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ESA funded project BIOSIS Bio. Safety In Space Automated biomonitoring of air, surfaces and water quality in human spacecraft ESA GSP – AO/1 -7182/12/NL/AF ISLSWG workshop on bioregenerative life support
Objectives To review the biological risks for the crew due to biocontamination related to air, surfaces and water quality To identify knowledge gaps of non-detected / non-mitigated risks To provide recommendations for future development of automated instrumentation Work breakdown WP 1 - Current knowledge and risks (TN 1) 18/05/2015 WP 2 - Gaps and remaining risks (TN 2) WP 3 - Review of ground technologies of interest (TN 3) BIOSIS WP 4 - Tradeoff on technologies of interest (TN 4) WP 5 Recommendati ons for future developments (TN 5) 2
BIOSIS consortium PARTNERS MEDES + external expert JP. Flandrois (resp TN 5) DLR SCK. CEN (Resp TN 1&2) Compliance VTT (resp. TN 4) UEF (resp TN 3) + BIOSIS expert workshop: 22 attendees (7 external experts – industry, clinical laboratories, space microbiology, space medicine) 18/05/2015 BIOSIS 3
Current Knowledge § Observed microbial communities in manned space stations: mainly human-associated microbial community Æ The crew is the primary source of biological contamination § Air + Surface § § § Water § § Detected Bacteria and Fungi below the acceptable threshold levels Strong fluctuations of fungal concentration have been observed (surfaces) Regular contamination events have been reported Current monitoring methods Solely based on cultivation techniques Discrepancies between culture-dependent and independent techniques and variations within the same technique Æ Microbial environment is currently only partially identified § § Æ Current prevention, monitoring and mitigation methods have to be optimized and new methods need to be considered. 18/05/2015 BIOSIS 4
Current Biomonitoring techniques Pre-flight prevention and analyses § § Disinfection and screening for microoganisms (bacteria and fungi) of each cargo before flight. Both identification and quantification of possible pathogens. § In-flight monitoring § Regular collection of air and water samples and surface swabs. § Russian side: Post-flight analysis only § US side: Cultivation of the samples and visual identification of the crew (use of colony charts) or analytical system measurement (PCBA, Urine chemstrip). Results are reported to ground + Post flight analysis BIOSIS In-flight Postflight Crew X X X Air X X Internal surfaces X X Water X X Food 18/05/2015 Pre-flight X 5
Gaps § Current Biomonitoring strategy § Solely based on cultivation techniques (low throughput, partial identification, production of biohazard material) § Highly dependent on ground support § Bacteria and fungi partially detected, Archae not detected § Hot spots for biocontamination not systematically analyzed § Frequency of sampling based on flight operational constraints should be optimized. (Tools and frequency) § Lack of accurate predictive model § Possibility that species might be modified during the flight not taken into account ÆIt is not possible to predict the direct risk for the crew health. ÆThe indirect risks due to biodegradation of the equipment including possibly the life support system need to be assessed 18/05/2015 BIOSIS 6
Towards an improved environmental control strategy IMPROVED MONITORING Steady state monitoring IMPROVED PREVENTION & CONTROL MEASURES Emergency monitoring Cleaning / disinfection Predictive modelling Innovative surfaces ADDITIONAL SCIENTIFIC KNOWLEDGE Biofilm formation, Evolution of the microbial environment in spacecrafts Gut microbiota of astronauts Research to support medical infection management … 18/05/2015 BIOSIS 7
Towards improved monitoring Proposed approach 18/05/2015 BIOSIS 8
Logic of the proposed monitoring strategy On-line monitoring Basic robust analysis system (e. g. optical system) BIOMONITORING DEVICE Quality check SAMPLING OPTIMIZED BIOMATERIAL RETRIEVAL/ EXTRACTION SAMPLE PREPARATION DNA/RNA extraction Quality check 1 st step monitoring Analysis / Bioinformatics Interpretation of results Deviation from steady state Yes 2 nd step monitoring Analysis / Bioinformatics Interpretation of results No SAMPLING PLANS SAMPLING EQUIPMENT MITIGATIONS ACTIONS INNOVATIVE SURFACES CLEANING / DECONTAMINATION REPLACEMENT OF MATERIALS (e. g. filters) MODELING 18/05/2015 BIOSIS VENTILATION OTHERS 9
Recommended R&D for monitoring 5 0 10 Short term 15 Mid term Long term SUPPORTING RESEARCH TECHNOLOGICAL R&D Integrated automated monitoring system based on q. RT-PCR or similar molecular analysis system Assessment – follow up of new generation sequencing technologies evolution 20 Integration with a new generation sequencing technique Integrated dynamic expert system for identification of contamination source and rapid response definition (integration between monitoring system and mitigation actions) Development /optimization of sampling equipment Further characterization of ISS microbiome – steady state of ISS, evolution of microorganisms (bacteria, fungi, archae + MGE), links with env. conditions Refinement of sampling plans, standards and procedures Bio contamination risk assessment methodology (air, surface and water) 0 18/05/2015 Short term 5 Mid term BIOSIS 15 Long term 20 10
Modelling / ventilation TECHNOLOGICAL R&D 0 5 10 Short term 15 Mid term Integration with biofilm formation modeling Airborne biocontamination modeling: spreading, deposition and adherence 20 Long term Predictive model for rational design to prevent biocontamination and to optimize countermeasure efficiency + optimisation of monitoring strategy Modeling of emission of contaminated surfaces Dynamic modeling use for onboard risk assessment Modeling of biodiversity evolution Early risk detection capabilities SUPPORTING RESEARCH Study on effects of electrostatic forces + spacecraft specific environment on spreading / adherence Microbial health risk assessment modeling (NASA? ) Early risk assessment and decision-support for countermeasure including automated countermeasure (e. g. ventilation adaptation, env. Conditions…) Study of specific conditions favoring microbial survival and growth Study of biofilm formation under spacecraft environment : initiators, favorable conditions definition, modification of the biofilm structure Refining design standards to prevent biocontamination (ventilation, materials, surface geometries, environmental conditions…) Study transient behavior of respiratory particles 0 Short term 5 Mid term BIOSIS 15 Long term 20 12
Cleaning / disinfection TECHNOLOGICAL R&D 0 5 Short term 10 15 Mid term 20 Long term Development / evaluation of innovative surfaces and other complementary cleaning methods to target hidden surfaces Expert system to support dynamic cleaning procedure adaptation based on onboard measurements + modeling Refinement of plans / procedures for cleaning based in particular on predictive modeling to refine target areas & Required frequency SUPPORTING RESEARCH Deeper evaluation of current mitigation actions under relevant conditions and on natural mixed cultures Evaluation of possible complementary disinfectants / decontamination (compl. disinfectants, biocides, Plasma, UV LEDs, other filters) means under the same conditions Research on specific alterations due to spacecraft environment inducing increased resistance (altered physiology, differences in biofilm formation) 0 Short term 5 Mid term 15 Long term 20
Innovative surfaces 5 0 Short term 10 Mid term 15 TECHNOLOGICAL R&D Antimicrobial surfaces Long term Smart collection surfaces Antifouling surfaces + Antibonding surfaces Smart detection surfaces, automated biodegradation assessment Preventive anti-biodegradation properties SUPPORTING RESEARCH 20 Evaluation of different antimicrobial / anti-fouling surfaces Evaluation of efficiency in space specific context Characterization of adherence mechanisms / growth / biofilm formation Evaluation of possible smart properties favoring collection and cleaning Biodegradation risk evaluations: corrosion potential, other possible indirect risks Smart cleaning surfaces/reusable after cleaning Evaluation of possible technologies for integrating detection capabilities inside the material 0 18/05/2015 Short term 5 Mid term BIOSIS 15 Long term 20 14
Additional transverse supporting research § § § Biofilms Refinement of standards and procedures Biocontaminant evolution after long exposure in space Gut microbiota of astronauts Medical infection management § Microbial health risk § Additional equipment to manage infections: • To support diagnosis and follow up of infections (white blood cell count capacity) • Identification of cause of infection -> link with equipment proposed for environmental monitoring • Antibiotic susceptibility testing § Additional scientific research: immune system, pharmacokinetics/dynamics, increased pathogenicity/resistance of microorganisms, gut microbiome of astronauts. . . 18/05/2015 BIOSIS 15
Conclusion § § Multiple reported contamination events indicate that the current prevention, monitoring and mitigation strategy has to be optimized. Monitoring § Short to mid-term: automated system based on molecular analysis technology § Longer term – New Generation Sequencing Techniques § Mitigation actions § Deeper analysis of current mitigation actions § Evaluation of alternative complementary methods to be used in combination with current ones: non-thermal plasma, UV LEDs other ventilation filters § Predictive modelling § Innovative surfaces § Scientific research § Refinement of standards and procedures § Biofilms, gut microbiome, evolution of microorganisms under microgravity. . . § Significant earth applications may be envisaged § 18/05/2015 Public buildings, transportation vehicles, hospitals. . . BIOSIS 16