- Количество слайдов: 60
ETANA-DL: Leveraging DL Technologies to Support Archaeology ASOR 2006 Edward A. Fox, N. Srinivas Vemuri Virginia Tech fox@vt. edu http: //fox. cs. vt. edu
Acknowledgements (Selected) • Sponsors: NSF grant ITR-0325579; AOL, ASOR, CWRU, ETANA, Vanderbilt U. , Virginia Tech; … • Faculty/Staff: Doug Clark, Linda Cantara, Joanne Eustis, Weiguo Fan, James Flanagan, Marshall Breeding, … • VT (Former) Students: Marcos Goncalves, Ananth Raghavan, Johnny Sam Raj Kumar, Rao Shen, Hussein Suleman, Ricardo da Silva Torres, …
Acknowledgements (Selected) • Karen Borstad, MPP • Christopher Holland, LRP • Giorgio Buccellati, UCLA • Paul Jacobs, Mississippi State U. • Nick Fischio, CWRU • Douglas Knight, Vanderbilt U. • Israel Finkelstein, Tel-Aviv University • Stan La. Bianca, Andrews U. • Paul Gherman, Vanderbilt U. • David Mc. Creery, Willamette U. • Andrew Graham, U. Toronto • Eric Meyers, Duke U. • Tim Harrison, U. Toronto • Adam Porter, Illinois College • Larry Herr, Canadian University College • Jack Sasson, Vanderbilt U. • Randall Younker, Andrews U. • Tom Schaub, Indiana U. of Penn.
Outline n n n Introduction ETANA-DL Demonstration New enhancements Tools for data integration Discussion
Problems n n n Delay in publication of primary archaeological data Lack of sustainable solutions to long-term preservation of valuable information Lack of services useful to the archaeology community, including “traditional DL services” Difficulty in understanding complex archaeological information systems Difficulty in requirements elicitation for archaeological systems Interoperability among heterogeneous archaeological systems
Solution – our approach n n n Applying and extending Digital Library (DL) techniques to solve the following problems: making primary data available, data preservation, and interoperability Modeling archaeological information systems using 5 S theory to better understand the domain and design the systems and the supported services Using componentized frameworks: eliciting requirements, providing useful services
Member Collections ETANA-DL Website
ETANA-DL Member Collections
ETANA-DL First Time Visit ETANA-DL tutorial Create an account
ETANA-DL Searching Service Full Text Search
retrieve 88 equus records through basic search Add to Items of Interest
Item added to your items of interest
ETANA-DL Searching Service Advanced Search
ETANA-DL Searching Service Advanced Search for Bone Records
Advanced Search for Equus Bone Records from Nimrin
35 equus bone records from the Nimrin Site through advanced search
ETANA-DL Browsing Service
ETANA-DL Multi-dimensional Browsing
ETANA-DL Multi-dimensional Browsing 1 new site: Umayri Different pottery objects
ETANA-DL Multi-dimensional Browsing Pottery from Site: Umayri
ETANA-DL Multi-dimensional Browsing Pottery from Site Umayri and Partition A
ETANA-DL Multi-dimensional Browsing Different time period for this navigation path Pottery from Umayri of Bowl type
ETANA-DL Multi-dimensional Browsing Save navigation path Saved context
ETANA-DL Multi-dimensional Browsing View Records Pottery records from Umayri site, partition A and of type Bowl Save navigation path
ETANA-DL Multi-dimensional Browsing View Complete Record
Details of the Umayri Pottery
Generate Report
Download and open using Excel
ETANA-DL Visualization Service: Etana. CMV Visual browsing interface for ETANA-DL based on Coordinated Multiple Views n Use distinct panels to allow flexible browsing across multiple dimensions n Bars in each panel denote the various categories in each dimension n
hierarchy site organization object type highlighted categories are synchronized time period
ETANA-DL Image Searching Service n Content-Based Image Search Component ¨ Search for similar DL objects based on image contents ¨ Feature vectors are extracted from query image using the border/interior pixel classification image descriptor
query image searching results
Progress so far Integrated pottery collection from Umayri n Replaced ODL-Search with Lucene Search Engine n Added: reporting feature, ETANA CMV, image retrieval service n ETANA usability study n
ETANA usability study Conducted a usability study with CS undergraduate seniors n Conducted a usability study with archaeology experts at Vanderbilt n Both conducted in computer labs ¨ Participants didn’t have audio for tutorial ¨
ETANA usability study n Some general observations ¨ CS students completed the study in an average of 25 minutes. ¨ CS students completed most tasks accurately. ¨ For both groups, average time on each task decreased as time progressed in the study. ¨ Archaeologists who were able to attempt all tasks did most tasks accurately.
Outline n n n Introduction ETANA-DL Canned Demonstration Tools for data publication and integration Conclusions Discussion
The World According to OAI Service Providers Searching Browsing … Comparison Visualization Metadata harvesting Lahav Madaba … Nimrin Data Providers Umayri
Data and Service Providers n Data Providers – YOUR PROJECT ¨ possess metadata and share it (internally / externally) ¨ via well-defined OAI protocols (e. g. , database servers) n Service Providers – ETANA-DL ¨ harvest data from Data Providers ¨ provide higher-level services to users
Why be an OAI Provider? n Speed up publication n Long-term preservation n Do not need to worry about providing services
Who will fit where in ETANA-DL Dig. Join Dig. Base Future Projects Lahav Madaba Megiddo Mozan Nimrin Umayri … D A T A B A S E W R A P P E R S Searching Browsing Recommendation ETANA-DL UNION CATALOG Annotation Object Comparison Object Sharing Visualization Binding U S E R I N T E R F A C E
Future Members of ETANA-DL Future Member Database ETANA-ADD OAI-Provider
How to be an OAI Provider n Use our tool ¨ Download OAI-XMLFile-2. 1. tar. gz from http: //www. dlib. vt. edu/projects/OAI/softwar e/xmlfile. html n ETANA-ADD DEMO
ETANA-ADD: Initial Interface Open a Database
ETANA-ADD: Join 2 Tables
Local Schema Mapping list Global Schema
After Saving Mapping: Convert the Database to XML Collections Conforming to the Global Schema
Links to Resources n n n ETANA Home Page http: //www. etana. org ETANA-DL Home Page http: //etana. dlib. vt. edu Open Archives Initiative http: //www. openarchives. org OAI Metadata Harvesting Protocol http: //www. openarchives. org/OAI/openarchiv esprotocol. htm Virginia Tech DLRL Projects http: //www. dlib. vt. edu/
Remember 9 am – 4 pm ETANA II session tomorrow (Sat. ), Massachusetts
Who will fit where in ETANA-DL Dig. Join Dig. Base Future Projects Lahav Madaba Megiddo Mozan Nimrin Umayri … D A T A B A S E W R A P P E R S Searching Browsing Recommendation ETANA-DL UNION CATALOG Annotation Object Comparison Object Sharing Visualization Binding U S E R I N T E R F A C E