Republic of Serbia COST Co-operating States Israel COST is supported by the EU RTD Framework Programme 4 ESF provides the COST Office through an EC contract

COST and the Neighbouring Countries COST countries COST neighbouring countries ● Special budget line COST and the Neighbouring Countries COST countries COST neighbouring countries ● Special budget line in the COST system to facilitate collaborations ● Specific exchange activities (Short Term Scientific Missions, focus on Early Stage Researchers) 76 participations in 36 Actions COST is supported by the EU RTD Framework Programme 5 ESF provides the COST Office through an EC contract

COST Actions: global participation (May 2008) 194 participations in 69 Actions (28 countries) COST COST Actions: global participation (May 2008) 194 participations in 69 Actions (28 countries) COST is supported by the EU RTD Framework Programme 6 ESF provides the COST Office through an EC contract

COST in FP 7, within the ERA and relationship with ESF • COST is COST in FP 7, within the ERA and relationship with ESF • COST is supported by a specific budget line of FP 7: at least 210 M€ and up to 250 M€ (mid-term evaluation in 2010) • Through a Coordination and Support Action grant agreement between the European Commission and the European Science Foundation (ESF), appointed by COST as its legal entity to act as implementing agent of the COST Office • Given its networking mission, COST is an important component of the European Research Area (ERA) • Currently ensures ca. 220 Actions (but may reach up to 250) • The agreement between COST and ESF enables closer and synergetic relationships to be fostered through joint activities COST is supported by the EU RTD Framework Programme 7 ESF provides the COST Office through an EC contract

What is funded by COST? COST Action: A network of nationally funded projects (min. What is funded by COST? COST Action: A network of nationally funded projects (min. 5 Action participating countries) receive a financial contribution based on a joint work programme for: • Science management meetings • Scientific workshops and seminars • Short Term Scientific Missions (STSMs) • Training Schools and Research Conferences • Dissemination, publications • Average funding about 100 000 € per year per Action Exploratory/Strategic Workshops: to explore future scientific or societal needs, support policy developments or initiate new activities COST is supported by the EU RTD Framework Programme 8 ESF provides the COST Office through an EC contract

COST Scientific & Technical Domains Biomedicine and Molecular Biosciences (BMBS) Chemistry and Molecular Sciences COST Scientific & Technical Domains Biomedicine and Molecular Biosciences (BMBS) Chemistry and Molecular Sciences & Technologies (CMST) Earth System Science & Environmental Management (ESSEM) Food & Agriculture (FA) Forests, their Products and Services (FPS) Individuals, Society, Culture & Health (ISCH) Information & Communication Technologies (ICT) Materials, Physical & Nanosciences (MPNS) Transport & Urban Development (TUD) + Special route for trans-domain proposals COST is supported by the EU RTD Framework Programme 9 ESF provides the COST Office through an EC contract

The role of the Domain Committees (DCs) • Assessment of submitted proposals in the The role of the Domain Committees (DCs) • Assessment of submitted proposals in the Open Call – Reviewing and rating of Preliminary Proposals wrt criteria – Hearings and Ranking of Full Proposals – Participation in establishing final selection • Monitoring of Actions in progress – Rapporteur allocated for each Action from the DC – “Progress Report” submitted every year by Actions – Presentation by the Action Chair at Annual Review Meeting (ARM) and advising the COST Office on budget • Evaluation of completed Actions – Peer review by the Evaluation Panel – Approval of the “Evaluation Report” COST is supported by the EU RTD Framework Programme 10 ESF provides the COST Office through an EC contract

The role of the Management Committees (MCs) • Supervises & coordinates the implementation of The role of the Management Committees (MCs) • Supervises & coordinates the implementation of the Action, Promote and disseminate results, Liaise with stake-holders • Composed of: – Maximum 2 representatives of each party Ø ensuring the scientific coordination at national level • • – One representative of any non-COST institution – Representatives of the COST Office – Invited experts and observers Provides decisions as “legal basis” for expenditures Reports annually to the DC + Oral presentation at the Annual Review Meeting organised by the DC Integrates and supervises work carried out in 3 -5 WGs (WPs) Select Early Stage Researchers to perform intra-COST visits COST is supported by the EU RTD Framework Programme 11 ESF provides the COST Office through an EC contract

The COST Open Call • “Open Call” = Continuous and thematically open – – The COST Open Call • “Open Call” = Continuous and thematically open – – Ensures quality Furthers competitiveness – Encourages multidisciplinary proposals • Transparency: Selection criteria are public • Specific collection dates (end of March and September) • Published in OJ EU, Cordis, …. • 2 -stage process: 1. 2. • Preliminary proposals (3 p. ) => 10 -20% selected Full proposals (20 p. ), external peer review panel Successful COST Actions proposals can expect to start activities within 9 months after the collection date COST is supported by the EU RTD Framework Programme 12 ESF provides the COST Office through an EC contract

ESSEM Domain COST is supported by the EU RTD Framework Programme 13 ESF provides ESSEM Domain COST is supported by the EU RTD Framework Programme 13 ESF provides the COST Office through an EC contract

Scope of the COST ESSEM Domain • ESSEM studies the major Earth System compartments, Scope of the COST ESSEM Domain • ESSEM studies the major Earth System compartments, how they interact with each others and human activities. • Science and technology to better understand, observe, model and predict the Earth System … and thereby to contribute to the Management of the Environment and Natural Resources. – Modelling and observing of Earth systems: • Physical and biogeochemical principles into models, • New and integrated observing capacities => Global and Regional changes. – Prediction and monitoring of hydro-meteorological and other hazards: • Advanced modelling and warning systems integrated with upgraded in-situ, remote sensing networks and satellite technologies. – Environmental management research: • Science and technology related to assessing changes in environmental conditions for detecting and minimising environmental degradation. • Basic and applied research; Modelling and experimental; International frameworks; • ESSEM 2008 -2009 annual budget: 2 500 000 € COST is supported by the EU RTD Framework Programme 14 ESF provides the COST Office through an EC contract

COST ESSEM assets towards GMES/GEO • COST ESSEM DC: 30 national delegates covering various COST ESSEM assets towards GMES/GEO • COST ESSEM DC: 30 national delegates covering various aspects of Earth System Science including Earth Observation & Remote Sensing aspects • Permanent Observers from: WMO, EUMETNET, EEA, EC/DG-Res, EMS => Efficient exploitation and transfer of COST results to wider forums Þ WMO assigns dedicated contact persons within its administration for all relevant COST Actions => e. g. , WMO Inter-comparison campaigns, mutual exchange of experts => Several COST Actions became EUMETNET Programmes, i. e. enabling full operationality • Partnership with HMEI (Association of Hydro-meteorological Equipment Industry) • Several ESSEM Actions support directly activities of GMES, but most of them have some indirect relevance. • Actions concern grossly all 9 GEO Societal Benefit Areas • COST Actions have a wide participation basis (wider than FP projects), => can easily reach out to a wide consensus and/or application coverage COST is supported by the EU RTD Framework Programme 15 ESF provides the COST Office through an EC contract

Strategic Achievements and Successes Other successful impacts in the past: • 5 COST Actions Strategic Achievements and Successes Other successful impacts in the past: • 5 COST Actions developed data transfer standards, which through partnership with WMO became global standards (radar, wind-profilers, GPS) + competitive advantages for participating industrial partners. • COST 713 => harmonised UV-index (with WMO, WHO) • COST 40: European sea level observing system • COST 43: Experimental European network of ocean stations • COST Actions as a forum for preparing major EU-FP proposals • Cooperation (+ coordination) with: WMO, ITU, WHO, UNESCOIOC, FAO, EUMETSAT, ESA, ECMWF, and EEA COST is supported by the EU RTD Framework Programme 16 ESF provides the COST Office through an EC contract

ESSEM Portfolio of ongoing Actions (1/3): Climate Change • ES 0601 - Advances in ESSEM Portfolio of ongoing Actions (1/3): Climate Change • ES 0601 - Advances in homogenisation methods of climate series: integrated approach • ES 0604 - Atmospheric Water Vapour in the Climate System Observing Systems and Networks • 727 - Measuring and forecasting atmospheric icing on structures • ES 0702 - European ground-based observations of essential variables for climate and operational meteorology => EUCOS (>ISOWG), THORPEX, GMES • ES 0802 - Unmanned aerial systems (UAS) in atmospheric research Environment & Health, Biometeorology • 726 - Long term changes and climatology of UV radiation over Europe • 730 - Towards a universal thermal climate index UTCI for assessing thermal environment of the Human Being Environmental Management • 638 - Investigating and managing the impacts of marine sand gravel extraction and use • 729 - Assessing and Managing Nitrogen Fluxes in the Atmosphere-Biosphere System in Europe => UN-ECE/CLRTAP (New Task Force on Reactive Nitrogen) • 732 - Quality assurance and improvement of microscale meteorological models • 734 - Impacts of climate change and variability on European agriculture COST is supported by the EU RTD Framework Programme 17 ESF provides the COST Office through an EC contract

ESSEM Portfolio of ongoing Actions (2/3) Marine Sciences • 735 - Tools for assessing ESSEM Portfolio of ongoing Actions (2/3) Marine Sciences • 735 - Tools for assessing Global air–sea fluxes of climate and air pollution relevant gases => SOLAS, WCRP • ES 0801 - Ocean chemistry of bioactive trace elements & paleoclimate proxies Hydrology • 731 - Propagation of uncertainty in advanced meteo-hydrological forecast systems Water Quality and Waste Waters • 636 - Xenobiotics in the urban water cycle • 637 - Metals and Related Substances in drinking water • TD 0803 - Detecting evolutionary hot spots of antibiotic resistances in Europe Soil Sciences • 639 - Greenhouse gas budget of soils under changing climate and land use Meteorology • 733 - Harmonisation and applications of weather types classifications for European Regions Space Research • ES 0803 - Developing space weather products and services in Europe => ESA COST is supported by the EU RTD Framework Programme 18 ESF provides the COST Office through an EC contract

ESSEM Portfolio of ongoing Actions (3/3) Biogeochemical Cycles • ES 0804 - Advancing the ESSEM Portfolio of ongoing Actions (3/3) Biogeochemical Cycles • ES 0804 - Advancing the integrated monitoring of trace gas exchange between biosphere and atmosphere • ES 0806 - Stable Isotopes in Biosphere-Atmosphere-Earth System Research Biosphere, Ecology • 725 - Establishing a European Phenological Data Platform for Climatological. Applications => IPCC, WMO/EUMETNET guidelines • ES 0805 - The Terrestrial Biosphere in the Earth System Geodesy • ES 0701 - Improved Constraints on Models of Glacial Isostatic Adjustment • Air Quality • 728 - Enhancing meso-scale meteorological modelling capabilities for air pollution and dispersion applications • ES 0603 - Assessment of production, release, distribution and health impact of allergenic pollen in Europe => MACC, PROMOTE • ES 0602 - Towards a European Network on chemical weather forecasting and information systems => GEMS/MACC, PROMOTE COST is supported by the EU RTD Framework Programme 19 ESF provides the COST Office through an EC contract

ENAQFIS Initial Configuration ECMWF Emission Inventory AQ displays/ Forecasts Weather Obs. EEA/ETC Data Centre ENAQFIS Initial Configuration ECMWF Emission Inventory AQ displays/ Forecasts Weather Obs. EEA/ETC Data Centre NMSi Users & Stake -holders Media NMSj NMSk GEMS / PROMOTE WG 1, 3 COST AQ Data from S/L Agencies Multi -model forecasts and info WG 2 Satellite Obs. Pollutant Forecasts WG 1, 3 NEAi NEAj NEAk City -specific AQ forecasts Public Nation. /Reg. /Local Air Agencies COST ES 0602: Contribution to an European architecture for an Air Quality Forecasting and Information System Network of networks, based on NMSs and NEAs capacities. The double red arrows depict still missing connections addressed by the COST Action. COST is supported by the EU RTD Framework Programme 20 ESF provides the COST Office through an EC contract

First Success Story: European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) from COST Action 70 First Success Story: European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) from COST Action 70 COST is supported by the EU RTD Framework Programme 21 ESF provides the COST Office through an EC contract

COST ES 0702 (EG-CLIMET): European Ground-Based Observations of Essential Variables for Climate and Operational COST ES 0702 (EG-CLIMET): European Ground-Based Observations of Essential Variables for Climate and Operational Meteorology (> Nov. 2012) • • Proposal coordinated by the president of the WMO Commission for Instruments and Methods of Observation (CIMO) Main objective: Specification, development and demonstration of cost-effective ground-based integrated profiling systems suitable for future networks providing essential atmospheric observations for both climate and weather. – Atmospheric observing systems for GEOSS/GMES in Europe will be integrated to satisfy requirements for climate, environment and security. • • Action will coordinate deployment and further development of integrated ground-based remote sensing systems to provide key atmospheric variables (clouds, winds, temperature and humidity). Several HMEI (Association of Hydro-meteorological Equipment Industry) members represented in Working Group 1 - Instrumentation. Organised a Workshop on usage of local, micrometeorological and remote-sensing observations for data-assimilation and validation of mesoscale atmospheric models. COST EG-CLIMET as a side meeting to the 8 th International Symposium on Tropospheric Profiling (ISTP 8) in Delft, Netherlands (18 -23 October, 2009). COST is supported by the EU RTD Framework Programme 22 ESF provides the COST Office through an EC contract

Applications of phenological data: climate change trends in IPCC 4 th Assessment Report (2007) Applications of phenological data: climate change trends in IPCC 4 th Assessment Report (2007) COST is supported by the EU RTD Framework Programme 23 ESF provides the COST Office through an EC contract

COST 724 Space Weather: Structuring the community in Europe • • • European Space COST 724 Space Weather: Structuring the community in Europe • • • European Space Weather Week: 5 th ESWW, 17 -21 November 2008, Brussels Solar eclipse of 29 March 2006, a dedicated COST 724 Space weather web portal : www. spaceweather. eu (with experiment was strong collaboration with ESA) organised in Antalya to monitor the effect on Space Weather European journal the upper atmosphere • Contacts with industries: electricity power plans, airplane companies (Virgin), spacecrafts (Alcatel), … • ESA active participant in the COST Action(s) • Contacts with operational meteorology (EMS, National Met Services) • Lobbied for inclusion of space weather in FP 7 COST is supported by the EU RTD Framework Programme 24 ESF provides the COST Office through an EC contract

Thank you for your attention! www. cost. esf. org COST is supported by the Thank you for your attention! www. cost. esf. org COST is supported by the EU RTD Framework Programme 25 ESF provides the COST Office through an EC contract