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European Aeronautics Science Network Technology Supply Chain in Aeronautics – The Role of Universities and SME Prof. Spiros Pantelakis University of Patras, Greece EASN Workshop – Brno, Czech Republic, 27 -28 January 2003 - 1
European Aeronautics Science Network Aeronautics Skills and Innovation are spread Europe-wide Therefore it is crucial è suppliers throughout all Member States are getting involved in the aeronautics activities, and è to widen the participation from Countries with less developed aeronautics industries, the new Member States and the Candidate Countries EASN Workshop – Brno, Czech Republic, 27 -28 January 2003 - 2
European Aeronautics Science Network Tapping the Untapped Potential • Are the existing resources of technology and innovation that Universities and SME can contribute sufficiently exploited to increase Europe’s competitiveness in aeronautics ? è not forget: Do In Member States with less developed aeronautics industry, Universities and SME are key players in Aeronautics. EASN Workshop – Brno, Czech Republic, 27 -28 January 2003 - 3
European Aeronautics Science Network The Role of Universities in the Technology Supply Chain Universities should: è educate and supply timely qualified engineers for the aviation sector è perform fundamental and applied research è contribute to the long term strategic advantage of the European Aeronautics industry over their competitors through education and research EASN Workshop – Brno, Czech Republic, 27 -28 January 2003 - 4
European Aeronautics Science Network Constrains for Universities • Signs that Universities have difficulties to recruit enough young people to study aeronautics (especially for higher degrees) è aeronautics attracts usually high level students. but • Universities have not enjoyed sufficient financial support EASN Workshop – Brno, Czech Republic, 27 -28 January 2003 - 5
European Aeronautics Science Network Profile of a Future Aeronautics Engineer Skills required of a young engineer: è Understanding a wide range of fundamental sciences è Sufficient knowledge of key aeronautics disciplines è Ability of performing scientific work è Team working è International experience EASN Workshop – Brno, Czech Republic, 27 -28 January 2003 - 6
European Aeronautics Science Network Universities in Europe are different The education provided by the different Universities varies, however it is essential • to guarantee the level of the education obtained at an university • to maintain diversity and complementarity of education as a strength of Europe • to facilitate exchange of students and scientists between Europe’s universities EASN Workshop – Brno, Czech Republic, 27 -28 January 2003 - 7
European Aeronautics Science Network Exploiting the Universities’ Potential Universities can provide education and training: i. Short time research positions for professors and doctoral students to industry and research establishments i. Life-long learning i. Student training projects in industry i. Creation of Centres of Excellence for different application areas or disciplines EASN Workshop – Brno, Czech Republic, 27 -28 January 2003 - 8
European Aeronautics Science Network The Important Role of Universities represent the “Third Ring” in the European Aeronautics Technology Supply Chain together with the Aeronautics Industry and the Research Establishments EASN Workshop – Brno, Czech Republic, 27 -28 January 2003 - 9
European Aeronautics Science Network Poor Exploitation of Europe’s University Potential The use of the research potential of the European universities is insufficient because of : è fragmented approach and lack of collaboration è wide geographical distribution è highly competitive environment è lack of communication and insufficient information flow è industry is mostly interested to face their day to day practical problems by their own è lack on collective views and collective voice. EASN Workshop – Brno, Czech Republic, 27 -28 January 2003 - 10
European Aeronautics Science Network Participation of Universities in F. P. 6 èEssential involvement of Universities is necessary in • Integrated Projects (IP), • Networks of Excellence (No. E) • Coordinated Actions (CA) and, in particularly, in • Specific Targeted Research Projects (STREP) èThere should be academic-driven up-stream research projects, complementary to industry-driven projects in F. P. 6 EASN Workshop – Brno, Czech Republic, 27 -28 January 2003 - 11
European Aeronautics Science Network The Role of SME in the Aeronautics Technology Supply Chain è EASN Workshop – Brno, Czech Republic, 27 -28 January 2003 - 12
European Aeronautics Science Network Aeronautics SME in Community Research Programmes nautics • Research Programmes, but at a limited scale Accompanying • Framework Fifth. Programme Measures the of have created a step forward but not a breakthrough • • financial resources assigned to SME within F. P. 6 Special measures for SME are foreseen in F. P. 6 EASN Workshop – Brno, Czech Republic, 27 -28 January 2003 - 13
European Aeronautics Science Network Participation in projects: Where is support available? Aero. SME SCRATCH ò Higher level approach ò Hands-on support ò Active in 9 countries ò up of STREP’s Set ò Interface with industry participation in IP’s Source: EASN Workshop – Brno, Czech Republic, 27 -28 January 2003 - 14
European Aeronautics Science Network Aero. SME is a joint activity between the Aerospace Industry and the European Commission Objectives 1. Support and improve SMEs participation in EU funded aeronautic RTD projects 2. Facilitate co-operation among SMEs and with aeronautics related bodies in order to improve SMEs position in the supply chain Source: EASN Workshop – Brno, Czech Republic, 27 -28 January 2003 - 15
European Aeronautics Science Network Background 20 countries participate in Aero. SME: • 15 EU Member States, Israel, Norway and Switzerland • Activities envisaged also in other New Member States, i. e. Poland, Hungary It targets SMEs, but SMEs • medium companies which are not SMEs under the EU • definition will be assisted where possible Research Centres, Universities and organisations can participate Source: EASN Workshop – Brno, Czech Republic, 27 -28 January 2003 - 16 other
European Aeronautics Science Network Services & Activities 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. SME Database Newsletters Helpdesk Website Workshops Support to research project proposals Source: EASN Workshop – Brno, Czech Republic, 27 -28 January 2003 - 17
European Aeronautics Science Network Aero. SME Database www. aerosme. com èTo date: over 630 entries on it èWhy to use the Aero. SME database? è find partners for European RTD projects to è find partners for joint commercial activities to èThe Aero. SME database is free and has a high visibility in the Aeronautics Industry and the Commission ò SMEs interested in international activities are encouraged to register Source: EASN Workshop – Brno, Czech Republic, 27 -28 January 2003 - 18
European Aeronautics Science Network Aero. SME Newsletter and R&TD Project Flash What type of info? Brief info on: Q invitations to events / conferences Q delivery dates for proposals Q relevant R&TD possibilities Q new trends Q partner searches / information on projects for which partners (and other types of co-operation) are sought How? by e-mail To: registered SMEs, National / Regional Associations, Points of Contact on Aero. SME website => over 700 recipients Source: EASN Workshop – Brno, Czech Republic, 27 -28 January 2003 - 19
European Aeronautics Science Network Aero. SME Helpdesk è Facilitate passage of information to SMEs è Provide a free-of-charge consulting service Web Site www. aerosme. com è Tips on F. P. 6 è Database è News è Links Source: EASN Workshop – Brno, Czech Republic, 27 -28 January 2003 - 20
European Aeronautics Science Network What can Aero. SME offer? è Interface with Industry èBut no actions / decisions on behalf of industry è Provide info on trends/projects/contact details è Initial support to set up projects è Confidential searches è Direct assistance via Helpdesk and workshops Source: EASN Workshop – Brno, Czech Republic, 27 -28 January 2003 - 21
European Aeronautics Science Network SCRATCH is part of a programme of EU funded awareness raising activities for RTD support for smaller companies. Objectives 1. Make SMEs aware of EU funded research in aeronautics 2. Administrative and technical support to SMEs for the preparation and submission of proposals EASN Workshop – Brno, Czech Republic, 27 -28 January 2003 - 22
European Aeronautics Science Network Background 9 SCRATCH partners: partners France: Euro Inter - euroint@club-internet. fr Great Britain: Europus. Apex House - pepbacon@aol. com Germany: ALROUND - scratch@alround. de Spain: LABEIN - jose@labein. es Italy: T 4 TECH - t 4 tech@t 4 tech. online. co Belgium: Rhea System - j. depauw@rheagroup. com Netherlands: Subsidy House - subsidy. house@inter. nl. net Greece: ISTRAM - istram@hol. gr Israel: Euro-Consultants - eurocons@actcom. co. il EASN Workshop – Brno, Czech Republic, 27 -28 January 2003 - 23
European Aeronautics Science Network Services & Activities 1. Search for complementary Partners 2. Support in administrative and European proposal parts preparation 3. Advice on the proposal technical part content 4. Proposal submission to the Commission for evaluation 5. Support in the contract preparation phase EASN Workshop – Brno, Czech Republic, 27 -28 January 2003 - 24 24
European Aeronautics Science Network SCRATCH Contact Details You can contact any SCRATCH partner. • • • SCRATCH Coordinator Mr. Jean-Louis Bonafé EUROINTER 33 Blvd. Deltour F-31500 Toulouse Tel: +33 562 471418 Fax: +33 562 471226 E-Mail: euroint@club-internet. fr Web site: www. aero-scratch. net EASN Workshop – Brno, Czech Republic, 27 -28 January 2003 - 25 25
European Aeronautics Science Network Aero. SME Contact Details • • Aero. SME Project Office c/o AECMA – European Association of Aerospace Industries Gulledelle 94 - b. 5 B-1200 Brussels / Belgium Tel: +32 2 775 82 98 Fax: +32 2 763 35 65 E-Mail: paola. chiarini@aecma. org Web site: www. aerosme. com Source: EASN Workshop – Brno, Czech Republic, 27 -28 January 2003 - 26 26