- Количество слайдов: 32
EURO A High Intensity Neutrino Oscillation Facility in Europe • Introduction • Superbeam • Neutrino Factory • Beta beams • Detectors • Physics • Possible next steps
EUROnu • FP 7 Design Study • Due to limited funds: focus on possible “next” generation neutrino oscillation facilities in Europe § CERN to Frejus superbeam § Neutrino Factory (in collab. with IDS-NF) § Beta beams • + performance of baseline detectors and physics reach • Output: comparison of physics, “cost” & risk • Reported to CERN Council via SG/ECFA • Project started: 1 st September 2008 • Duration: 4 years – completion in August 2012
Partners Country Partner Country Associate Belgium Louvain Canada TRIUMF Bulgaria Sofia France GANIL France CEA Germany Aachen CNRS (4) India INO Germany MPG (3) Israel Weizmann Italy INFN (3) Portugal Lisbon Poland Cracow Russia IAP, Novgorad Spain CSIC (2) Switzerland CERN Switzerland Geneva UK Durham UK Brunel Glasgow USA Argonne JINR, Dubna Imperial Brookhaven Oxford FNAL STFC Virginia Tech Warwick Muon Collaboration
Structure Edgecock STFC Dracos CNRS Efthymiopoulos CERN Long Imperial Work package Activity Coordinator Deputy WP 1 Management, etc Edgecock (STFC) WP 2 Superbeam Zito (CEA) Densham (STFC) WP 3 Neutrino Factory Pozimski (IC) Martini (CERN) WP 4 Beta beams Wildner (CERN) Hansen (CERN) WP 5 Detectors Soler (Glasgow) Cervera (CSIC) WP 6 Physics Hernandez (CSIC) Donini (CSIC)
EUROnu Status • Baselines largely defined • Design work still continues • Moving more towards “engineering” • Costing: § WBS being done § Framework being created using cost tool § Workshop planned soon • Safety and risk also to be done • Midterm technical review taking place • 19 months left!
Super-Beam • Design of CERN to Frejus SB based on SPL
Super-Beam • Design of CERN to Frejus SB based on SPL • Parameters: § 4 MW beam: HP SPL § 5 Ge. V k. e. protons § 130 Km baseline • Focus on solution for target + collector • Determine performance for Physics reach
SB - Target • Preference: static solid target • Mercury jet – non-starter: § needs magnetic field containment § interaction with horn § not simple • Low Z and 4 targets: small extrapolation • Initial thoughts: 4*single graphite/beryllium target
SB - Target
SB - Target Pebble-bed target
SB - Horn Baseline: • Miniboone shape • Aluminium • Cooled with internal water jets • Pulsed with 300 -350 k. A • Looks fine from stress and fatigue • Lifetime due to radiation needs study
SB - Horn Very preliminary
Neutrino Factory • Close collaboration with IDS-NF • IDR almost ready Muon front-end Muon acceleration
NF – Pion capture
NF – Pion capture
NF – Pion capture
NF – Pion capture
NF – Front-end Status: - advanced - awaiting MICE results - RF studies - alternatives under study
NF – Acceleration 244 Me. V LINAC 146 m RLA I 0. 9 Ge. V The linac consists of SC RF cavities and iron shielded SC solenoids grouped into three types of cryo-modules. 79 m 0. 6 Ge. V/pass RLA II 3. 6 Ge. V 264 m 2 Ge. V/pass Chicanes have a vertical dipole spreader, horizontal bending magnets, quadrupoles for transverse focussing and a vertical dipole combiner. 12. 6 Ge. V The RLAs consist of single SC RF cavity cells and FODO quadrupole focussing throughout.
NF – Acceleration Non-scaling FFAG: Conceptual design advanced. Engineering being started. But, no such machine ever built. Commissioning underway.
Beta-Beam • Main issue in EUROnu: maximise ion production • 2 options being considered
BB – Ion production • EURISOL Beta Beam: 18 Ne and 6 He • Production § ISOL method 18 Ne 6 He 2 x 1013/s <8 x 1011/s >1 x 1013/s § direct production being studied • Updated Beta Beam: 8 Li and 8 B – higher Q isotopes § ion production ring 8 Li 8 B 1014/s >1013/s
BB – Ion production But: >5* more ions – difficult to accelerate 8 B looks very difficult 18 Ne looks possible, though experiment required
BB – Ion production New baseline Work continues to optimise ion production rate
BB – Ion production Type Accelerator Beam Ibeam Ebeam Pbeam m. A Me. V Target Isotope Flux k. W -1 S ISOL & n-converter SPL p 0. 1 2 103 200 W/Be. O 6 He 5 1013 ISOL & n-converter Saraf/GANIL d 15 40 600 C/Be. O 6 He 5 1013 ISOL Linac 4 p 6 160 700 19 F Molten Na. F loop 18 Ne 1 1013 ISOL Cyclo/Linac p 10 70 700 19 F Molten Na. F loop 18 Ne 2 1013 ISOL Linac. X 1 3 He > 170 21 3600 Mg. O 80 cm disk 18 Ne 2 1013 P-Ring Linac. X 2 7 Li 0. 160 25 4 d 8 Li ? 1 1014 P-Ring Linac. X 2 6 Li 0. 160 25 4 3 He 8 B Ok? ? 1 1014 Possible Needs experiment Challenging Experimentally OK On paper may be OK Not OK yet
Detectors • Limited funding: only performance and “cost” • Concentrate on baseline detectors § Magnetised Iron Neutrino Detector - NF § Large water cherenkov – SB and BB § Near detectors • Hoped Laguna would be able to do LAr, e. g. , !
Detectors - MIND o Golden channel signature: “wrong-sign” muons IDS-NF baseline for 25 Ge. V Nu. Fact: MIND 50 -100 m 15 m n beam 50 -100 k. T B=1 T o o o iron (3 cm) 15 m + scintillators (2 cm) Far detector: 100 kton at 2000 -4000 km Magic detector: 50 kton at 7500 km Appearance of “wrong-sign” muons Segmentation: 3 cm Fe + 2 cm scintillator 1 T magnetic field
Detectors - MIND o o New analysis with Nuance and GEANT 4: signal efficiencies Systematic errors: ~1% Numu efficiency o Background: ~10 -4 Anti-numu efficiency
Detectors - WC o o o MEMPHYS: 3 x 65 mx 60 m water Cherenkov modules (400 kton fiducial) but could be expanded to 3 x 65 mx 80 m (572 kton) Either SPL Super Beam or CERN Beta Beam to Frejus tunnel in Modane, France, 130 km from CERN. 81, 000 12” PMTs (30% coverage) MEMPHYS 440 kt 65 m 60 m Euro. Nu, RAL, 19 January 2011
Detectors - WC o o o R&D underway: new PMTs and readout electronics Prototype: MEMPHYNO under construction New WC simulation MEMPHYS: interactive μ+500 Me. V
Physics • Physics performance • Optimisation: § baselines and energies § synergies: experimental setups and facilities • Systematics
Next Steps • Technical review: April/May • ECFA Neutrino Panel § Independent assessment § IDS-NF IDR § EUROnu annual report • CERN Strategy Review: kick-off this summer report next summer • EUROnu contribution under discussion • EUROnu future: also under discussion