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ESL Writing Skills l l l A formal letter A CV Application letter (cover ESL Writing Skills l l l A formal letter A CV Application letter (cover letter); Admission essay / personal statement; Application form By I. G. Vrazhnova The English Language Department Saratov State University

Writing a formal letter l l l Formal letter vocabulary and functions Clarity, style, Writing a formal letter l l l Formal letter vocabulary and functions Clarity, style, tone Structure (letter layout, paragraphs and paragraph linking)

Formal letter vocabulary l l terminology, business idioms, language formulas and clichés, abbreviations Formal letter vocabulary l l terminology, business idioms, language formulas and clichés, abbreviations

Working on vocabulary Match words and phrases from column A with their more formal Working on vocabulary Match words and phrases from column A with their more formal equivalents from column B. Match the following abbreviations often used in a formal letter to their meaning: a. m. that is a. s. a. and so on p. e. g. before noon etc. as h. a. for example i. e. this year id. the same p. a. per year p. p. see above v. s. on behalf of soon as possible

Functions l l l l Making reference Stating understanding Stating assumptions Generalizing Giving opinions Functions l l l l Making reference Stating understanding Stating assumptions Generalizing Giving opinions Suggestions Expressing degrees of certainty Focusing attention Emphasizing Offering further assistance Stating conclusions Summarizing Enclosing something with a letter Referring to a future reply or to a meeting

Clarity There a number of factors that affect how difficult or easy it is Clarity There a number of factors that affect how difficult or easy it is to read a letter: l l the layout must be correct and comprehensible sentences should be short and simple in construction technical subject matter (jargon) should be kept to a minimum avoid using abbreviations unless you are sure that the reader knows what they mean

Working on Clarity Editing: Whilst I accept your reasons for the delay in submitting Working on Clarity Editing: Whilst I accept your reasons for the delay in submitting your report on the advertising campaign, and not withstanding the fact that the next meeting on the advertising will not now be held until October, I must insist that you should complete it as quickly as possible, preferably before the end of the week, but not later than the beginning of September. I accept your reasons for the delay in submitting your report on the advertising campaign. Although the next advertising meeting will not be held until October, I must insist that you should complete your report as quickly as possible. Please let me have it by the end of the week, or at least no later than the beginning of September.

Style The style of a letter is affected by: l the variety of sentence Style The style of a letter is affected by: l the variety of sentence constructions (a variety of sentence constructions makes writing more interesting to read). l the degree of formality used To keep the appropriate degree of formality the following points are important: Ø contractions (we’ll, it’s, you’ve, etc. ) are not normally used in formal correspondence Ø formal letters are impersonal. ‘We’ is often used instead of ‘I’ when the writer represents a company Ø the passive is often used as the reader is more interested in the action itself rather than who carried out the action

Tone is the strength with which you express yourself in writing Tone is the strength with which you express yourself in writing

Working on Style and Tone Paraphrasing: l Paraphrase the following sentences sticking to a Working on Style and Tone Paraphrasing: l Paraphrase the following sentences sticking to a more formal style by changing the given constructions into the passive. We dispatched the goods yesterday. l Paraphrase the following sentence using a strong, neutral and tentative tone to express the idea. We believe that the safety measures are inadequate.

Creating a More Positive Tone Paraphrase the following sentences in order to create a Creating a More Positive Tone Paraphrase the following sentences in order to create a more positive tone l l l l 1. If you attend the inaugural meeting, I’ll buy you dinner on Friday. 2. You were told to be at work by 9: 00! 3. You claim to have had car trouble on the way home? 4. We cannot allow you to make failing grades. 5. You have had more than enough time to pay the amount you owe. 6. If you cannot attend rehearsals on time, then you cannot be in the show. 7. Our T-shirts will not shrink.

Letter Layout Letter Layout

Salutations and closures Salutation Dear Sir Dear Madam Dear Sir or Madam Dear Sirs Salutations and closures Salutation Dear Sir Dear Madam Dear Sir or Madam Dear Sirs Closure Yours faithfully Salutation Dear Mr Smith Dear Ms Smith Dear Mr and Mrs Smith Closure Yours sincerely Salutation Dear John Dear Angela Dear John and Angela Closure Best wishes Best regards

Editing Hello Dear sirs, I saw your ad in our local paper last With Editing Hello Dear sirs, I saw your ad in our local paper last With reference to your advertisement week, so I want to apply for the job published last week, I would like to apply for of Communications Assistant. a position of Communications Assistant with your company. I know I am the person you are I feel I am well qualified for the position. I looking for. All of my friends say possess excellent communication skills. they love chatting with me. I would be happy to give you more details and can be contacted at any time and to So write soon, and tell me when you want me to come for an interview at any time interview. convenient for you. A full CV is attached. Regards I look forward to hearing from you. Jim Brown Best regards, Jim Brown

E-mail the parts of the compose window E-mail the parts of the compose window

E-mail expressions l l l l l send a document or a picture with E-mail expressions l l l l l send a document or a picture with an email send a blind copy to … send a copy to … a message that you saved, but you didn't send an answer to the person who sent an email where you keep your messages send an email you have received to someone else mail, usually advertising products or services, which is sent to people although they have not asked for it send an answer to the person who sent an email and everyone who received a copy stop using your mail attach bcc: draft email somebody back folders forward junk email reply to all sign out

Letters which are fun to write l l l A letter to a TV Letters which are fun to write l l l A letter to a TV program (letter of complaint or a thank you letter) An offer of love (friendship, help in different situations) An letter of complaint (thank you) to a famous person, to a teacher, university administration, library, etc. A leave letter (explaining why a student was missing classes) …….

Curriculum Vitae / Resume A resume is a selective record of your background — Curriculum Vitae / Resume A resume is a selective record of your background — your educational and work experience, your certifications, abilities, and so on. You send it, often accompanied by an application letter, to colleges or potential employers.

Types of resume l Chronological design: A chronological CV presents your education and work Types of resume l Chronological design: A chronological CV presents your education and work experience either in the order in which they happened, or in reverse order, with your most recent experience first. • Functional design: A functional CV is organized by skills and qualities.

A chronological CV A chronological CV

A chronological CV A chronological CV

A functional CV A functional CV

A functional CV A functional CV

Types of resumes l Objective resumes: This type just gives dates, names, titles, no Types of resumes l Objective resumes: This type just gives dates, names, titles, no qualitative information. l Detailed resumes: This type provides not only dates, titles, and names, but also details about your responsibilities and statements about the quality and effectiveness of your work.

Hints for writing a good CV l Make sure your CV is well spaced Hints for writing a good CV l Make sure your CV is well spaced out so that it is easy to read and understand l Ideally keep your CV to 2 sides of A 4 paper l Don’t oversell yourself l Don't mention things that you are bad at or say negative things about yourself in your CV l Explain any breaks in your employment l Honesty is definitely the best policy

Hints for writing a good CV l Be careful when you use abbreviations - Hints for writing a good CV l Be careful when you use abbreviations - they can be misunderstood. l Check for literal or spelling errors l Use 'dynamic' and 'action' verbs such as: attained, accomplished, conducted, established, facilitated, founded, managed, etc. l Do not use the personal pronoun 'I' in your CV, use tenses in the past, e. g. Established and managed a new sales force for the region.

Personal qualities Personal qualities

Key skills Key skills

Employer’s Glossary l COMPETITIVE SALARY: We remain competitive by paying less than our competitors. Employer’s Glossary l COMPETITIVE SALARY: We remain competitive by paying less than our competitors. Work 55 hours; get paid for 37. 5. l FLEXIBLE HOURS: l GOOD COMMUNICATION SKILLS: l ABILITY TO HANDLE A HEAVY WORKLOAD: You whine, you're fired. l CAREER-MINDED: l SELF-MOTIVATED: l SOME OVERTIME REQUIRED: Management communicates, you listen, figure out what they want you to do. We expect that you will want to flip hamburgers until you are 70. Management won't answer questions. Some time each night and some time each weekend.

Employer’s Glossary l DUTIES WILL VARY: l COMPETITIVE ENVIRONMENT: l CASUAL WORK ATMOSPHERE: l Employer’s Glossary l DUTIES WILL VARY: l COMPETITIVE ENVIRONMENT: l CASUAL WORK ATMOSPHERE: l SOME PUBLIC RELATIONS REQUIRED: l SEEKING CANDIDATES WITH A WIDE VARIETY OF EXPERIENCE: Anyone in the office can boss you around. We have a lot of turnover. We don't pay enough to expect that you'll dress up. If we're in trouble, you'll go on TV and get us out of it. You'll need it to replace three people who just left. l PROBLEM-SOLVING SKILLS A MUST: You're walking into a company in perpetual chaos.

Example of Unsuccessful Resume Example of Unsuccessful Resume

Why? ? ? l Poor formatting l Gaps in employment history l Poor spelling, Why? ? ? l Poor formatting l Gaps in employment history l Poor spelling, grammar and punctuation l No objective

CV / Resume - Humour l CV / Resume - Humour l "Reason for leaving last job: maturity leave. " l "Failed bar exam with relatively high grades. " l "It's best for employers that I not work with people. " l "I was working for my mom until she decided to move. " l "I have an excellent track record, although I am not a horse. " l "I am loyal to my employer at all costs. . . Please feel free to respond to my resume on my office voice mail. " l "My goal is to be a meterologist. But since I possess no training in meteorology, I suppose I should try stock brokerage. "

CV / Resume - Humour l CV / Resume - Humour l "Note: Please don't misconstrue my 14 jobs as 'job-hopping'. I have never quit a job. " l "Reason for leaving last job: They insisted that all employees get to work by 8: 45 am every morning. I couldn't work under those conditions. " l "The company made me a scapegoat, just like my three previous employers. " l "References: none. I've left a path of destruction behind me. “ l "Personal profile: height - 5 ft 2", weight - 10 stone, religion - catholic, colour hair - black, colour eyes - blue" l "Interests: I enjoy driving around in my Lamborghini at the weekends"

Application l l l Application letter (cover letter) Admission essay / personal statement Application Application l l l Application letter (cover letter) Admission essay / personal statement Application form

Application Documents The application to all British universities includes: Ø Ø Ø current and Application Documents The application to all British universities includes: Ø Ø Ø current and expected qualifications, employment history, criminal history, a personal statement, a reference. Admissions departments of American universities usually ask students to complete an application for admission that often consists of: Ø Ø Ø personal essays (as well as samples of high school work), letters of recommendation, a list of extra-curricular activities.

An application letter • Introduction State your goals • Body of the Paper Explain An application letter • Introduction State your goals • Body of the Paper Explain your background Describe your professional goals • Conclusion Sum up the main points

Personal statement / admission essay / statement of purpose l Introduction A catchy opening, Personal statement / admission essay / statement of purpose l Introduction A catchy opening, often the distinctive personal example Mention the program or company, as well as the title of the position or degree you are seeking l Detailed Supporting Paragraphs Address any specific questions from the application Give relevant examples from your experience l Conclusion Tie together the various issues that you have raised Reiterate your interest in this specific program or position

Application form The two main types of application form are: • SAF (the standard Application form The two main types of application form are: • SAF (the standard application form) supplied by most University career services • EAF (employers application forms)

Types of information in an application form l Factual Personal details Education and qualifications Types of information in an application form l Factual Personal details Education and qualifications Career history Extra-curricular activities Hobbies and Interests l Analytical Career choice Problem-solving skills Teamwork Communication Skills

Hints for completing an application form l l l Read all the information first. Hints for completing an application form l l l Read all the information first. Make a note of the deadline. Always draft your answers on a copy of the form first. Avoid leaving blank spaces. Write 'n/a' for 'not applicable'. Use positive words to describe yourself. Avoid vague terms and clichés. Be truthful. Always ask permission first before using someone’s name for a reference.

More Helpful Tips l l l Make a list of your hobbies and interests. More Helpful Tips l l l Make a list of your hobbies and interests. Explain why you like these activities or things. Think about how this or that hobby characterizes you. Make a list of your qualities that you consider to be your strengths. Give examples of your experience that demonstrates this or that quality of yours. Make a list of your most prominent skills. Give examples of your experience to illustrate how you use these skills in your life.

Useful websites l l l www. askoxford. com/betterwriting/letterwriting www. esl. about. com/library/writing www. jobsearch. Useful websites l l l www. askoxford. com/betterwriting/letterwriting www. esl. about. com/library/writing www. jobsearch. about. com www. oxfordlanguagedictionaries. com www. businesscommunicationletters. com Wilbers, Stephen, Writing for Business and Pleasure (www. wilbers. com) Essay. Edge's professional editing service (www. essayedge. com) http: //writing-services. org/blog/2007/10/18/college-application-essay -prompts/ http: //www. verbum. syktsu. ru/0600/18. htm www. new-pathways. org. uk http: //www. bbpa. co. uk/jobsearch/jguide-forms. htm

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