Etiquette at the table.pptx
- Количество слайдов: 14
Etiquette at the table
Etiquette at the table • Rules of conduct at a table at the restaurant are not fundamentally different from the rules of conduct at the table at all. Unless there are some features due to the decor. Knowledge of the rules of etiquette will help you feel comfortable and confident.
Etiquette at the table • • Stay at the table to ease , but not cheeky. Sitting on a chair should be straight, do not fall apart , elbows on the table is not set. It is not recommended to sit too close to the table or too far away from it.
Etiquette at the table • Talk with your neighbor ( neighbor ) should be on the table , not turning to him his whole body , not to be his back to the other neighbor. Not made acquainted, and also to talk to someone through a neighbor. One should also ask a neighbor to file anything , if there is a waiter. If the server is not present, such requests are allowed.
Etiquette at the table • Sit so that the distance to the table equal to the value of your hand. • Slightly pull away from the table you will be able to pause between courses or after serving meals will be finished.
Etiquette at the table • Napkin you need to take , and deploying , put on his knees , in order to protect the dress or suit against drops crumbs. After the meal, the napkin is placed on the table to the right of the dishes in the unfolded state. • Sit up straight , somewhat relaxed, elbows lightly against the body and takes them to the sides. • Do not decided to blow on the soup, bend over the plate of another , to take salt or mustard with your knife , use a toothpick , etc. • A man accidentally dropped a knife or fork, should pretend that nothing happened and calmly ask the other. Ambient also should not attach any importance to what happened. This is one of the manifestations of tact and delicacy.
Etiquette at the table • Do not wipe your hands on the tablecloth , banging a spoon or a fork on a plate , served meals to smell , to criticize aloud neponravilis dish to make sharp comments and express their displeasure. • Do not eat from a common dish that is meant for a few people. Dish should be put on your plate special spoon and fork, but not the one you are eating. • Begin drinking is possible only after the total toast. To clink glasses with toasts , especially in large companies , not necessarily. Pour the wine lady sitting right, then the left hand , turning slightly to the right. If you have just opened a new bottle , the man should first pour a little wine for himself , and then the lady. Wine glasses and wine glasses do not need to fill to the brim , and twothirds of their capacity. It is more convenient to drink from them.
Etiquette at the table • If after the toast clink , the man should keep his glass stemware ladies below. You should not drink a full glass of wine at once, quite a sip. You should not fill up the glass, if it is not drunk from the wine. A person who does not want to drink more , while offering to fill his glass may refuse politely thanked. You can not close the glass by hand or with an implement. • tactless force guest or neighbor to drink wine on the table. • Indecent drumming his fingers on the table, gesturing , playing with a napkin , glasses, knife and other utensils. In no case can not be at the table to sing or whistle.
Etiquette at the table • Cutting the dish , fork need to keep an angle, rather than perpendicular to the plate , otherwise the plug will slide off the plate , resulting in a dish is on the table. After graduating from there , a fork and a knife to put on the plate , not on the tablecloth. • The first dishes served either in a deep plate or soup bowl , dessert is eaten with a spoon , left hand, hold the handle of the cup during meals. • With a knife , cut the meat which does not take the salt out of salt shakers , food from a common dish. • Do not cut into several pieces , better turn.
Etiquette at the table • If you have to temporarily interrupt a meal to drink some water , take a bread knife and fork, place on a plate as they were held : the knife handle to the right , and the male - to the left. • After finishing a meal , a knife and fork, put on a plate. • 1 -pause • 2 -waiting for the second dishes • 3 -fine • 4 -finished • 5 -did not like
Etiquette at the table • Do not eat too fast, filling mouth with plenty of food and talking with his mouth full. It should not be continuously treat a neighbor ( neighbor ) on the table, tempting to drink and eat more. • • Do not impose on a plate neighbor ( neighbor ) dishes if he rejects it. Abandon the dishes you can without giving a reason. Highly improper to hint at a table on poor digestion or any other ailments.
Etiquette at the table • A person who wants to take the floor , gets up, lightly tapping on the glass of her in order to attract the attention of visitors and begins to speak. • Before the speech, the speaker can ask to fill the glasses. • Drinking it ends with a toast. • Toast does not have to be long or pretentious. • It is impolite to continue to eat or talk with their neighbors , while someone makes a speech.
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Thank you for your attention!!! • Do not behave like pigs at the table!!!
Etiquette at the table.pptx