Скачать презентацию Europe social practice social policy and social education Скачать презентацию Europe social practice social policy and social education


  • Количество слайдов: 34

Europe: social practice, social policy and social education Dr. Nol Reverda, lector CESRT/Hogeschool Zuyd Europe: social practice, social policy and social education Dr. Nol Reverda, lector CESRT/Hogeschool Zuyd cesrt/zuyd university - nol reverda

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The concept of Europe and the rest: some statistics 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The concept of Europe and the rest: some statistics Social practice in Europe Social policy in Europe Social education in Europe cesrt/zuyd university - nol reverda 2

Europe: how many countries? cesrt/zuyd university - nol reverda 3 Europe: how many countries? cesrt/zuyd university - nol reverda 3

1. The Concept of Europe (1) n Geography (space) – What are the borders? 1. The Concept of Europe (1) n Geography (space) – What are the borders? – Russia, Turkey, Israel, Ceuta and Mellila, Canaric Islands, Caraibics? – Border problems and asylum seekers cesrt/zuyd university - nol reverda 4

Saint Martin (Caraibics) cesrt/zuyd university - nol reverda 5 Saint Martin (Caraibics) cesrt/zuyd university - nol reverda 5

The Concept of Europe (2) n History (time) – What are the main events? The Concept of Europe (2) n History (time) – What are the main events? – Greek democracy, Roman Empire, Christianity, Humanism, Enlightenment – Very selective/biased: Viking, Ottoman, Islam roots of history cesrt/zuyd university - nol reverda 6

Islam in Europe cesrt/zuyd university - nol reverda 7 Islam in Europe cesrt/zuyd university - nol reverda 7

Both European history/culture? cesrt/zuyd university - nol reverda 8 Both European history/culture? cesrt/zuyd university - nol reverda 8

The Concept of Europe (3) n Institutions – European Union, Council of Europe, European The Concept of Europe (3) n Institutions – European Union, Council of Europe, European Court of Justice, Organisation of Security and Co-operation in Europe cesrt/zuyd university - nol reverda 9

The Council of Europe n Sited in Strasbourg, France n 46 members, representing 800 The Council of Europe n Sited in Strasbourg, France n 46 members, representing 800 million people n Intergovernmental body n Objective: – Promotion of human rights and democracy cesrt/zuyd university - nol reverda 10

The European Union n Sited in Brussels n 25 member states (out of 47 The European Union n Sited in Brussels n 25 member states (out of 47 European countries), representing 450 million people n Supranational body n Objective: – Economic integration: internal market and EMU – Political integration: Constitution and Parliament cesrt/zuyd university - nol reverda 11

The Concept of Europe (4) n A Europe of Nation-States (47) n or n The Concept of Europe (4) n A Europe of Nation-States (47) n or n A Europe of cultures/regions (226)? What are the dimensions of political, economic and social development? n Us and them: single versus plural identities (Beck e. o. ) n cesrt/zuyd university - nol reverda 12

2. Europe and the rest n Some statistics cesrt/zuyd university - nol reverda 13 2. Europe and the rest n Some statistics cesrt/zuyd university - nol reverda 13

EU and the rest: Surface area cesrt/zuyd university - nol reverda 14 EU and the rest: Surface area cesrt/zuyd university - nol reverda 14

EU and the rest: Population cesrt/zuyd university - nol reverda 15 EU and the rest: Population cesrt/zuyd university - nol reverda 15

EU and the rest: GDP cesrt/zuyd university - nol reverda 16 EU and the rest: GDP cesrt/zuyd university - nol reverda 16

EU and US/Russia cesrt/zuyd university - nol reverda 17 EU and US/Russia cesrt/zuyd university - nol reverda 17

3. Social practice in Europe n Same problems: – – – n Poverty Homelessness 3. Social practice in Europe n Same problems: – – – n Poverty Homelessness Disabled Abuse Etc. Different answers – The need for cross-border exchange and learning – No immitation: social practice is contextual cesrt/zuyd university - nol reverda 18

Social practice in Europe: some common trends n Mobility and migration: – Multiculturality versus Social practice in Europe: some common trends n Mobility and migration: – Multiculturality versus etnocentrism/racism – Single versus plural identities – Need for differentiated provision/methods – Heterogeneous composition of social professional staff Related, but specific topic: – Forced mobility: human trade (illegal labour, women and children) cesrt/zuyd university - nol reverda 19

Social practice in Europe n Triple ageing of poputation: – – – n More Social practice in Europe n Triple ageing of poputation: – – – n More people of 65+ (25% of EU population in 2035) Longer life expectations of people of 65+ Less children and youngsters (declining birth rate in Europe: 1, 6 child per family) Crisis of the nationstate: – Globalisation of politics, economy, culture and society: Mc. World – Localisation of politics, economy, culture and society: traditions, language/dialects, cultural heritage) cesrt/zuyd university - nol reverda 20

Social practice in Europe n Transition from rural to industrial to knowledge-based society n Social practice in Europe n Transition from rural to industrial to knowledge-based society n Declining role of traditional institutions (religion, trade unions, political parties and ideological –isms) and development of network society n Professional interaction: international transfer of methods (homestart, hometraining) cesrt/zuyd university - nol reverda 21

4. Social Policy in Europe cesrt/zuyd university - nol reverda 22 4. Social Policy in Europe cesrt/zuyd university - nol reverda 22

Three EU’s Economic and Monetary Union (EMU): the Euro n European Political Union (EPU): Three EU’s Economic and Monetary Union (EMU): the Euro n European Political Union (EPU): the Constitution and the European Parliament n European Social Union (ESU): n – Role of state in relation to responsibility for social exclusion: investing in social security and social cohesion leads towards higher economic productivity – Not one, but five European Models of Welfare Provision cesrt/zuyd university - nol reverda 23

Five Models of the European Welfare State Core question: what welfare mix (state, market Five Models of the European Welfare State Core question: what welfare mix (state, market and civil society) is responsible for welfare delivery? n Identification of models/regimes: n – – – Social democratic (state – nordic countries) Liberal (market - UK) Conservative (civil society - Germany) Rudimentary (Portugal) Countries/societies in transistion: former communist countries (Hungary, Slovakia, etc. ) cesrt/zuyd university - nol reverda 24

Common European Trends n Neo-liberalism: – Less state (less taxation), more market, less solidarity Common European Trends n Neo-liberalism: – Less state (less taxation), more market, less solidarity – The principles of self-reliance and responsibilities of individual citizens/clients – Commodification of social services Citizen as (critical) consumer n De-institutionalisation n Individualised care n cesrt/zuyd university - nol reverda 25

5. Social Work Education in Europe cesrt/zuyd university - nol reverda 26 5. Social Work Education in Europe cesrt/zuyd university - nol reverda 26

Social Work Education in European Social Work or Social Work in Europa? n Discussions Social Work Education in European Social Work or Social Work in Europa? n Discussions about: – Generic versus specific – Voluntarism and professionalism – Managerialism and value-based social work cesrt/zuyd university - nol reverda 27

Social Work Education in Europe Various programmes: n Social Work n Social Pedagogy n Social Work Education in Europe Various programmes: n Social Work n Social Pedagogy n Community Work n Social Education (Denmark) n Special Education (Poland) n Advocacy/legal Work cesrt/zuyd university - nol reverda 28

Social Work Education in Europe Various levels: n Vocational training (no degree) n (University) Social Work Education in Europe Various levels: n Vocational training (no degree) n (University) Colleges/Polytechnics (BA) n Universities (MA) cesrt/zuyd university - nol reverda 29

Social Work Education in European Associations: – – – n EASSW FESET European Region Social Work Education in European Associations: – – – n EASSW FESET European Region of IFSW AIEJI (social educators) European Region of ICSW Thematic Network Socrates: – European Social Work: commonalities and differences – Publication: Campanini, A. en Frost, E. ed. (2004) European Social Work. Roma, Carocci Editore. ISBN: 88 -430 -2967 -330 cesrt/zuyd university - nol reverda 30

Social Work Education in Europe: the Bologna Declaration Objective: n “the most competitive knowledge Social Work Education in Europe: the Bologna Declaration Objective: n “the most competitive knowledge based continent of the world” • Introduction of a system of easily readable, compatible and comparable degrees: BA/MA • Introduction of a European Credit Transfer System: ECTS cesrt/zuyd university - nol reverda 31

Social Work Education in Europe: the Bologna Declaration • • • Promotion of student Social Work Education in Europe: the Bologna Declaration • • • Promotion of student and staff mobility Promotion of European co-operation of quality assurance Promotion of the European dimension in higher education cesrt/zuyd university - nol reverda 32

Social Work Education in Europe: the Bologna Declaration n n Academisation of education Ba. Social Work Education in Europe: the Bologna Declaration n n Academisation of education Ba. Ma structure: • Generic Ba (starting certificate for labour market) and specific MA Promotion of research Development of European/international dimension of curriculum Development of European system of quality control: ENQASP • • • Ba = 180 – 240 ECTS Ma = 60 – 120 ECTS cesrt/zuyd university - nol reverda 33

n Two recent publications: n Lyons, K. and Lawrence, S. (eds) (2006) Social work n Two recent publications: n Lyons, K. and Lawrence, S. (eds) (2006) Social work in Europe: Educating for change. Birmingham, Venture Press. n Lorenz, W. (2006) Perspectives on European social work. Leverkusen, Verlag Barbara Budrich Thanks for your attention cesrt/zuyd university - nol reverda 34