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EUMETSAT SALGEE Project in CDOP-3 Phase of LSA SAF Julia Stoyanova National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology Bulgarian Academy of Sciences 5 th SALGEE Workshop ‘MSG Land Surface Applications: Heat waves, Drought Hazard and Fire Monitoring’ 18 -20 September 2017, Yerevan, Armenia
Outlook 1. EUMETSAT SALGEE Project 2009 – 2016 • Role & Objectives • Activities o Biannual Workshops o Drought & Fire Problem as a main SALGEE Topic 2. SALGEE & CDOP 3 Phase of LSA SAF 2017 – 2021 • Strengthen & Extend of SALGEE Community • Thematic Workshops o Focus and Format of the 5 th SALGEE Workshop 3. 5 th SALGEE thematic Workshop • • Main issues related to Heat waves, Drought hazard, Fire monitoring Satelite systems in support to detection of dry land surface anomalies Workshop synopsis Main topics
SALGEE, The Satellite Applications in Land surface analyses Group for Eastern Europe has been established in 2009 for gathering experts in the field of satellite meteorology to complement the activities of EUMETSAT Land Surface SAF for progression of using satellite Land Surface Analyses techniques and training in Eastern Europe and other regions of interest where their application might be beneficial in conjunction with other source of information (CGMS-38, 2010), http: //www. eumetsat. int/Home/Main/About. EUMETSAT/International. Relations/CGMSPublications/index. htm 1. EUMETSAT SALGEE Project /2009 -2016/ • in support to LSA SAF The Land Surface Analyses Satellite Application Facility, LSA SAF has been especially designed to serve the needs of the meteorological community, particularly Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP). Nowadays, the LSA SAF program addresses a much broader community and operational applications. The EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on Land Surface Analysis (Land. SAF) aims to be a leading centre for retrieval of information on land surfaces from remote sensing data, with emphasis on EUMETSAT satellites.
• SALGEE User Group in support to LSA SAF • Objectives of the SALGEE initiative o Support to LSA SAF activities in user services & training in Eastern Europe and other regions of interest to take full advantage of remotely sensed data on land, land-atmosphere interactions and biosphere applications. o Foster an integrated approach for research and operational activates in meteorology/climatology in support to quantification of biogeophysical and biogeochemical cycles and related land surface processes, combining information from in situ data, model outputs and satellite observations. • SALGEE Role o Promotion of LSA SAF products: Develop training materials to support the use of new land surface analysis methods and operationally generated geophysical products, and their application in operational meteorology and climatology. o Facilitate the product use: Assist EUMETSAT in responding to the needs of NMSs in Eastern Europe and other target user regions for access to satellite data and training. Assist the LSA SAF on the use of satellite data and products for the purpose of land surface analysis. o Gathering experts & Exchange of knowledge: Establish mechanisms and environment where scientists and user community provide feedback to product developers at EUMETSAT, LSA SAF, NOAA/NASA. Biannual Workshops: Organise biennial international workshops to review and discuss progress in using satellite products for land surface applications. • Activities
• SALGEE Workshops Experience on MSG Land Surface Applications Drought and Fire Emissions 20 - 21 March 2013 Ericeira/Lisbon, Portugal Drought and Environmental response 1 -3 Sep 2015 Matera, Italy Drought and Fires 7 -10 Sep 2009 Sofia, Bulgaria Drought and Fires 4 - 7 April 2011 Antalya, Turkey 1 st Workshop, Sofia, 7 -10 September 2009, Bulgaria, “MSG Land Surface Applications: Drought & Fires”, http: //info. meteo. bg/conferences/EUMETSAT 07092009 http: //gofc-fire. umd. edu/implementation/Events/meetings/past. asp 2 nd Workshop, Antalya, 4 -7 April 2011, Turkey, “MSG Land Surface Applications: Drought & Fires” http: //www. eumetsat. int/Home/Main/Data. Products/Howto. Use. Our. Products/Workshops. And. Courses/SP_ 3 rd Workshop, Lisabon/Ericeira, 20 - 21 March 2013, Portugal, “MSG Land Surface Applications: Drought & Fire emissions” 4 th Workshop, Matera, Italy 1 - September 2015, “MSG Land Surface Applications: Drought and Environmental response”, https: //www. cnr. it/it/evento/14133
• Drought and Fire Problem as a main SALGEE Topic /SALGEE activities in the view of EUMETSAT Strategy - Challenge 2025/ Related SALGEE activities: Assist the LSA SAF in communicating with NMSs on the use of satellite data and products for the purpose of land surface analysis • Southern Europe will experienced droughts coinciding with an increased demand for water, which, in combination with wildfires threatening entire regions, will affect agriculture and major industries. • According to the 5 th Assessment Report of IPCC (2014) climate change is already a reality. • Paris Agreement 2015, the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change are now committed to adaptation and mitigation policies that are both vital to manage risks and contain emissions and the magnitude of climate change. • Weather and climate services for mitigation and adaptation to climate change • Require integrated weather and climate information services built on solid scientific foundations – including observations, forecasts, warnings based on real-time qualification of extreme events against climatology, climate projections and impact assessments. • Therefore, NMSs are best placed to deliver to decision makers and users in each country, following WMO guidelines, relying on the ECMWF numerical weather prediction and on EUMETSAT for space-based observations. • The challenge for NMSs is not only to further develop forecasts and early warnings but also to work with other institutions involved in disaster reduction to meet the expectations of governments, citizens and industries. Reference: EUMETSAT Strategy - Challenge 2025 EUMETSAT in a changing world. EUMETSAT edition, December 2016, EUM COR. 02 B
SALGEE approach: Scientific background and priorities Schematic diagram depicting processes represented in the Community Land Model (CLM) Earth system science and modeling Biogeophysical cycling Biogeochemical cycling . http: //www. cesm. ucar. edu/models/clm/
SALGEE approach in Earth system science: - Land Surface State anomalies assessment - Interdisciplinary framework and science Earth system science and modeling - two central themes (e. g. in CLM) : 1) terrestrial ecosystems 2) the land surface To quantify the role of terrestrial processes in diurnal to interannual weather and climate variability including influence on droughts, floods, temperature extremes and their effects. References: • http: //www. cesm. ucar. edu/models/clm/ • Lawrence, D. and Fisher, R. , National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), Boulder, Colorado, USA. The Community Land Model Philosophy: model development and science applications, https: //pdfs. semanticscholar. org/26 eb/cbc 1 b 7998 d 2144 e 83 ed 73 e 3 d 791 a 3 c 46 cc 2 f. pdf
SALGEE activities: To support the use of new land surface analysis methods and operationally generated geophysical products, and their application in operational meteorology and climatology ROLE OF SOIL MOISTURE in DROUGHT as climate extreme • • Summer dryness in Euro-Mediterranean region has different manifestations: agricultural drought (i. e. soil moisture deficits), ‘‘fire weather’’, declined Net Primary Productivity of forests. (Quantification via case studies) In the Euro-Mediterranean region heat waves may become more frequent, longer and more intense in the future (e. g. Della-Marta et al. , 2007). Triggered by large-scale atmospheric forcings, Mediterranean regional heat waves are often amplifed by surface preconditioning, such as negative soil moisture anomalies and vegetation state (Stéfanon et al, 2013). Terrestrial drought Wild/forest fires Declined productivity Della-Marta, P. M. , M. R. Haylo ck, J. Luterbacher, and H. Wanner (2007) Doubled length of western European summer heat waves since 1 880. J. Geophys. Res, 112, D 15, 103, doi: 10. 1029/2007 JD 008510.
Land cover change effects and land surface state SALGEE activities: Initiate and support cooperation between NMSs and National Civil Protection and Forest Management Authorities leading to the more effective use of satellite land surface data and products for drought monitoring and the early detection of fires • Land cover change is often related to biomass burning during fire hazards. • Changes in the surface at regional scales (e. g. the Sahel, Amazonia, Mediterranean etc. ) influence regional climate. • Large-scale changes in key land surface characteristics (albedo, roughness length, water-holding capacity, roots, etc. ) lead to changes in climate and changes in the sensitivity of climate to other perturbations. Disturbances to land cover of drought and fires are of a special importance because of associated changes in water and gas exchange.
Drought Hazard Information System: Concepts, Indices and Prediction Drought does not belong to the group of climate extremes based on simple climate statistics, as anomalies in daily temperature or heavy rainfall amount that occur every year. Drought is a more complex eventdriven extreme, which do not necessarily occur every year at a given location. SALGEE activities: In line with GDIS activity Characteristic Identification Impact Assessment/Early warning & Monitoring/Prediction Approach Climate Services: Forecasts, Warnings. Fire Risk/Thermal anomalies: Detection, monitoring, Challenge for Early Warning Systems LSA SAF FRP-PIXEL https: //landsaf. ipma. pt/algorit hms. jsp? seltab=10&starttab=1 Schubert, S. et al. , 2016. Global Drought Information System. DWD, Lf. ULG Saxony, JRC and NOAA Collaboration Workshop Dresden-Pillnitz, 16 to 18 November 2016 https: //lance 3. modaps. eosdis. nasa. gov/cgi-bin/imagery/firemaps. cgi MODIS Drought has been, and remains, a primary driver of widespread wild fires in the Mediterranean.
Satellite information in support to land surface analyses SALGEE activities: Support the validation of EUMETSAT and Land SAF products for drought assessment, forest fire detection and the impact of post fire effects on climate Remote sensing provides the best means to monitor changes in vegetation state and related hazards over a wide range of temporal scales over large areas. Coverage and resolution A combination of all available sensor types is needed to achieve what users need • MSG geostationary, MSG SEVIRI, MTG Imager • Aqua/Terra, MODIS • SNPP/VIIRS (Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite) • Microwave satellite measurements • Sentinel-3 ESA EO Mission, SLSTR
2. SALGEE & CDOP-3 Phase of LSA SAF THE THIRD CONTINUOUS DEVELOPMENT AND OPERATIONS PHASE (CDOP 3) OF EUMETSAT FOR SATELLITE APPLICATIONS FACILITY ON LAND SURFACE ANALYSIS • Strengthen & Extend of SALGEE Community Counties which have been involved in the activities of SALGEE and/or participated in the workshops.
THE THIRD CONTINUOUS DEVELOPMENT AND OPERATIONS PHASE (CDOP 3) OF EUMETSAT FOR SATELLITE APPLICATIONS FACILITY ON LAND SURFACE ANALYSIS SALGEE activities: develop training materials by development of case studies The CDOP 3 covers the necessary continuous development and operational activities for the LSA SAF, including the development of agreed new SAF products, and the preparation for the use of data of future EUMETSAT Geostationary and Low Earth Orbit Satellite Programmes. • CDOP 3 Thematic Workshops Experience of SALGEE is a platform for implementation of this LSA SAF approach • Wild Fires: monitoring, risk manage and fire emissions • Forest & Vegetation monitor: agricultural applications, drought monitoring • LSMs and the use of remote sensing • Giving accent on MSG/MTG, strengthen the link between • users and developers • new knowledge/LSA SAF products, methods & technologies and regional needs/applications • linking information between different satellite platforms in parallel to other sources of information (NWP, ground observations, etc. ) • maintain a close cooperation with the LSA SAF Consortium Members, NOAA/NESDIS and NASA/University of Maryland. • New LSA SAF web address: http: //lsa-saf. eumetsat. int
• Focus of the 5 th SALGEE Workshop “MSG Land Surface Applications: Heat waves, Drought Hazard and Fire Monitoring • Format: new institutions (ECMWF, Bar-Illan University, Israel), new users (Cypros), internet talks, new satellite based products for LSA; software development for S-VIIRS 750 m NASA archive`fire product, TSMS). • To respond of the host country Armenia needs for drought assessment, • Using contemporary knowledge and satellite technology for assessment of high impact weather events on the land surface, • Extending the scope and go deeper in the drought problems, combining knowledge from NWP, ground observations and multiple satellite information. Heat waves, Drought Hazard and Fire Monitoring 18 -20 Sep 2017 Erevan, Armenia
5 th SALGEE 2017 Workshop Main Topics 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. EUMETSAT activities in Land Surface Analyses Observation of land surface from space (Geostationary and Low-orbit IR/MW observations) Fire detection and monitoring multimission Land surface state and Atmosphere Dynamics Satellite information for diagnoses and forecasts of fire risk Terrestrial drought: Heat waves, Risk effects on Ecosystems and Environment Regional Applications General Discussion Welcome to the 5 th SALGEE Workshop • Thanks to Service on Hydrometeorology and Active Influence on Atmospheric Phenomena of Armenia • Thanks to high level lecturer support • Thanks to users