- Количество слайдов: 11
EURONS – Meeting of activity coordinators (31. March 2003 at GSI, Darmstadt) Management-Team: * A. C. Mueller/IN 2 P 3 -CNRS * C. Scheidenberger/GSI * K. D. Gross/GSI * I. Reinhard/GSI-PT * D. Müller/GSI-PT "Writing Committee": * R. Broda (Krakow, Poland) * G. Fortuna (Legnaro, Italy) * B. Fulton (York, UK) * D. Goutte (GANIL, France) * W. Henning (GSI, Germany) * J. Vervier (Louvain, Belgium) * M. Harakeh (KVI, NL, chairman of Nu. PECC) Christoph Scheidenberger, X Convegno su problemi di fisica nucleare teorica, Cortona (Italy), 6. -9. October 2004
EURONS - Milestones • May/June 2002: Information to the European nuclear structure community by FINUPHY (Frontiers in Nuclear Physics, EU funded project within FP 5) • FINUPHY Meeting at Trento (28 Oct. 2002) First presentation of ideas for JRAs • FINUPHY Meeting of the Writing Committee at Mainz (7 Dec. 2002) Selection of JRAs, suggestion of fundings for JRAs, TNAs, and Networks • FINUPHY Meeting of Writing Committee, Coordinator, and Managing Institution at the occasion of the Nu. PECC Town Meeting at Darmstadt (31 Jan. 2003) Status and follow-ups of former decisions • FINUPHY Meeting at Catania (27/28 Feb. 2003) Presentation of status, assignment of individual and overall budgets • 11 -14 April: submission to the EC, handing in „in person“ „Concerted action“ by A. C. Mueller, C. Scheidenberger, and Jean Vervier (!) • End of August 2003: Evaluation Summary Report Christoph Scheidenberger, X Convegno su problemi di fisica nucleare teorica, Cortona (Italy), 6. -9. October 2004
. . and finally the good news: Christoph Scheidenberger, X Convegno su problemi di fisica nucleare teorica, Cortona (Italy), 6. -9. October 2004
Budgets for Access, Networks, and JRAs • Networking and integrating activities: 1. 456 k€ • Access to infrastructures: 6. 590 k€ • Joint research activities: 6. 010 k€ total: 14. 056 k€ Christoph Scheidenberger, X Convegno su problemi di fisica nucleare teorica, Cortona (Italy), 6. -9. October 2004
EURONS Access Activities Christoph Scheidenberger, X Convegno su problemi di fisica nucleare teorica, Cortona (Italy), 6. -9. October 2004
Networks - Overview Christoph Scheidenberger, X Convegno su problemi di fisica nucleare teorica, Cortona (Italy), 6. -9. October 2004
EURONS Networking Activities Christoph Scheidenberger, X Convegno su problemi di fisica nucleare teorica, Cortona (Italy), 6. -9. October 2004
JRAs - Overview Christoph Scheidenberger, X Convegno su problemi di fisica nucleare teorica, Cortona (Italy), 6. -9. October 2004
Management structure General Assembly One representative of each laboratory Feedback from and to community, monitor progress Project Coordination Committee All project leaders and the managing team Support of Coordinator in all management issues, surveys the overall coherence of the activities -> elects an executive board (6 members) for rapid interaction with the Coordinator on pressing issues Administrative Project Controlling Administrative persons Keep track of financial situation, control „cash flow“ Project Coordinator The sole contact person for the EC, responsible for all scientific and administrative coordination of the project Activity Coordinator One person of each activity Manages the activity and represents it in the PCC Christoph Scheidenberger, X Convegno su problemi di fisica nucleare teorica, Cortona (Italy), 6. -9. October 2004
EURONS – Financial share of countries Christoph Scheidenberger, X Convegno su problemi di fisica nucleare teorica, Cortona (Italy), 6. -9. October 2004
EURONS Summary: • EURONS is an I 3 (Access + Networking + JRAs) (successor of FINUPHY) • The "heart" of EURONS are its worldclass facilities • Goals are: – – – – focus on activities that are in general relevant to more than one facility reach coherence in ongoing developments, pooling and efficient use of resources, improve existing infrastructures increase access to infrastructures foster networking activities ensure that the European Nuclear Structure Community concentrates on the most prominent Joint Research Activities preserve and even extend the leading role of Europe in nuclear structure physics Christoph Scheidenberger, X Convegno su problemi di fisica nucleare teorica, Cortona (Italy), 6. -9. October 2004