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ESA’s General Studies Programme (GSP) An overview Andrés Gálvez – DG-PI Clovis Jacinto de Matos- DG-PI Ian Carnelli- DG-PI
Introduction • • • In spite of its relatively modest in resources (28 MEUR in 2007), the GSP provides the environment for key ESA preparatory work GSP activities cover a wide range of topics with links to all ESA programmes – it is difficult to group activities Still, activities can be classified in 3 wide categories: Strategy (A), Programmes (B) and Interdisciplinary Projects (C). GSP 2 CDTI 25/09/07 A Gálvez - ESA/DG-PI 2
What are the contents: GSP activity categories 1/3 A. Strategy and policy activities • Studies that contribute to the formulation of the overall ESA strategy: • industrial sector & policy studies, communication and legal issues, • Analysis of evolving environment (e. g. Sustainable Space Operation and Development Private Spaceflight, assessments linked to Space Debris) GSP 2 CDTI 25/09/07 A Gálvez - ESA/DG-PI 3
What are the contents: GSP activity categories 2/3 B. Programmes • Feasibility ph. A studies of new mission concepts including D/SCI’s CV 2015 -25, Exploration NEXT mission (TBC) • “Horizontal” ph. A mission studies e. g. In- Orbit Demo serving several user directorates • Pre-phase A studies leading to mission proposals (D/EOP’s Sentinel and Explorers, D/HME’s NEXT) -often as CDF activities- & related scientific studies • User requirement surveys, roadmap definition and pilot projects, for new programme proposals e. g. in the past Aurora, Multimedia (ARTES 3), GNSS 2 (Galileo), RLVs (FLPP); currently Space Situational Awareness (SSA) GSP 2 CDTI 25/09/07 A Gálvez - ESA/DG-PI 4
What are the contents: GSP activity categories 3/3 C. Interdisciplinary Projects (IPs): Assessment studies & cross-domain activities • IPs are more general activities, potentially serving one or several programmes and/or involving several technical domains e. g. “Feasibility Study For a Reduced Planetary Navigation and Communication System ” • • IPs also include analysis of new working methodologies and tools for several ESA users. Past examples Space. GRID, CDF, ACT, etc. Especially relevant for technology R&D, they provide systems perspective (≠missions!) GSP 2 CDTI 25/09/07 A Gálvez - ESA/DG-PI 5
How does it work: The GSP cycle /1 Biannual implementation cycle (in blue) GSP 2 CDTI 25/09/07 A Gálvez - ESA/DG-PI 6
January (year y-1) Strategic guidelines for the GSP call March 1 st week April DG-PI + directorates LTP i/F DG/DC Defined internally but in consultation with Industry and MS, addressing their concerns Approval of GSP call guidelines GSP Call ESA staff submit their proposals Inputs from Nat. Agen. And Eurospace incorporated GSP Proposals 1 st week June Internal workshops with only 1 rep. per directorate + GSP manager + DG-P representative. aiming at: • Assessing relevance to GSP • Consistency with corporate or directorate level objectives Pre-screening Late June September Final selection and evaluation Workshops with Senior Advisors appointed by DG Late June (backup 1 st week of September) Preparation of plan and AC/IPC documents October AC Decision on GSP plan November (year y-1) IPC Decision on GSP plan Target study K-O In 1 st. Q year y Implementation
The GSP 2007 -2008: Completed ITTs A. Strategy and Policy • Space industry workload forecast tool • Industry Survey for the preparation of Member States industry dossiers in preparation for the 2008 ministerial conference • DICTE: Diffusing Information and Collaboration Technologies in ESA B. . Earth Sciences and Applications • Geo-Oculus: A Mission for Real-Time Monitoring through High-Resolution Imaging from Geostationary Orbit • Air density models derived from multi-satellite drag observations • Study and Monitoring of Earth Mesosphere by means of Lidar Technique B. Navigation • Interference Information System (IIS) and Interference Local Isolation (ILS) Methods for Satellite Navigation • Feasibility Study of a Wide Area High Precision Navigation Service for EGNOS and Galileo C. GS, Operations and Simulation • Space System for On-Line Flexible Sciences Operation (CCN to 04/S 50) • Novel Time Sychronisation Techniques for Deep Space Probes • Distributed Agents for Autonomy GSP 2 CDTI 25/09/07 A Gálvez - ESA/DG-PI 8
The GSP 2007 -2008: Open ITTs B. Earth Sciences and Applications • Towards a Generic Radiative Transfer Model for the Earth Surface-Atmosphere System: : ESAS-LIGHT • A Spontaneous Rayleigh-Brillouin Scattering Experiment for the Characterization of Atmospheric Lidar backscatter • METAWAVE - Mitigation of Electromagnetic Transmission errors induced by Atmospheric WAter Vapour Effects • Aerosols and clouds: long term database from spaceborne lidar measurements • Assessment of propagation effects in the W frequency band for space exploration • A novel approach for wide-band SAR interferometry • Definition and Prototyping of an Autonomous Image Processing Chain B. Navigation • Advanced Integrity for Satellite Navigation Systems • 4 D Matrix SISMA and 4 D Matrix SISA Navigation Systems ("Transparency" in Navigation Systems) B. Technology Flight Demo System studies • Concepts for the demonstration of enhanced EO technologies • Demonstration and validation of a complete tele-echography solution • System of Systems reference models C. Interdisciplynary Research Projects • Auto-rotation in Martian Descend and landing • Applications and Implementations of atom-based Inertial Quantum Sensors • Tracer Behaviour under Microgravity and Terrestrial Conditions • (Combined )Telecommunication and Earth Observation mission options offered by small Hall Effect Thrusters propulsion GSP 2 CDTI 25/09/07 A Gálvez - ESA/DG-PI 9
The GSP 2007 -2008: ITTs in preparation A. Strategic and Policy studies • Sustainability and space activities, industry and ESA: Improve sustainability of ESA operations • Study on the Effects of Geographical Return • New Design Methodologies and Techniques B. Earth Sciences and Applications • Quantitative assessment of the operational value of space-borne radar and lidar measurements of cloud and aerosol profiles • Radiative transfer modelling for the characterization of natural burnt surfaces B. Technology Demonstration System studies • In flight research on radiation / ablation coupling filling a 40 year gap after FIRE 2 • Optimised, highly reliable nano-satellite platform C. GS, Operations and simulation • On line short term planning of Sciences operations GSP 2 CDTI 25/09/07 A Gálvez - ESA/DG-PI 10
Final Remarks • The 2007 -2008 is now about to conclude, and a new cycle is already in preparation. • Information on Spanish general strategic and system study priorities is welcome (no later than Dec 07) • GSP is also investigating the definition of “themes” that provide system focus, “clustering” activities with a common or related goal • It is proposed to regularly exchange views and discuss priorities / activity themes in e. g. a bilateral per year GSP 2 CDTI 25/09/07 A Gálvez - ESA/DG-PI 11
Backup slides GSP Interdisciplinary Project “Themes”: examples
Interdisciplinary Projects & System Scenarios 1/3 1. Scenarios for in-orbit technology demonstration 1. 1. Visual-Nav, Auto r-d-v and tracking experiments in a small (interplanetary) mission 1. 2. “System of micro-Systems” (So S): system integration in micromecatronics and avionics. 1. 3. Operational and payload techniques demo for small EO missions – “PROBA 1+” GSP 2 CDTI 25/09/07 A Gálvez - ESA/DG-PI 13
Interdisciplinary Projects & System Scenarios 2/3 2. New engineering methodologies for efficiency, quality and dependability 2. 1 - Novel working methods and tools e. g CE, So. S-Sim 3. Context analysis of areas of application of technologies 3. 1 - Suborbital crewed spaceflight & related technology 3. 2. -The future of the Earth environment monitoring 3. 3… , , GSP 2 CDTI 25/09/07 A Gálvez - ESA/DG-PI 14
Interdisciplinary Projects & System Scenarios 3/3 4. Basic research with long-term implications in technology R&D …: Isp 19, 300 s 2. 5 N thrust 250 k. W In house research e. g. DS 4 G thruster ACT / Ariadna univ. research studies GSP 2 CDTI 25/09/07 A Gálvez - ESA/DG-PI “QUEST” study 15