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EUREKA Western Balkans Countries in Svatopluk Halada EUREKA Secretariat Meeting of Steering Platform on Research for Western Balkans Countries Liblice, 28 May 2009 Shaping tomorrow’s innovations today www. eureka. be
EUREKA in glance >2 A European Research Programme > Not an EU-Programme (but complementarity and co-operation - ERA) > Bottom-up project generation by partners (no thematic calls) > Flexible mechanism and lack of bureaucracy > Market orientation > Target group: mainly industry - particular attention to SMEs > Funding: public, private, own (each member country has national criteria and schemes for co-financing) www. eureka. be
Innovation Positioning of European R&D Programmes and Frameworks EUREKA esa National EU FP Basic research >3 European Research Labs COST JRC R&D Programmes and Institutions CERN www. eureka. be
The three pillars of EUREKA >4 EUREKA supports three types of projects Cluster Projects > > > Long-term, strategically-significant initiatives Large number of participants, many from Europe’s major companies Develop generic technologies of key importance to European competitiveness Individual Projects (E!1782; E!1784…) > > > Small, shorter-term projects Involve participants from at least two member countries Result in a product, process or service with a significant advance in their sector Eurostars Projects > > > Small, short-term projects, involving participants from at least two member countries Consortium leader is an R&D-performing SME Programmed jointly with the European Commission www. eureka. be
EUREKA member countries Austria Belgium Croatia Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark >5 Estonia European Commission Finland France Former Yugoslav Macedonia Germany Greece Hungary Iceland Ireland Israel Italy Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg Republic of EUREKA NIP Malta Monaco The Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Romania Russian Federation San Marino Serbia Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey Ukraine United Kingdom Albania, Bulgaria www. eureka. be
Ex-Post Impact of EUREKA Individual projects >6 (analyse of the Final reports 2000 -2005) Impact results of EUREKA Individual projects (based on 1000 Final reports in period 2000 -2005) > 1. 0 MEuro of Public funding invested in a EUREKA projects stimulated in average an investment of 2. 5 MEuro by Private funds, which resulted to > 13 MEuro of additional turnover (achieved and expected) and > 54 Jobs created (achieved and expected) www. eureka. be
www. eureka. be >7 www. eureka. be
EUREKA in the Western Balkans countries - 1 >8 Croatia EUREKA member since 2000 Ministry of Science, Education and Sport NPC: Ms. Gordana Prutki Pecnik gpecnik@mzos. hr Project involvement: 24 running projects; total budget 9, 0 M€ 36 organisations (SMEs: 15, Companies: 5, Research: 3, Universities: 13) 20 finished projects; total budget 8, 2 M€ 34 organisations (SMEs: 11, Companies: 2, Research: 5, Universities: 16) www. eureka. be
EUREKA in the Western Balkans countries - 2 >9 Serbia EUREKA member since 2002 Ministry of Science and Technological Development NPC: Ms. Snezana Omic snezana. omic@nauka. gov. rs Project involvement: 36 running projects; total budget 15, 3 M€ 95 organisations (SMEs: 31, Companies: 8, Research: 4, Universities: 52) 9 finished projects; total budget 3, 5 M€ 19 organisations (SMEs: 4, Companies: 3, Research: 1, Universities: 11) www. eureka. be
EUREKA in the Western Balkans countries - 3 > 10 Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia EUREKA member since 2008 Ministry of Education and Science NPC: Ms. Julijana Balevska jbalevska@mn. gov. mk Project involvement: 1 running project; total budget 0, 2 M€ 4 organisations (SMEs: 1, Companies: 1, Research: 0, Universities: 2) 2 finished projects; total budget 0, 1 M€ 2 organisations (SMEs: 0, Companies: 1, Research: 0, Universities: 1) www. eureka. be
EUREKA in the Western Balkans countries - 4 Albania > EUREKA NIP status since 1992 (but status is dormant) > Ministry of Education and Science > NIP: Ms. Alma Kopliku > akopliku@mash. gov. al Bosnia and Herzegovina > Applying for EUREKA NIP status (decision in June 2009) Montenegro > Contact during Slovenian EUREKA Chairmanship (2007/2008) www. eureka. be > 11
EUREKA in the Western Balkans countries - 5 > 12 EUREKA projects with participation of HR, RS, MK > Predominate projects technological areas > Information technologies, new materials, environment > Pursuing of national R&D strategies www. eureka. be
EUREKA in the Western Balkans countries - 6 Current weaknesses > > Low political visibility of the programme Lack of national financial support Varying link to the most active players in EUREKA Lack of more ambitious projects Suggested actions > > > Promotion campaign of successful EUREKA results Organising EUREKA workshop /Brokerage event Training for R&D project managers www. eureka. be > 13
EUREKA goes ahead in the Western Balkans countries > > 14 Slovenian EUREKA Chairmanship (2007 -2008) > Chairmanship programme: > Enlargement of EUREKA's geographical boundaries - Western Balkans (FYR of Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro) > Slovenian experiences and economic links to ex-Yugoslav countries > Slovenian wide co-operation in frame of EUREKA projects with Serbia, and Croatia > Slovenian interest to support suggested actions (promotion, workshops, training. . . ) www. eureka. be
Thank you for your listening > 15 Svatopluk Halada EUREKA Secretariat rue Neerveld 107, B-1200 Brussels svatopluk. halada@es. eureka. be www. eureka. be