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ESETA Presentation to Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Minerals and Energy ESETA Presentation to Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Minerals and Energy

Presenter: Shukumani Shakes Mapaya Chief Executive Officer: Energy Sector Education and Training Authority (ESETA) Presenter: Shukumani Shakes Mapaya Chief Executive Officer: Energy Sector Education and Training Authority (ESETA) Date: 04/09/2001

Content of presentation n Introduction n Mandate of ESETA n SSP and Grants n Content of presentation n Introduction n Mandate of ESETA n SSP and Grants n ESETA targets n Learnerships n ETQA n Milestones

Content of presentation cont. n Regional Committees n Challenges n Expected role(s) of Minerals Content of presentation cont. n Regional Committees n Challenges n Expected role(s) of Minerals and Energy Dept. n Conclusion

Introduction n Skill Development Act. n Skills Development Levies Act. n SAQA Act. Introduction n Skill Development Act. n Skills Development Levies Act. n SAQA Act.

Mandate of ESETA n Ensure that the sector receives quality education and training n Mandate of ESETA n Ensure that the sector receives quality education and training n Accredit providers n Develop Sector Skill Plan n Register SDFs n Accept/rejects WSPs n Grants to constituent employers

Mandate cont. n Develop and establish Learnerships n Register Skills Programmes n Market the Mandate cont. n Develop and establish Learnerships n Register Skills Programmes n Market the NSDS n Align to the Human Resources Development Strategy for South Africa

Grant payments and Sector Skills Plan (SSP) n Disbursed Grants A and B to Grant payments and Sector Skills Plan (SSP) n Disbursed Grants A and B to employers n Developed an SSP document n Annual update of the SSP n To be reviewed after five years

ESETA Targets By 2005 ESETA will have: § 32% of workers in the sector ESETA Targets By 2005 ESETA will have: § 32% of workers in the sector as having no ABET to be registered for NQF 1 § Variety of learnerships for at least 50% of employees § To pay Grants to 100% of employers with < 150 employers § To pay Grants to 70% of SMMEs in the sector § Identify and develop 20 learnerships on the NQF

ESETA Targets cont. n Accredited 80% of providers n Implement 10 learnerships at different ESETA Targets cont. n Accredited 80% of providers n Implement 10 learnerships at different n n n stages Allocate 80% of Discretionary Grants to SMMEs Implement 100% of NSF project To measure the impact of NSF (70%) Take 3200 learners through learnerships Ensure that those who have completed their learnerships (1600) are employed, in full time study or in Social Development Programes

New Funding Regulations 2001/02 n Marked increase of mandatory grants Year 2001/2002 n 15% New Funding Regulations 2001/02 n Marked increase of mandatory grants Year 2001/2002 n 15% for WSP n 50% for Workplace Skills report Year 2002/2003 n 15% for WSP n 45% for Workplace skills report

New Funding Regulations cont. Mandatory grants(65% of the Levy paid) Discretionary Grants n Learnership New Funding Regulations cont. Mandatory grants(65% of the Levy paid) Discretionary Grants n Learnership grants n Skills programme grants n Apprenticeship grants n Implementation of SSP grants NB: Only applicable if ESETA has residual funds To be determined by ESETA

Learnership. • Learnerships identified for development: Ø General Certificate in Electrical Ø FET Certificate Learnership. • Learnerships identified for development: Ø General Certificate in Electrical Ø FET Certificate Electrical Elementary Ø FET Certificate Electrical Intermediate Ø FET Certificate Electrical Advanced Ø ABET q Status of Unit Standards and Qualifications q Learnership registration

ETQA Status n Accredited as an ETQA by SAQA. n QMS draft developed. n ETQA Status n Accredited as an ETQA by SAQA. n QMS draft developed. n Investors in people are currently being incorporated into QMS. n Accreditation criteria standardized amongst engineering related SETAs n Assessor criteria developed. n Project plan to implement QMS developed.

ETQA status Cont… n Letter of intent to establish a SGB for renewable energy ETQA status Cont… n Letter of intent to establish a SGB for renewable energy submitted to SAQA. n Unit standard and qualifications for power plant operations developed and registered. n Letter to all training providers finalized to invite accreditation applications.

Regions n Process of regional committees establishment n Three regional offices n Decentralize Education Regions n Process of regional committees establishment n Three regional offices n Decentralize Education Training and Development(ETD) n Regional Committees to influence ETD n Ownership of processes

Milestones n Among the top ten accredited by SAQA (ETQA) n SSP approved n Milestones n Among the top ten accredited by SAQA (ETQA) n SSP approved n Business Plan approved n Learnerships identified n Stakeholder participation

Challenges n SMMES n Education and Training Providers n Finding workplaces for learners n Challenges n SMMES n Education and Training Providers n Finding workplaces for learners n Provincial linkages with Do. L n Research and Development n NSDS Targets n Funding of projects n Payments of Levies by Minerals & Energy Dept.

ESETA and Minerals and Energy n Update each other on developments n Work together ESETA and Minerals and Energy n Update each other on developments n Work together on identified projects e. g. Danida Capacity Building Project, Energization of rural areas n Funding? Projects such as Research (skills on Gas and Renewable Energy) , learnerships development and Marketing, bringing unemployed, school leavers and youth to the energy sector

Enkosi Thank you Goed Dankie Ngiyabonga Enkosi Thank you Goed Dankie Ngiyabonga