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EU Delegation to Egypt The bilateral dimension: role of EU Delegations as catalyst of European funds – Southern Neighbourhood
Summary of Presentation 1. The Southern Neighbourhood: Challenges & EU Response 2. Role of EU Delegations 3. In practice: How to contribute to the implementation of EU « bilateral support »
1. The Southern Neighbourhood: Challenges & EU Response
South. Neigh. : Challenges & EU Response The interdependence between the EU and its Southern Neighbours has more than ever placed in a sharp focus: Ø Growing numbers of refugees arriving at EU´s borders hoping to find a better future. Ø EU’s need to work with its neighbours on energy security (diversification of energy sources, routes and suppliers). Ø Rise of ISIL/Da’esh.
South. Neigh. : Challenges & EU Response To better respond to this new situation and build a more effective partnership in the Neighbourhood: European Neighbourhood Policy Review (end 2015) It aims at stabilising the Neighbourhood in political, economic and security related terms. Differentiation, greater ownership, more relevant focus an greater flexibility to respond to ever changing needs and circumstances are the hallmark of the new ENP EU interest will be at the core of the response. Deeper involvement of the EU Member States in reenergising work with our neighbours is sought.
South. Neigh. : Challenges & EU Response Joint priorities for Cooperation: - Economic dev. for stabilisation: Trade, economic modernisation and entrepreneurship, employment & employability/youth, partnership for growth, transport and connectivity, energy security and climate action) - The security dimension: SSR, Terrorism and preventing radicalisation, disrupting organised crime, fighting cybercrime, CBRN Risk Mitigation, CSDP, Crisis management and response - Migration and mobility: promote mutual beneficial migration and mobility, ensuring protection fro those in need, tackling irregular migration, stepping up cooperation on border management.
South. Neigh. : Challenges & EU Response For the period 2014 -2020 the ENI has a budget of € 15. 4 billion. Under ENI 4 Types of programme are supported - Bilateral for Neighbourhood countries - Regional for the East and South - ENP-wide (Erasmus for All, NIF…) - CBC between MS and Neigh Countries
South. Neigh. : Challenges & EU Response For the period 2014 -2020 between € 4 - 4, 7 billion will be mobilised for the bilateral cooperation with Southern Neighbourhood countries: Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria, Lybia, Egypt, Palestine, Lebanon and Jordan (no programming documents for Israel and Syria) EU Delegations play a crucial role for the implementation notably of Bilateral envelopes.
R ROLE OF EU DELEGATIONS Additional funding outside bilateral coop EU Delegations are the Backbone of the EU External service, key role in presenting, explaining and implementing EU’s foreign policies: - Maintaining political dialogue Overseeing Trade issues Building cultural contacts Providing information on European Integration and Policies to host government - Administering Development Aid
ROLE OF EU DELEGATIONS Administering Bilateral allocations. “Bilateral funding CYCLE ”: - Programming, i. e. defining priorities for EU response in country + Sectors of Intervention + Financial Allocations. - Identification and formulation of concrete projects - Actual Implementation: - Tendering - Contracting - Monitoring/supervision - Evaluation
ROLE OF EU DELEGATIONS - Programming: EU Delegations very closely involved (write the first draft) - Identification and formulation: EU Delegations propose concrete projects - Actual Implementation: Delegations are responsible for the implementation of Bilateral allocations
R ROLE OF EU DELEGATIONS Additional funding outside bilateral coop Moreover, EU Delegations are crucial players in finding synergies with EU Member States in order to ensure that EU External Assistance is coherent, coordinated and complementary.
IN PRACTICE Local Institutions and administrations can present comparative advantages. o Know-how in a number of areas: decentralization, urban planning, urban transport, energy efficiency, water and sanitation, support to SMEs… o Peer to peer cooperation o Your mobilisation can contribute do a deeper involvement of EU MS in re-energizing work with our neighbours.
IN PRACTICE How to get involved? Tools foreseeing peer to peer cooperation between public bodies already exist: - Twinning instrument (notion of acquis) - TAIEX In each MS there is a NCP: communication, facilitation, liaison
IN PRACTICE How to get involved? All call for tenders and call for proposals are published: https: //webgate. ec. europa. eu/europeaid/onlineservices/index. cfm? do=publi. welcome In the requirements of the calls the participation of EU MS public administrations or institutions can be required.
IN PRACTICE But…. to build partnerships, EU Delegations have to know your existence and you need to know what we do…. .
IN PRACTICE The main forum of exchange with EU MS is the DEVELOPMENT COUNSELORS COORDINATION MEETINGS, held periodically in country and chaired by EUDs. Aiming at finding synergies to ensure EU assistance is coherent, coordinated and complementary.
IN PRACTICE It is the will of the EU whenever possible to enhance: - the use of Joint programming with EU Member States - EU branding - and facilitating joint projects with EU MS.
IN PRACTICE There can be avenues for administrations and institutions… local …according to the EU sectors of interventions and priorities in a given country.
IN PRACTICE In view of establishing partnership to contribute to the implementation of the bilateral allocations a dialogue is to be established with EUDs - Embassies of EU MS can play a key role in providing information; - Previous experiences in cooperating in country And indeed with the Beneficiary Country
IN PRACTICE Bear in mind that implementing bilateral programmes: o Can be very demanding and cumbersome in terms of reporting and procedures – not to be underestimated. o Requires a significant involvement in terms of human resources, mobilised long-term in environments that can be challenging.