Скачать презентацию EU National and Local Policy Measures Affecting the Скачать презентацию EU National and Local Policy Measures Affecting the


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EU, National and Local Policy Measures Affecting the DHC Sector REGENERGY 2 nd Workshop EU, National and Local Policy Measures Affecting the DHC Sector REGENERGY 2 nd Workshop Component 2 Berlin, 10 May 2006 Michael Krug Environmental Policy Research Centre Freie Universität Berlin INTERREG IIIC - REGENERGY

Presentation Outline 1. Recently adopted or proposed EU legislation affecting DHC • Biomass Action Presentation Outline 1. Recently adopted or proposed EU legislation affecting DHC • Biomass Action Plan (2005) • Directive on Energy End-Use Efficiency and Energy Services (2006) • Directive Promoting Heat from Renewable Energy Sources (2006? ) 2. National legislation for DHC – the case of Germany • Legislation affecting DHC • Promotional policy measures for DHC 3. Municipal policies promoting DHC in Germany INTERREG IIIC - REGENERGY 2

Overview: Selected EU Directives relevant for DHC • Common Rules for the Internal Market Overview: Selected EU Directives relevant for DHC • Common Rules for the Internal Market for Electricity (2003/54/EC) • Common Rules for the Internal Market for Gas (2003/55/EC) • Electricity from Renewable Energy Sources (2001/77 EC) • Promotion of Cogeneration Based on Useful Heat Demand (2004/8/EC) • Taxation of Energy Products and Electricity (2003/96/EC) • Reduced Rates of Value Added Tax (2006/18/EC) • Greenhouse Gas Emissions Allowance Trading Scheme (2003/87/EC) • Pollution from Large Combustion Plants (2001/80/EC) • Sulphur Content of Certain Liquid Fuels (93/12/EEC) • Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (96/61/EC) • Management and Quality of Ambient Air (96/62/EC) • Energy Performance of Buildings (2002/91/EC) • Energy End-Use Efficiency and Energy Services INTERREG IIIC - REGENERGY 3

Recently adopted or proposed EU legislation affecting DHC • Biomass Action Plan (7 Dec Recently adopted or proposed EU legislation affecting DHC • Biomass Action Plan (7 Dec 2005) • Directive on Reduced Rates of Value Added Tax (2006/18/EC) • Directive on Energy End-Use Efficiency and Energy Services • Action Plan on Energy Efficiency (spring 2006? ) • Directive on Renewable Heating/Cooling (proposal 2006? ) INTERREG IIIC - REGENERGY 4

Biomass Action Plan (7 Dec 2005) • Commission will encourage DH scheme owners to Biomass Action Plan (7 Dec 2005) • Commission will encourage DH scheme owners to modernise them and convert them to biomass fuel. • Commission will encourage MS to systematically incentivise in their support systems the production of heat and electricity in biomass fired CHP plants. • Commission to encourage those MS that apply a reduced VAT rate for gas and electricity to apply such a rate to DH too. • Commission may bring forward a legislative proposal on tax issues affecting DH. It will examine whether other measures should be proposed at the same time. INTERREG IIIC - REGENERGY 5

Directive on Energy End-use Efficiency and Energy Services Legislative process • Ambitious proposal by Directive on Energy End-use Efficiency and Energy Services Legislative process • Ambitious proposal by the EU Commission in Dec 2003 • Discussions in EU Parliament and EU Council in 2004/2005 • Compromise agreement between Parliament and Council reached during second parliamentary reading (6 Dec 2005) • Directive formally adopted by the Council (14 March 2006) • Publication in the Official Journal pending/ Entry into force (=+20 days) INTERREG IIIC - REGENERGY 6

Directive on Energy End-use Efficiency and Energy Services What is the purpose? To enhance Directive on Energy End-use Efficiency and Energy Services What is the purpose? To enhance the cost-effective improvement of energy end-use efficiency in the MS indicative targets mechanisms, incentives, institutional, financial and legal frameworks to remove existing market barriers and imperfections conditions for the development and promotion of a market for energy services INTERREG IIIC - REGENERGY 7

Directive on Energy End-use Efficiency and Energy Services General provisions • Overall national indicative Directive on Energy End-use Efficiency and Energy Services General provisions • Overall national indicative energy savings target of 9% for the 9 th year of application (2009 -2017) • Annual energy savings of 1% to be reached by energy efficiency improvement measures and energy services • MS have to draw up National Energy Efficiency Action Plans (to be approved and reviewed by the Commission) • Public sector fulfills an exemplary role • Harmonised M&V system for energy savings (Comitology) INTERREG IIIC - REGENERGY 8

Directive on Energy End-use Efficiency and Energy Services Obligations for energy distributors and retail Directive on Energy End-use Efficiency and Energy Services Obligations for energy distributors and retail sales companies (I) • Provide aggregated statistical data on their final customers (e. g. load profiles, customer segmentation, etc. ) • Refrain from activities impeding the demand for or delivery of energy services and other EE measures, or hindering the development of markets for energy services INTERREG IIIC - REGENERGY

Directive on Energy End-use Efficiency and Energy Services Obligations for energy distributors and retail Directive on Energy End-use Efficiency and Energy Services Obligations for energy distributors and retail sales companies (II) MS to select one or more of the following requirements for energy distributors/retail sales companies: 1. offer and promote energy services 2. offer energy audits for final customers 3. contribute to EE funds 4. Voluntary agreements/other marketoriented schemes („White certificates“) INTERREG IIIC - REGENERGY

Directive on Energy End-use Efficiency and Energy Services Further provisions affecting energy distributors and Directive on Energy End-use Efficiency and Energy Services Further provisions affecting energy distributors and retail salers • Volume-driving incentives in tariffs for net -bound energies to be removed • Optional use of funds to subsidise EE improvements • Individual metering where technically possible and financially reasonable • Informative billing • Qualification/accreditation/certification systems for energy service providers INTERREG IIIC - REGENERGY

Directive on Energy End-use Efficiency and Energy Services Typical energy services • Indoor thermal Directive on Energy End-use Efficiency and Energy Services Typical energy services • Indoor thermal comfort • Domestic hot water • Cooking • Lighting/illumination • Refrigeration/cooling • Mobility etc. INTERREG IIIC - REGENERGY 12

Directive on Energy End-use Efficiency and Energy Services Summary • No binding targets, but Directive on Energy End-use Efficiency and Energy Services Summary • No binding targets, but binding measures • Subsidiarity, flexibility for MS • Untapped cost-effective savings potential of 2. 5 % annually • Green Paper (2005): ≥ 20% of total final energy consumption (realisable by 2020) • Methodological challenge: M&V; ex-post evaluation of EE policies and measures • Germany: Many utilities and Stadtwerke are active in offering multiple energy services, like energy performance contracting etc. INTERREG IIIC - REGENERGY 13

Towards a European Directive for Renewable Heating and Cooling (RES-H) “Legislation on renewable energy Towards a European Directive for Renewable Heating and Cooling (RES-H) “Legislation on renewable energy in heating is the missing piece of the jigsaw. “ (Biomass Action Plan 2005) „The Commission will bring forward a Renewable Energy Road Map. This would cover (…) a new Community Directive on heating and cooling, complementing the Community energy saving framework. “ Green Paper “A European Strategy for Sustainable, Competitive and Secure Energy” (8 March 2006) INTERREG IIIC - REGENERGY

Towards a European Directive for Renewable Heating and Cooling (RES-H) Initiative Report for Heating Towards a European Directive for Renewable Heating and Cooling (RES-H) Initiative Report for Heating and Cooling from RES adopted by the European Parliament (14 Feb 2006) • Commission to submit a legislative proposal on increasing the share of renewable energy for heating and cooling • Objective: to double the share of RES-H to 20% by 2020 • National binding targets, definitions, National Action Plans • No harmonisation, but different national support schemes and incentive mechanisms • Accompanying measures (e. g. support schemes for highly efficient CHP) • Announcement by Energy Commissioner Piebalgs in the EP plenary session proposing new legislation by end of 2006 INTERREG IIIC - REGENERGY 15

Towards a European Directive for Renewable Heating and Cooling (RES-H) INTERREG IIIC - REGENERGY Towards a European Directive for Renewable Heating and Cooling (RES-H) INTERREG IIIC - REGENERGY 16

National legislation for DHC - the case of Germany Ordinance on DH Supply (AVB National legislation for DHC - the case of Germany Ordinance on DH Supply (AVB Fernwärme. V) • Regulates the contractual relationships between DH suppliers and customers • Enables DH supply companies to charge prospective DH customers - to partly cover the costs for the construction of the distribution networks (up to 70%) (Baukostenzuschuss) - to cover the costs for house service connection (Hausanschlusskosten) INTERREG IIIC - REGENERGY

National legislation for DHC - the case of Germany Further legislation affecting DHC • National legislation for DHC - the case of Germany Further legislation affecting DHC • • • Energy Industry Act Grid Access Ordinances for Electricity/Gas Cogeneration Act Renewable Energy Sources Act Biomass Ordinance Ecological Tax Reform GHG Emissions Trading Act/National Allocation Plan/ Allocation Act 2007 Energy Savings Ordinance Urban Restructuring Programme East Draft Energy Tax Act Renewable Heat Law (discussed) INTERREG IIIC - REGENERGY

Promotional policy measures for DHC in Germany • DH Investment programmes ZIP I/II • Promotional policy measures for DHC in Germany • DH Investment programmes ZIP I/II • DH Rehabilitation Programme for New Länder 1992 -1995 • Market Incentive Programme • Kf. W Promotional Bank • R&D programmes, e. g. Solarthermie 2000 plus (solar assisted DH schemes) • Regional support programmes promoting biomass CHP and DHC by several Länder (e. g. Bavaria, Baden. Wurttemberg, Schleswig-Holstein) INTERREG IIIC - REGENERGY

Municipal policies promoting DHC in Germany (I) • Local self-government has a long tradition Municipal policies promoting DHC in Germany (I) • Local self-government has a long tradition in Germany • Local authorities traditionally provide public services directly through public (multi-)utilities • Each federal state has ist own Local Authority Act leading to differences regarding the scope of manoevre for local governments • Local development planning for new construction areas/energy concepts/Municipal energy management for public buildings, etc. • Several German federal states authorize municipalities to impose mandatory connection and use of DH by a municipal by-law Generally to be based on a „public need“, but also local or global environmental protection rationales, e. g. climate protection INTERREG IIIC - REGENERGY 20

Municipal policies promoting DHC in Germany (II) • Mandatory connection implies a supply duty. Municipal policies promoting DHC in Germany (II) • Mandatory connection implies a supply duty. • Mandatory connection implies a monopoly situation and DH tariffs are subject to price control according to antitrust law. • • Mandatory connection is controversial, but jurisdiction positive. Many municipalities reserved/prefer alternative strategies by offering competitive prices and attractive conditions • AGFW survey: 12% of overall DH sales • German Federal Building Code enables municipalities to use urban planning contracts under private law to enforce use of renewables or mandatory connection to DH INTERREG IIIC - REGENERGY 21

Thanks for your attention. . . and do not fall asleep! INTERREG IIIC - Thanks for your attention. . . and do not fall asleep! INTERREG IIIC - REGENERGY 22