Скачать презентацию Ethernet LANs Chapter 4 Updated January 2009 Raymond Скачать презентацию Ethernet LANs Chapter 4 Updated January 2009 Raymond


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Ethernet LANs Chapter 4 Updated January 2009 Raymond Panko’s Business Data Networks and Telecommunications, Ethernet LANs Chapter 4 Updated January 2009 Raymond Panko’s Business Data Networks and Telecommunications, 7 th edition May only be used by adopters of the book © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 4 -1

Orientation • Chapters 2 and 3 Looked at Standards – Chapter 2: Layered standards Orientation • Chapters 2 and 3 Looked at Standards – Chapter 2: Layered standards (data link to application) – Chapter 3: Physical layer standards • Chapters 4 -7 Deal With Single Networks: Switched and Wireless – Chapter 4: Ethernet LANs – Chapter 5: Wireless LANs – Chapters 6 and 7: WANs – Flow is from LANs to WANs (familiar to less familiar) © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 4 -2

4 -1: A Short History of Ethernet Standards • Early History of Ethernet Standards 4 -1: A Short History of Ethernet Standards • Early History of Ethernet Standards – Developed at the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center by Metcalfe and Boggs – Standardized by Xerox, Intel, and Digital Equipment Corporation – Developed the Ethernet I and Ethernet II standards in the early 1980 s © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 4 -3

4 -1: A Short History of Ethernet Standards • The 802 Committee – In 4 -1: A Short History of Ethernet Standards • The 802 Committee – In the early 1980 s, development passed to the Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) • The IEEE created the 802 LAN/MAN Standards Committee for LAN standards – This committee is usually called the 802 Committee © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 4 -4

4 -1: A Short History of Ethernet Standards • The 802 Committee – The 4 -1: A Short History of Ethernet Standards • The 802 Committee – The 802 Committee creates working groups for specific types of standards • 802. 1 for general standards, including security standards • 802. 3 for Ethernet standards • 802. 11 for wireless LAN standards • 802. 16 for Wi. Max wireless metropolitan area network standards © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 4 -5

4 -1: A Short History of Ethernet Standards • The 802. 3 Working Group 4 -1: A Short History of Ethernet Standards • The 802. 3 Working Group – This group is in charge of creating Ethernet standards – The terms 802. 3 and Ethernet are interchangeable today – Ethernet standards govern physical layer processes – Ethernet also governs data link layer standards (frame organization, switch operation, etc. ) © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 4 -6

4 -1: A Short History of Ethernet Standards • Ethernet Standards are OSI Standards 4 -1: A Short History of Ethernet Standards • Ethernet Standards are OSI Standards – Layer 1 and Layer 2 standards are almost universally OSI standards – Ethernet is no exception – ISO must ratify them • In practice, when the 802. 3 Working Group finishes standards, vendors begin building compliant products © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 4 -7

Ethernet Physical Layer Standards © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 4 Ethernet Physical Layer Standards © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 4 -8

4 -2: Ethernet Physical Layer Standards UTP Physical Layer Standards 10 BASE-T Speed Maximum 4 -2: Ethernet Physical Layer Standards UTP Physical Layer Standards 10 BASE-T Speed Maximum Medium Run Required Length 10 Mbps 100 meters 4 -pair Category 3 or higher 100 BASE-TX 100 Mbps 100 meters 4 -pair Category 5 or higher 1000 BASE-T (Gigabit Ethernet) 1, 000 Mbps 100 meters 4 -pair Category 5 or higher 100 BASE-TX dominates access links today, Although 1000 BASE-T is growing in access links today © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 4 -9

4 -2: Ethernet Physical Layer Standards Fiber Physical Layer Standards Speed Maximum Medium Run 4 -2: Ethernet Physical Layer Standards Fiber Physical Layer Standards Speed Maximum Medium Run 850 nm light (inexpensive) Length Multimode fiber 1000 BASE-SX 1 Gbps 220 m 62. 5 microns 160 MHz-km 1000 BASE-SX 1 Gbps 275 m 62. 5 200 1000 BASE-SX 1 Gbps 500 m 50 400 1000 BASE-SX 1 Gbps 550 m 50 500 The 1000 BASE-SX optical fiber standard dominates trunk links today S means that the standard uses short wavelength light (850 nm) 4 -10 © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall

4 -2: Ethernet Physical Layer Standards • For Higher Speeds – Many 10 Gbps 4 -2: Ethernet Physical Layer Standards • For Higher Speeds – Many 10 Gbps Ethernet physical layer standards have been developed • Both optical fiber and twisted-pair versions have been developed • Most operate at a full 10 Gbps – The 40 Gbps and 100 Gbps Ethernet standards are under preliminary development © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 4 -11

4 -3: Baseband Versus Broadband Transmission The “BASE” in Ethernet standards refers to baseband 4 -3: Baseband Versus Broadband Transmission The “BASE” in Ethernet standards refers to baseband transmission. In baseband transmission, the signal is merely injected into the wire or fiber cord and then propagates down the wire. This is inexpensive, so baseband transmission dominates Ethernet transmission today. © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 4 -12

4 -3: Baseband Versus Broadband Transmission In broadband transmission, the signal is modulated to 4 -3: Baseband Versus Broadband Transmission In broadband transmission, the signal is modulated to propagate in a radio channel. This is expensive, so broadband transmission is rare. Broadband transmission cable modem service, which has its own standards. © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 4 -13

4 -4: Link Aggregation (Trunking or Bonding) What if you need 1. 7 Gbps? 4 -4: Link Aggregation (Trunking or Bonding) What if you need 1. 7 Gbps? 1000 BASE-X switch Two bonded 1000 BASE-SX links 1000 BASE-X switch One 1000 BASE-SX connection between two switches will only give 1 Gbps. Installing a 10 Gbps port would be expensive Today, most switches allow you to connect two or more ports. Connecting two ports give you The needed 2 Gbps. This is called link aggregation, 4 -14 Trunking, or bonding. © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall

4 -5: Data Link Using Multiple Switches Original Signal Received Regenerated Signal Switches regenerate 4 -5: Data Link Using Multiple Switches Original Signal Received Regenerated Signal Switches regenerate signals before sending them out; this removes propagation effects It therefore allows signals to travel farther © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 4 -15

Figure 4 -5: Data Link Using Multiple Switches Received Original Received Regenerated Signal Signal Figure 4 -5: Data Link Using Multiple Switches Received Original Received Regenerated Signal Signal Thanks to regeneration, signals can travel far across a series of switches © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 4 -16

4 -5: Data Link Using Multiple Switches Received Original Received Regenerated Signal Signal UTP 4 -5: Data Link Using Multiple Switches Received Original Received Regenerated Signal Signal UTP 62. 5/125 Multimode Fiber 100 BASE-TX (100 m maximum) Physical Link 1000 BASE-SX (220 m maximum) Physical Link UTP 100 BASE-TX (100 m maximum) Physical Link Each trunk line along the way has a distance limit © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 4 -17

4 -5: Data Link Using Multiple Switches Received Original Received Regenerated Signal Received Signal 4 -5: Data Link Using Multiple Switches Received Original Received Regenerated Signal Received Signal Regenerated Signal 62. 5/125 Multimode Fiber UTP 100 BASE-TX (100 m maximum) Physical Link UTP 1000 BASE-SX (220 m maximum) Physical Link 100 BASE-TX (100 m maximum) Physical Link Station-to-station data link does not have a maximum distance (420 m maximum distance in this example) © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 4 -18

Ethernet Data Link Layer Standards The MAC Layer: Frame Organization Switch Operation © 2009 Ethernet Data Link Layer Standards The MAC Layer: Frame Organization Switch Operation © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 4 -19

Figure 4 -6: Layering in 802 Networks Internet Layer Data Link Layer TCP/IP Internet Figure 4 -6: Layering in 802 Networks Internet Layer Data Link Layer TCP/IP Internet Layer Standards (IP, ARP, etc. ) Other Internet Layer Standards (IPX, etc. ) Logical Link Control Layer The 802 LAN/MAN Standards Committee 802. 2 subdivided the data link layer Media Access Control Layer The media access control (MAC) layer Non-Ethernet handles details specific to a Ethernet 802. 3 MAC Layer MAC Standards particular technology (Ethernet 802. 3, Standard (802. 5, 802. 11 for wireless LANs, etc. ) 802. 11, etc. ) Physical Layer The logical link control layer Non-Ethernet handles some general functions: 100 BASE 1000 Physical Connection to the internet layer, etc. ; TX Base… Layer Not important to corporate SX Standards networking professionals (802. 11, etc. ) 4 -20 © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall

Figure 4 -6: Layering in 802 Networks TCP/IP Internet Other Internet Layer Standards Ethernet Figure 4 -6: Layering in 802 Networks TCP/IP Internet Other Internet Layer Standards Ethernet has many physical layer standards (Fig. 4 -2) (IP, ARP, etc. ) (IPX, etc. ) Logical But Ethernet only has a single MAC standard Link (The 802. 3 MAC Layer Standard) 802. 2 Data Link Layer Control Layer Media Access Control Layer Physical Layer Ethernet 802. 3 MAC Layer Standard 100 BASETX 1000 BASESX Non-Ethernet MAC Standards (802. 5, 802. 11, etc. ) … © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall Non-Ethernet Physical Layer Standards (802. 11, etc. ) 4 -21

4 -7: The Ethernet MAC-Layer Frame © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice 4 -7: The Ethernet MAC-Layer Frame © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 4 -22

4 -7: The Ethernet MAC-Layer Frame • Header Preamble (7 octets) Start of Frame 4 -7: The Ethernet MAC-Layer Frame • Header Preamble (7 octets) Start of Frame Delimiter (1 octet) – Preamble Field • A series of 7 octets • Each octet is 1010 • Provides a synchronizing signal for the receiver’s clock • Like a quarterback saying, “Hut one, hut two, hike!” – Start of Frame Delimiter Field • A single octet of 10101011 (does not end in 10) • Finishes the synchronization © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 4 -23

4 -7: The Ethernet MAC-Layer Frame • Header Start of Frame Delimiter (1 octet) 4 -7: The Ethernet MAC-Layer Frame • Header Start of Frame Delimiter (1 octet) – Destination and source MAC addresses – Each is 48 bits long Destination MAC Address (48 bits) Source MAC Address (48 bits) – Computers and switches work with the 48 -bit numbers – For humans, converted into hexadecimal notation • Base 16 – Look like: A 1 -1 B-23 -DF-FF-00 • Six pairs of symbols separated by dashes • Each symbol represents four bits • Symbols are 0 through 9 or A through F © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 4 -24

Figure 4 -8: Hexadecimal Notation 4 Bits* Decimal Hexadecimal (Base 10) (Base 16) 0000 Figure 4 -8: Hexadecimal Notation 4 Bits* Decimal Hexadecimal (Base 10) (Base 16) 0000 0 0 hex 1000 8 8 hex 0001 1 1 hex 1001 9 9 hex 0010 2 2 hex 1010 10 A hex 0011 3 3 hex 1011 11 B hex 0100 4 4 hex 1100 12 C hex 0101 5 5 hex 1101 13 D hex 0110 6 6 hex 1110 14 E hex 0111 7 7 hex 1111 15 F hex *Note: With 4 bits, there can be 24 = 16 possible “Hex” symbols… © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 4 -25

Figure 4 -8: Hexadecimal Notation • To convert a 48 -bit MAC address to Figure 4 -8: Hexadecimal Notation • To convert a 48 -bit MAC address to “hex” – Short for hexadecimal (Base 16) counting – Divide a MAC address into 6 octets – Divide each octet into two 4 -bit “nibbles” • So 10000001 becomes 1000 0001 – Change each nibble to a hex symbol – 1000 = A and 0001 is 1 – Write the two hex symbols together as A 1 – Separate the six octets of the MAC address with dashes • A 1 -2 B-39 -FD-FF-FF © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 4 -26

4 -7: Ethernet MAC Layer Frame • Length – Length field gives the length 4 -7: Ethernet MAC Layer Frame • Length – Length field gives the length of the data field in octets • Data Field – LLC subheader (7 octets) that describes the contents of the rest of the data field – Followed (usually) by an IP packet • PAD – Added by sender if the data field is less than 46 octets – If added, PAD is long enough to bring the data field plus the PAD to 46 octets © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 4 -27

4 -7: Ethernet MAC Layer Frame • Question 1 – If the length field 4 -7: Ethernet MAC Layer Frame • Question 1 – If the length field has the value 150, how long is the IP packet it carries? • Question 2 – If the length field value is 400, how long is the PAD? • Question 3 – If the length field value is 15, – How long is the IP packet in the data field? – How long is the PAD? © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 4 -28

4 -7: Ethernet MAC Layer Frame • Trailer – Frame Check Sequence • 4 4 -7: Ethernet MAC Layer Frame • Trailer – Frame Check Sequence • 4 -octet field • Sender calculates a number based on the contents of the other fields, places it into the frame check sequence field • Receiver redoes the calculation on the values in the received frame • If the receiver’s number is different from the sender’s, there has been a transmission error – The receiver drops the frame – There is no retransmission © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 4 -29

Multi-Switch Ethernet LAN Operation © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 4 Multi-Switch Ethernet LAN Operation © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 4 -30

4 -9: Multiswitch Ethernet LAN Switch 2 Port 7 on Switch 2 to Port 4 -9: Multiswitch Ethernet LAN Switch 2 Port 7 on Switch 2 to Port 4 on Switch 3 Port 5 on Switch 1 to Port 3 on Switch 2 The Situation: A 1… Sends to E 5… Switch 1 Switch 3 Frame must go through 3 switches along the way (1, 2, and then 3) B 2 -CD-13 -5 B-E 4 -65 Switch 1, Port 7 A 1 -44 -D 5 -1 F-AA-4 C Switch 1, Port 2 D 5 -47 -55 -C 4 -B 6 -9 F Switch 3, Port 2 E 5 -BB-47 -21 -D 3 -56 Switch 3, Port 6 4 -31 © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall

4 -9: Multiswitch Ethernet LAN Switch 2 Host A 1…creates a frame addressed to 4 -9: Multiswitch Ethernet LAN Switch 2 Host A 1…creates a frame addressed to E 5… Host A 1… sends the frame to Switch 1. The switch accepts the frame coming in Port 2 Switching Table Switch 1 Port 5 on Switch 1 Port Station to Port 3 on Switch 2 2 A 1 -45 -D 5 -1 F-AA-4 C Switch 1 7 B 2 -CD-13 -5 B-E 4 -65 5 D 5 -47 -55 -C 4 -B 6 -9 F 5 E 5 -BB-47 -21 -D 3 -56 B 2 -CD-13 -5 B-E 4 -65 Switch 1, Port 7 A 1 -44 -D 5 -1 F-AA-4 C Switch 1, Port 2 E 5 -BB-47 -21 -D 3 -56 Switch 3, Port 6 © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 4 -32

4 -9: Multiswitch Ethernet LAN Switch 2 On Switch 1 Port 5 on Switch 4 -9: Multiswitch Ethernet LAN Switch 2 On Switch 1 Port 5 on Switch 1 to Port 3 on Switch 2 A 1 -44 -D 5 -1 F-AA-4 C Switch 1, Port 2 Switching Table Switch 1 Port Station 2 A 1 -45 -D 5 -1 F-AA-4 C 7 B 2 -CD-13 -5 B-E 4 -65 5 D 5 -47 -55 -C 4 -B 6 -9 F 5 E 5 -BB-47 -21 -D 3 -56 Switch 1 looks up the destination MAC address and notes the port number B 2 -CD-13 -5 B-E 4 -65 for that address (Port 5) Switch 1, Port 7 Switch 1 sends the frame out Port 5 E 5 -BB-47 -21 -D 3 -56 Switch 3, Port 6 Switch 2 is out that port © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 4 -33

4 -9: Multiswitch Ethernet LAN Switch 2 Port 5 on Switch 1 to Port 4 -9: Multiswitch Ethernet LAN Switch 2 Port 5 on Switch 1 to Port 3 on Switch 2 On Switch 2 Port 7 on Switch 2 to Port 4 on Switch 3 Switch 1 Switch 3 Switching Table Switch 2 Port Station 3 A 1 -44 -D 5 -1 F-AA-4 C 3 B 2 -CD-13 -5 B-E 4 -65 7 D 5 -47 -55 -C 4 -B 6 -9 F 7 E 5 -BB-47 -21 -D 3 -56 Switch 2 repeats the process Notes that E 5 … uses Port 7 Switch 2 sends the frame out Port 7 The frame goes to Switch 3 © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 4 -34

4 -9: Multiswitch Ethernet LAN Switch 2 Switch 3 repeats the process Sends the 4 -9: Multiswitch Ethernet LAN Switch 2 Switch 3 repeats the process Sends the frame out Port 6 This takes the frame to the destination host Port 7 on Switch 2 Switching Table Switch 3 to Port 4 on Switch 3 Port Station 4 A 1 -44 -D 5 -1 F-AA-4 C Switch 3 4 B 2 -CD-13 -5 B-E 4 -65 On Switch 3 2 D 5 -47 -55 -C 4 -B 6 -9 F 6 E 5 -BB-47 -21 -D 3 -56 A 1 -44 -D 5 -1 F-AA-4 C Switch 1, Port 2 D 5 -47 -55 -C 4 -B 6 -9 F Switch 3, Port 2 E 5 -BB-47 -21 -D 3 -56 Switch 3, Port 6 © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 4 -35

Figure 4 -9: Multiswitch Ethernet LAN © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Figure 4 -9: Multiswitch Ethernet LAN © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 4 -36

4 -10: Hierarchical Ethernet LAN 4 -37 Ethernet switches must be arranged in a 4 -10: Hierarchical Ethernet LAN 4 -37 Ethernet switches must be arranged in a hierarchical topology In a hierarchical LAN, there is only one possible path between any hosts © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall

4 -11: Single Point of Failure and 802. 1 D 2 In a hierarchy, 4 -11: Single Point of Failure and 802. 1 D 2 In a hierarchy, If a switch or trunk line fails, there is no backup Fortunately, the 802. 1 w Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol allows backup links These backup links are disabled until a breakdown occurs. Then 802. 1 w Enables them. © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 4 -38

4 -12: Virtual LAN (VLAN) with Ethernet Switches The Ethernet administrator can set up 4 -12: Virtual LAN (VLAN) with Ethernet Switches The Ethernet administrator can set up virtual LANs (VLANs) Only hosts on the same VLAN can communicate This gives security and reduces traffic congestion © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 4 -39

4 -13: Tagged Ethernet Frame (Governed by 802. 1 Q) To implement VLANs and 4 -13: Tagged Ethernet Frame (Governed by 802. 1 Q) To implement VLANs and priority (discussed later in this chapter) two tag fields are added to Ethernet frames. The TPID field only says that the frame Is tagged. The TCI field gives the tag information (VLAN number and priority level) © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 4 -40

Handling Momentary Traffic Peaks Overprovisioning and Priority © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Handling Momentary Traffic Peaks Overprovisioning and Priority © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 4 -41

4 -14: Handling Momentary Traffic Peaks with Overprovisioning and Priority Momentary Traffic Peak: Congestion 4 -14: Handling Momentary Traffic Peaks with Overprovisioning and Priority Momentary Traffic Peak: Congestion and Latency Traffic Network Capacity Momentary Traffic Peak: Congestion and Latency Momentary traffic peaks usually last only a fraction of a second; They occasionally exceed the network’s capacity. When they do, frames will be delayed, even dropped. © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall Time 4 -42

4 -14: Handling Momentary Traffic Peaks with Overprovisioning and Priority Overprovisioned Traffic Capacity in 4 -14: Handling Momentary Traffic Peaks with Overprovisioning and Priority Overprovisioned Traffic Capacity in Ethernet Traffic Overprovisioned Network Capacity Momentary Peak: No Congestion Overprovisioning: Build high capacity than will rarely if ever be exceeded. This wastes capacity. But cheaper than using priority (next) © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall Time 4 -43

4 -14: Handling Momentary Traffic Peaks with Overprovisioning and Priority in Ethernet Traffic Network 4 -14: Handling Momentary Traffic Peaks with Overprovisioning and Priority in Ethernet Traffic Network Capacity Momentary Peak High-Priority Traffic Goes Low-Priority Waits Priority: During momentary peaks, give priority to traffic that is intolerant of latency (delay), such as voice. No need to overprovision, but expensive to implement. Ongoing management is very expensive. © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall Time 4 -44

Box Hub Versus Switch Operation © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall Box Hub Versus Switch Operation © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 4 -45

4 -15: Hub Versus Switch Operation Box • Today, Switches Dominate in Ethernet – 4 -15: Hub Versus Switch Operation Box • Today, Switches Dominate in Ethernet – A frame comes in one port – The switch looks up the frame’s destination MAC address in the switching table Figure 4 -16 – The switch sends the frame out a single port – Only two ports are tied up – Other conversations can take place on other port pairs simultaneously © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 4 -46

4 -15: Hub versus Switch Operation Box • Today, Switches Dominate in Ethernet – 4 -15: Hub versus Switch Operation Box • Today, Switches Dominate in Ethernet – Earlier Ethernet networks used hubs – When a bit came in one port, the hub broadcast the bit out through all other ports – If A is transmitting, B and all other stations have to wait until A finishes transmitting Figure 4 -16 – Otherwise, their signals will collide, and both will be unreadable – Media access control (MAC) prevents this © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 4 -47

4 -15: Hub versus Switch Operation Box • CSMA/CD – The Ethernet hub MAC 4 -15: Hub versus Switch Operation Box • CSMA/CD – The Ethernet hub MAC protocol – CSMA (carrier sense multiple access) • If a station wants to transmit • If no station is already transmitting, it may send immediately • If another station is already sending, it must wait a random amount of time – After that random amount of time, the station begins CSMA again – Does NOT simply send after a wait if another station is transmitting © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 4 -48

4 -15: Hub versus Switch Operation Box • CSMA/CD – CD (collision detection) • 4 -15: Hub versus Switch Operation Box • CSMA/CD – CD (collision detection) • If there is a collision because two stations send at the same time, all stations stop transmitting, wait a random period of time, and • It must then apply CSMA again (it may not transmit simply because the random period of time is over) © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 4 -49

4 -15: Hub versus Switch Operation Box • Latency – When one station transmits, 4 -15: Hub versus Switch Operation Box • Latency – When one station transmits, others must wait – This creates latency – Latency became bad in large Ethernet hub networks – Switches solved this problem by avoiding the need to wait – Multiple conversations can take place simultaneously © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 4 -50

Switch Purchasing Considerations © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 4 -51 Switch Purchasing Considerations © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 4 -51

4 -17: Switch Purchasing Considerations • Number and Speeds of Ports – Buyers must 4 -17: Switch Purchasing Considerations • Number and Speeds of Ports – Buyers must decide on the number of ports needed and the speed of each • Example 1: 19 100 BASE-T ports • Example 2: 9 100 BASE-T ports and two 1000 BASESX ports – Buyers often can buy a prebuilt switch with a suitable number of ports of various types • Buy with room for a little growth • Example 1: 24 -port 100 BASE-SX switch • Example 2: 12 100 BASE-T and four 1000 BASE-SX © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 4 -52

4 -18: Store-and-Forward Versus Cut. Through Switching Store-and-forward switches receive the entire frame before 4 -18: Store-and-Forward Versus Cut. Through Switching Store-and-forward switches receive the entire frame before sending bits back out Cut-through switches send the frame out after only a few octets Cut-through switches reduce latency, but this is rarely important at today’s switch speeds © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 4 -53

4 -17: Switch Purchasing Considerations • Manageability – SNMP Manager controls many managed switches 4 -17: Switch Purchasing Considerations • Manageability – SNMP Manager controls many managed switches (see Figure 4 -19) Figure 4 -19 © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 4 -54

4 -17: Switch Purchasing Considerations • Manageability – Polling enables managers to collect data 4 -17: Switch Purchasing Considerations • Manageability – Polling enables managers to collect data and diagnose problems – Switches can be fixed remotely by changing their configurations © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 4 -55

4 -17: Switch Purchasing Considerations • Manageability – Manager provides the network administrator with 4 -17: Switch Purchasing Considerations • Manageability – Manager provides the network administrator with summary performance data – Managed switches are substantially more expensive than unmanaged switches – However, in large networks, the savings in labor costs and rapid response are worth it, reducing the TCO compared with unmanaged switches © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 4 -56

Box Physical and Electrical Features Other Purchasing Considerations © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing Box Physical and Electrical Features Other Purchasing Considerations © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 4 -57

4 -20: Physical and Electrical Features Box • Physical Size – Switches fit into 4 -20: Physical and Electrical Features Box • Physical Size – Switches fit into standard 19 -in wide (48 -cm wide) equipment racks – Switch heights usually are multiples of 1 U (1. 75 in or 4. 4 cm) 19 inches (48 cm) © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 4 -58

4 -20: Physical and Electrical Features Box • Port Flexibility – Fixed-port switches • 4 -20: Physical and Electrical Features Box • Port Flexibility – Fixed-port switches • No flexibility: The number of ports is fixed • 1 or 2 U tall • Most workgroup switches are fixed-port switches © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 4 -59

4 -20: Physical and Electrical Features Box • Port Flexibility – Stackable switches • 4 -20: Physical and Electrical Features Box • Port Flexibility – Stackable switches • Fixed number of ports • 1 U or 2 U tall • High-speed interconnect bus connects stacked switches • Ports can be added in increments of as few as 12 © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 4 -60

4 -20: Physical and Electrical Features Box • Port Flexibility – Modular switches • 4 -20: Physical and Electrical Features Box • Port Flexibility – Modular switches • 1 U or 2 U tall • Contain one or a few slots • Each slot module contains 1 to 4 ports Module © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 4 -61

4 -20: Physical and Electrical Features Box • Port Flexibility – Chassis switches • 4 -20: Physical and Electrical Features Box • Port Flexibility – Chassis switches • Several U tall • Contain several expansion slots • Each expansion board contains several slots • Most core switches are chassis switches © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 4 -62

4 -20: Physical and Electrical Features Box • Uplink Ports – Normal Ethernet RJ-45 4 -20: Physical and Electrical Features Box • Uplink Ports – Normal Ethernet RJ-45 switch ports transmit on Pins 3 and 6 and listen on Pins 1 and 2 • If you connect two normal switch ports on different switches via UTP cords, the ports will not be able to communicate • A crossover cable solves this problem Normal Switch Port Pins 1 & 2 Pins Crossover Cable 3 & 6 Pins 1 & 2 Pins 3 & 6 Normal Switch Port On Parent Switch © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 4 -63

4 -20: Physical and Electrical Features Box • Uplink Ports – Most switches have 4 -20: Physical and Electrical Features Box • Uplink Ports – Most switches have at least one uplink port, which transmits on Pins 1 and 2. You can use an ordinary UTP cord to connect a UTP uplink port on one switch to any normal port on a parent switch – Today, most switches have ports that automatically turn into uplink ports when they detect a switch at the end of the link © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 4 -64

4 -20: Physical and Electrical Features Box • Electrical Power – Switches require electrical 4 -20: Physical and Electrical Features Box • Electrical Power – Switches require electrical power – In addition, switches can provide electrical power to devices connected by UTP – With Power over Ethernet (POE), switches can supply power to devices connected by UTP Data and Power © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 4 -65

4 -20: Physical and Electrical Features Box • Electrical Power – Why is POE 4 -20: Physical and Electrical Features Box • Electrical Power – Why is POE important? • Installing devices like access points require a free electrical plug to be nearby • A free plug often is not available, and bringing power can be expensive – Under the original 802. 3 af POE standard • Provide up to 13 watts to attached devices • Sufficient for simple wireless access points • Sufficient for Vo. IP phones © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 4 -66

4 -20: Physical and Electrical Features Box • Electrical Power – Now, the 802. 4 -20: Physical and Electrical Features Box • Electrical Power – Now, the 802. 3 at POE plus is under development • 30 or 60 watts • Backwardly compatible with 802. 3 af • Sufficient for multiband wireless access points (see Chapter 5) • Sufficient for other small devices such as Vo. IP telephones • Still not sufficient for PCs © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 4 -67

4 -20: Physical and Electrical Features Box • Electrical Power – New switches can 4 -20: Physical and Electrical Features Box • Electrical Power – New switches can be purchased with POE and POE plus • Can also add equipment to an existing switch – Automatically sense device compliance • So will not try to send power to a device that cannot use it or may be harmed by it – Providing power can raise heat in wiring/switching rooms and switch rooms © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 4 -68

Routed LANs Not all LANs are switched networks Some are routed networks (especially large Routed LANs Not all LANs are switched networks Some are routed networks (especially large LANs) © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 4 -69

4 -23: Routed LAN with Ethernet Subnets When a routed LAN links multiple Ethernet 4 -23: Routed LAN with Ethernet Subnets When a routed LAN links multiple Ethernet switched networks, individual switched networks are called subnets © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 4 -70

Topics Covered © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 4 -71 Topics Covered © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 4 -71

Topics Covered • Ethernet MAC Layer Standards – Switch operation • Operation of a Topics Covered • Ethernet MAC Layer Standards – Switch operation • Operation of a hierarchy of switches – Single possible path between any two computers – Hierarchy gives low price per frame transmitted – Single points of failure and the Spanning Tree Protocol • VLANs and frame tagging reduce congestion and add security • Momentary traffic peaks: addressed by overprovisioning and priority • Hubs and CSMA/CD (in a box) © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 4 -72

Topics Covered • Switch Purchasing Considerations – Number and speed of ports – Store-and-forward Topics Covered • Switch Purchasing Considerations – Number and speed of ports – Store-and-forward versus cut-through switches – Managed switches © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 4 -73

Topics Covered Box • Advanced Switch Purchasing Considerations – Physical size – Fixed-Port-Switches – Topics Covered Box • Advanced Switch Purchasing Considerations – Physical size – Fixed-Port-Switches – Stackable Switches – Modular Switches – Chassis Switches – Pins in Switch Ports and Uplink Ports – Electrical Power (802. 3 af and 802. 3 at) • POE and POE Plus © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 4 -74

Topics Covered • Ethernet security – 802. 1 X Port-Based Access Control • Requires Topics Covered • Ethernet security – 802. 1 X Port-Based Access Control • Requires users to authenticate themselves before getting access to the network – 802. 1 AE MACsec • Prevents attackers from sending fake supervisory commands to switches • Routed LANs are possible – Individual Ethernet networks in a routed LAN are called subnets © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 4 -75

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