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Euro-Zel 2011 19 th International Symposium Advanced composite materials for the Railroad cars Presented by Irina Garustovich Moscow State University of Transport Engineers (MIIT) Advanced Composite Materials for the Railroad cars
Structure 1. Introduction 1. 1. General concept of the RC 1. 2. Materials used in RC building up to date 1. 3. New materials search 2. Analytic background for composite application 2. 1. Mechanical model 2. 2. General concept of composite materials 2. 3. Designing 3. Conclusions Advanced Composite Materials for the Railroad cars
Introduction General concept of RC The passenger vehicles have all-metal structure with car body length 23. 6 m; Vehicle body represents all-metal rectangular framework consisting of frame, flooring, roof, side and end walls It is vehicle body that is bearing structure able to withstand all possible kinds of loads the train is exposed to during its life cycle. Each of the items of vehicle has its own skeleton (vertical braces, ties, beams, bows) covered by steel sheets. In whole car body frame means center sill, center pivots, crosswise beams, and metal flooring Advanced Composite Materials for the Railroad cars
Introduction Materials used in RC building up to date Low alloy steel is the most common material applied for the railway vehicles (for bearing elements of the vehicle body), other steel types are mainly used for supporting elements of siding. List of steel types used for the vehicles: Low alloy steel in accordance to GOST 5058; High grade constructional carbon hot-rolled profiled steel in accordance to GOST 1050; Carbon hot-rolled bridge steel in accordance to GOST 6713 Carbon steel in accordance to GOST 380; Advanced Composite Materials for the Railroad cars
Introduction New materials search Steel Advantages Disadvantages • reliability, • relative light weight, • proofness, • simplicity of maintenance and operation 1. At low temperatures: hardness increase, impact strength and ductility properties decrease; 2. poor resistance to corrosion. Advanced Composite Materials for the Railroad cars
Introduction New materials search Aggressive exposure Temperature drop Static loads Dynamic loads Advanced Composite Materials for the Railroad cars
Introduction New materials search The main parts are complicated large structures consisting of the welded elements. The welding causes unequal heating of the elements. Local heating with following cooling leads to change of metal properties Car body appearance is disimproved by shape defects caused by welding, The welding also increases the number of corrosion problems. Material technology needs new impulse Demand for new materials, alternative to metal structures, research Elimination of financial cost of trains, Elimination of safety risks, Elimination of the pollution of the environment due to permanent corrosion of metal elements. Advanced Composite Materials for the Railroad cars
Analytic background for composite application Mechanical model Upon vehicles strength assessment it is reasonable to proceed with the static mechanical model; The mechanical model of passenger vehicle is given by 9 solids adjacent internally by elastic and absorbing bracings; Main assumptions: 1. the bodies are assumed to be rigid; 2. the vehicle is running at a constant speed; 3. track is totally rigid and straight; 4. wind distribution is 1000 N per sq. m Advanced Composite Materials for the Railroad cars
Analytic background for composite application Mechanical model To be our customers First Choice
Analytic background for composite application Mechanical model To be our customers First Choice
Analytic background for composite application Mechanical model To be our customers First Choice
Analytic background for composite application General concept of CM Fibrous composite laminate Carbon Glass Boron Graphite Matrix Polyester Advanced composite materials stiffness-to-density ratios strength-to-density ratios Vinilester Epoxy low thermal expansion resistance to specific environments Advanced Composite Materials for the Railroad cars
Analytic background for composite application General concept of CM Advanced Composite Materials for the Railroad cars
Analytic background for composite application General concept of CM Advanced Composite Materials for the Railroad cars
Analytic background for composite application General concept of CM Advanced Composite Materials for the Railroad cars
Analytic background for composite application General concept of CM Features Steel Composites Tensile strength 365 -390 MPa 211, 2 MPa Modulus of elasticity 210 GPa 8035 MPa Compressive strength 365 -390 MPa 248, 6 k. N Advanced Composite Materials for the Railroad cars
Analytic background for composite application Designing • Assume that geometric cross section of the car body is thin wall rectangular profile • Initial data for calculations: 1. MT=45 000 kg, V= 160 kmph (44 mps); 2. q= 500 N/sq. m, considering storm conditions q = 1000 N/sq. m; 3. The train is suburban, Mp = 70 kg; 4. The train is going in straight lines • Definition of forces (wind force, centrifugal force, coupling force, truck force) to assume force flow in projected laminate and its thickness Advanced Composite Materials for the Railroad cars
Analytic background for composite application Designing Advanced Composite Materials for the Railroad cars
Analytic background for composite application Designing Advanced Composite Materials for the Railroad cars
Conclusions background for advanced materials application for the railroad cars the first approach for composite car model. The forces affecting the car body were discussed, the results would be used for further model configuration and laminate assessment. Unsaturated polyester based resins will be reviewed as potential matrix material; E-glass fibers will be reviewed as potential reinforcement material. Application of advanced materials would allow new level of car performance: 1. greater service life of trains, 2. weight savings leading to reduce energy consumption (approximately 0. 026 k. Wh/ton*km) Advanced Composite Materials for the Railroad cars
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